What You Really Are

You are the epitome of the Creators love for humanity.
The Creator (Yahuah) gave you the gift of life and free will.
You are a miracle of existence.     You are a cosmos within a cosmos.

You are a creative visualisation of the Creator (Yahuah).     You are designed in the image of God (Yahuah) in order to glorify Him.     You are the Creator’s consciousness incarnate.     You are a creative thinking, energized, manifesting entity.

The Material Being

You are an entity, an individual that appears with a material, physical body.
You are made as mankind, a creation of the almighty living God (Yahuah), the Creator of all.

Your physical body allows you to live in this material realm of existence.
You have a body designed by your parents DNA and it goes back generations.
Your body is made up from quantum particles, atoms, molecules and cells.
Your body is made up from universal dust, and to dust your body goes when you die.

You, the material being, lives in a material world full of conflict.     To survive in this material world it is a matter of stop, look, listen and learn in order to understand a particular situation.     It is best to stay calm and be objective about identifying your issue(s) and encourage collaboration if and when required.

Have empathy when trying to understand other people for the lack of love can cause many problems in ones life.     This material world appears to be Godless, but it is an illusion.     Most material beings seek love but do not realise that they exist in the presence of a loving God.     Do not be mislead, seek God (Yahuah) today and live a good life.

Complexities of the Human Body

Your Body

There are about 22 chemical elements within the human body mass, 12 of them are essential for life.     However, about 98% of our body mass is made from six key elements:   Oxygen (65%), Carbon (18.5%), Hydrogen (9.5%), Nitrogen (2.6%), Calcium (1.3%) and Phosphorus (1.1%).     The other 1.01% of the life essential key elements that make up about 99.01% of the human body mass are:   Sulphur (0.3%), Potassium (0.2%), Chlorine (0.2%), Sodium (0.2%), Magnesium (0.1%) and Iron (0.01%).

The other chemical elements, which compose <1% of the human body mass are:   Fluorine, Cobalt, Lithium, Selenium, Chromium, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum, Iodine and Zinc.

In the human body, Carbon is found within compounds rather than in its pure form.     Water, on average, makes up to 60% of the human body mass.
The brain and heart are composed of 73% water; the lungs are about 83% water; the skin contains 64% water; muscles and kidneys are 79% water and even your bones are 31% water.

With all the chemical reactions going on in the living human body, your body acts as an energy conversion machine.     On average your body generates an electrical output of about 100 watts of power.     Your body can produce 300 to 400 watts through strenuous activity.     The human body glows as it emits visible light through its activity and energy conversion.     However, this light emission is not always detectable by the human eye.

Your body is a complex eukaryotic cellular structure and is made up from various organ systems, such as the:   nervous system, reproductive system, respiratory system, urinary system, lymphatic system, integumentary system, musculoskeletal system, endocrine system, immune system, digestive system and the circulatory system.

The organ systems of the human body are interrelated and consist of various organs, bones, muscles and tissues.     There are five vital organs that allow you to live.     They are the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and liver.     There are non-vital organs such as the gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, large intestine and appendix.     However, problems with these non-vital organs will affect the vital organs.     The skin is your body’s largest organ, it can account for about 16% of your total adult body weight.

Your skeletal system is composed of 270 bones at the time of birth, but later decreases to 206.     No!     You did not lose 64 bones, many bones fused and sutured together to form one larger bone.     There are 80 bones in the axial skeleton (the head, neck, ribs and spine) and 126 bones in the appendicular skeleton (the shoulder, arms, hands, pelvis, legs and feet).     The jaw bone is the hardest bone in you body.

Your bones support your body, protect many internal organs and secure tissue.     Muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments connect to your bones.     The majority of bone fusion is complete by 16 years of age.     However the Cranium (Skull) sutures between 22 and 26 years of age and your bones stop growing at this point.

Your muscular system is a vast network of muscles, tendons and tissue, which allows organ and skeleton movement.     There are approximately 639 skeletal muscles in the human body and tendons connect your muscles to your bones.     There are voluntary skeletal muscles that you choose to use.     There are involuntary cardiac muscles that the brain controls.     There are smooth muscles that line the bladder, intestines and stomach.

The strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter muscle of your jaw.     The largest muscle in the human body is the gluteus maximus of your buttocks.     The smallest muscle of the human body is the stapedius muscle of your ear.     Your eye muscles are the busiest muscles in your body.

Your body is an amazing energized, living machine.
So!     Be healthy and look after it.

The Amazing Brain

Your Brain

The brain is the major organ of your body.     It was the first organ to form in your body, followed closely by the heart.     The brain forms the core of the central nervous system by creating, sending and processing nerve impulses, thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and more.     The brain consists of three main subparts:   the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brainstem.

The cerebrum is largest part of the brain and is located in the top of the skull, from front to back and covers the brainstem.     It consists of two cerebral hemispheres being left and right and is separated by a fissure.     The cerebrum consists of five lobes:   frontal, parietal, temporal, insular and occipital.

The cerebrum is responsible for the integration of complex sensory and neural functions and the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in the body.     Areas within the cerebrum control muscle functions and also control speech, thought, emotions, reading, writing and learning.

The cerebellum is smaller in size than the cerebrum.     The cerebellum is at the back of the head, under the cerebrum, near the brain stem.     The main functions of the cerebellum are sensory, including motor coordination, posture maintenance and balance.

The brainstem is the lower part of the brain that connects with the spinal cord.     It is made up of the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata.     It controls many vital functions, such as breathing, heart rate and blood pressure, and the nerves and muscles used in seeing, hearing, walking, talking and eating.

The brain is the largest part of the central nervous system and has high mental functions.     Together with the spinal cord it comprises the central nervous system.

Although your brain is the control centre of your body, it is at the mercy of your mind.     What you think and believe, you will become.     So be careful of your thoughts.

Your Mind

You, the living entity, have a mind that controls the body to achieve its own will.     Your mind has the ability to think and is driven by the gift of free will.     Your mind has two parts, a subconscious part and a conscious part.     Your mind both receives thoughts and manifests its own thoughts.     Your thoughts can manifest through your emotions and/or sensory perception from your time in the womb until you die.

Thoughts are conceptual electromagnetic strings of energy.     They can be a force to reckon with.     Thoughts may be self-generated or come by someone or something else.     The thoughts that you pick up, depends upon your level of understanding.     All of your thoughts are collected and held in the subconscious mind.     The held thoughts are stored as associated memory.

Your subconscious mind governs and regulates your body through the brain.     Your subconscious mind releases your thoughts through the association of an event.     The association is usually due to sensory perception or conscious thought.     Subconscious thought can be released in a random chain of events due to a conscious emotional thought.     Through the subconscious mind your true self is revealed.

The conscious mind consists of thoughts of your own choosing through free will.     Through the conscious mind your dreams are created through your thoughts.     The conscious mind reviews, decides and acts upon your thoughts.     Through the conscious mind a decision is made, things are either accepted or rejected.     Through your conscious mind you manifest your desires through both mental and physical action.     The conscious mind is used to either enhance your true self or either cloak or hide it.

But!     Your mind goes beyond your physical body.

Energized Body and Mind

Your Aura

Your mind in part is incorporated and embellished in your aura.     Your aura is an electromagnet field that both permeates the body and goes beyond it.     Your aura goes beyond your body by about one and a half arms length.     It encases you as though you are cocooned as in an egg.     But many people struggle see it.

Your aura holds particular past memories and reflects the state of your being.     Your aura vibrates, within the spectrum of light, according to the state of your being.     Your electromagnetic vibrations are detected and picked up by others.     Others will react to your vibrations accordingly to their own feelings and thoughts.

However!     No matter how great you may think you are.     All this comes to nought when you die.     Your body goes to dust, your mind and aura dissipates and your memory is taken away.     Also, other people’s memories of you dissipate over time.

There must be more to you than this miraculous physical material being.
And there is!

The Spiritual Being

You are the Creator’s (Yahuah’s) consciousness incarnate.     You are a special entity.     Within your material being is a spiritual presence.     You have a spirited soul within your material being.     You are actually this spirited soul; your body allows you the soul to live in this worldly material realm.     You have a spiritual life to live and a future to prepare for.     The choices that you freely make in life are always of your own choosing.     You are responsible for the life that you choose to lead.

The Spirit of the Creator (Yahuah) entered you at conception and orchestrated your life.     It developed your soul as its representative and built your body for it to exist in.     Your body is actually a temple for your spiritual soul, it tabernacles there.

Be careful of what or whom you worship.     Be aware that there is conflict between your spiritual and material presence.     Your material body and mind can either enhance or corrupt your soul.     Your soul personifies who you are whilst you live and who you were when you die.

The Creator (Yahuah) also gave you free will.     Free will allows you to think independently and make your own choices in life.     Free will allows you to accept and/or reject anything that you choose.     Through free will you make your own choices.     Your choice could either be good or bad for you.
Your choices will eventually lead to life or death in a spiritual sense.

Your soul has a guiding spirit and is deemed to be your higher self.     This guiding spirit is a spiritual part of the Creator (Yahuah) it becomes an aspect of you.
Your higher self became a part of you ever since the spirit of the Creator (Yahuah) entered your being on or near conception in the womb of your mother.

Your higher self guides and governs your being as a soul within your body.
Your higher self guides your soul in both the acceptance of the Creator (Yahuah) and in the way of the Creator (Yahuah).     Your higher self will spirit your soul until the end of your life.

Actually!     You are really a living soul, which incorporates a material body and mind so it can exist in this material realm under the will of the Creator’s (Yahuah’s) visualisation of humanity.

Soul Departing Female body

Deemed Existence

Believe it or not!     You are here to experience and be tempted by what this material realm has to offer.     The life that you choose to live is a test of your morality.     You have been given the chance, through free will, to meet the expectations of the Creator’s (Yahuah’s) visualisation of you.

The Creator (Yahuah) wants you to acknowledge its existence.     The Creator (Yahuah) wants your love in return of the Creator’s (Yahuah’s) love for you and your life.

The Creator (Yahuah) rebukes sin, but offers grace because sin is a part of the material realm.     The grace of the Creator (Yahuah) is given when one makes atonement for the wrongs in their life and accepts the way of the Messiah (Yahusha).     So!     Learn to walk in the “Way” of Yahusha, (the Nazarene), for your salvation.     You can do this by reading the first four gospels of the New Testament in the Bible (NKJV).

The grace of the Creator (Yahuah) is salvation and life after death.
But!     Eternal life only occurs on or after the Second Coming of the Messiah (Yahusha).     This life you live now is about preparing yourself for eternal life.

However, it appears that your choice in either the rejection or acceptance of God (Yahuah) prior to death has weight on your redemption and salvation in a time to come.

By my own experience, the spirited soul departs from the material body when you die.     The higher self separates from the soul, then presents the life led back to the soul for revision and understanding.     The soul is either satisfied or dissatisfied by the outcome of the life lived; then the portal of light appears.     The higher self on entering the light goes back to the Creator (Yahuah) with the life memory.     That is the record of what and who you really were.     Depending upon the will of God (Yahuah) you maybe returned to carry on with your life experience or live one renewed for His own reasons.

When you die, your soul will enter a place known as Sheol until the Second Coming.     Sheol is deemed to be a place were the spiritual and material realms meet and overlap.

There is confusion and debate about what happens to a soul in Sheol.     There seems to be an abyss dividing Sheol into two parts, one for good souls (bliss), the other for bad souls (torment).     Some think that a soul either, leads a good existence in the good part and is tormented hellishly in the bad part.     Others think that a soul is laid to rest and just sleeps unto judgement in a time to come.

However, once in Sheol there is no further communication between the soul and those who are still living in the material realm.     Any further communication from the dead is deemed to be demonic.

Deemed Future

On the Second Coming, redemption takes place.     The believer’s are resurrected at this time, both those who are living and the dead from Sheol.     They are transformed to either spiritual and/or material perfection.     After one thousand years all of those accepted by God (Yahuah) will be spiritually perfected.     At the “Time of the End”, the Great White Throne Judgement takes place.     This is when those who have not been redeemed, either dead or living, are called for the final judgement.

The record of what and who you really were are revealed through the Books of Life and Death.     By what is recorded in either book, the outcome of your soul is determined.     Will your soul live on with God (Yahuah)?     Or will it face destruction in the Lake of Fire?

The Second Coming is based on biblical prophecy around the Two Beasts, the Eighth King and Gog.     Although biblical prophecy is based on assumptions, the assumptions about the Eighth King and the Beasts of Revelation has been held as truth for the past 400 to 500 years.

Due to more and more people taking an interest in biblical prophecy, (as predicted in the bible), one can find out who The Eighth King is supposed to be.     If you are not into reading the Bible (NKJV) then just Google:   “The Eighth King of Revelation”, “The Beasts of Revelation” and “Gog of the bible” to get a biblical perspective of what is going on.

So when is the Second Coming according to the accepted assumptions?
Firstly, something has to happen that initiates a “Seven Year Covenant of Peace”.     This is the beginning of the Seven Year Tribulation when the first of the “Seven Seals” are opened.     The seventh Seal commences the “Seven Trumpets” of great tribulation.     The fifth, sixth and seventh Trumpets are “Woes”.     The seventh Trumpet is a prelude to the “Seven Bowl Judgements”.     The Second Coming occurs on the Seventh Trumpet.

When the Covenant of Peace takes place the Jews will start their daily sacrificing.     However, after three and a half years, the “Abomination of Desolation” takes place and the Anti-Christ stops the daily sacrificing and starts to rule.

You will want to be one with God (Yahuah) long before the “Abomination of Desolation” takes place.     Do you have a gut feeling about this?     It is always your choice, you have free will… accept or reject!

To seek the Grace of the Creator (Yahuah) you must accept both the Creator (Yahuah) and the Messiah (Yahusha) in both your heart and mind.     You must have the faith of belief in both of them for your salvation.     Once you have the faith, seek the grace of the Creator (Yahuah) through the “Way” of the Messiah (Yahusha).     Abide by the Ten Commandments, the Sabbath Days and Feasts.     Then start living your life through the love of both of them.     It is not that hard to do.

But!     I do recommend that you do it before you die.

What If

If the assumptions about the Second Coming are right, then time is running out.     The Seven Seals are about to pop open and maybe the Seven Trumpets will start to blast three and a half years later.

Find the Creator (Yahuah) and the Messiah (Yahusha) today before it is too late and live an acceptable and appropriate life of love and good will.     Through a life based on faith and good will, you will be protected and redeemed before the woes begin.     This is the hope of salvation.     The Creator’s (Yahuah’s) way is written in the Bible (NKJV).

If the assumptions are wrong!     So what, you would have lived a better life than most!

However, if the assumptions are right and you reject what is expected.     Then there is no mercy, there is no hope, suffer you will.     You will face the wrath and torment of the Creator (Yahuah).     You face eternal death; there will be nothing physically or spiritually left of you.

Don’t be foolish in life.     Rethink your position!
All sins are forgivable except the total rejection of and profanity towards the spirit of the Creator (Yahuah).     You are a Child of Yahuah, God almighty.     Just wake up and realise it.

May the Creator (Yahuah) have mercy upon your soul!
May you be a spiritual entity forever!

God bless you.

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