Three Lost Words

I have questioned my religious understandings on many occasions for I seek the truth.

In the English bibles, the translations primarily come from the Greek written words of the old scriptural manuscripts.     The Greek translations came from the Hebrew in which the scriptures were originally written.     The Hebrew writings are very expressive of the Hebrew language.

Hence a lot of nuance is lost from the narrative of the written words when the Hebrew was translated into the Greek at the time of Roman dominance.     The empathy of the written word is lost even more, when the biblical script is translated further into Latin and then into English.

The true feelings and expressions behind the Hebrew written words are lost in the translations.     Foreign words are used to express the narrative and in many cases names are changed to suit the understanding of the expected reader.

I feel that three words in particular and their meanings have been lost over time.     So through my subjective thought, I wish to express my point of view…

Misunderstanding Due To Bible Adherence

Although the Bible is considered to be the Word of God, there are errors of mistranslation due to erroneous thoughts within the body of the church at the time of their construction.

Due to misinformation of the Jews, (especially between 1400 and 1600 AD), the names of their Elohim (God) was replaced by “God” and “Lord” in the Bible because in was too sacred to be mentioned.     The name of the Son of God given today in most bibles is actually erroneous due to the lack of knowledge in how naming traditions were based.

Consequentially, the real names of our Elohim were lost over time.     Even today, after much research, the names of our Elohim are debated.     But, the base names that are being accepted are Yahuah for our Fathering Elohim and Yahusha as the son.

The Bible today is a book of agreed biblical information, which is divided into two parts, that being The Old Testament and The New Testament.     It is understood, that the first five books of the Hebrew Bible is the written Torah, which was dictated by God to Moses.     The Ten Commandments in the Torah are the key elements in knowing what sin is and the gaining and maintaining of righteousness.

The Old Testament of the Bible consists of 39 books and contains four main sections consisting of the Pentateuch (Torah), the Former Prophets (or Historical Books), the Writings and the Latter Prophets.     The New Testament contains 27 books and can be divided into 4 groups, such as the Gospels (first four books), Acts of the Apostles, Epistles and Apocalypse.

The King James Bible of 1611 contained 80 books, being based on the Myles Coverdale tradition of consolidating the Apocrypha between the two Testaments.     The Apocrypha contains further biblical stories and teachings for better biblical understanding.

In the early King James Bibles, there were 80 books of which there were 39 books in the Old Testament, 14 books in the Apocrypha and 27 books in the New Testament.     The British and Foreign Bible Society decided to drop the Apocrypha from its bibles that were published in English, in 1804.     This decision broke with the Myles Coverdale tradition of consolidating the Apocrypha between the two Testaments.     The Apocrypha was a part of the King James Bible for 274 years until being removed in 1885 AD.

There are also three others books mentioned by the disciples in the New Testament.     These are the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jasher (Yasher) and the Book of Jubilees.     These three books, according to legend, were to be lost and found later at the “End Times”.

These books have been found, but the Church questions their authenticity.     These books compliment the Bible in many ways, but put the traditions of the Church into question.

The Lost Words Of The Bible

Throughout the Bible the name of our Elohim (God) is misconstrued and even the name of the son of our Elohim.     The name of the child to be born is given, in both Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:22-23, as Immanuel, but the relevance of this name is lost due to misunderstandings.

The words, Yahuah, Immanuel and Yahusha are significant in understanding the biblical story for they represent the three aspects of humanity.

A creative spiritual entity fell in love with its thought about humanity and proceeded to turn its thought of humanity into reality.     Through its own spirit of humanity it spoke all things into existence and fathered it.

This creative spiritual entity created the heavens and earth for its thought of humanity to exist.     It gave free will to some in the angelic realm and to all of mankind, the pinnacle of its thought about humanity.     The thoughts of free will, govern the acceptance or rejection of the reality of this creative spirit.

By the time of Moses, the Israelites were questioning the reality of the creative spiritual entity.     They needed to understand that this creative spiritual entity chose them to live their lives in righteousness, with it being their elohim who fathered them.

This creative spiritual entity chose Moses to guide the Israelites in accepting the righteous ways of their Elohim.     The creative spiritual entity identified itself to Moses by stating its existence as, I Am the Elohim of your father, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, the Elohim of Jacob.     I Am Who I AM.     And Moses was to say to Israelites that I Am has sent him.

Elohim also stated that this would be His Name forever and this would be His title (memorial) forever.     But the Bible doesn’t state His name due to Jewish embargo.     But in the Paleo Hebrew, His name does translate phonetically to Yahuah (Yah-oo-ah).

Because of the free will of mankind, Yahuah knew that the Israelites would transgress righteousness, like many of mankind.     They and all of mankind would need to be saved from sin, which permeated the world at that time and even until now.

To save mankind from sin, Yahuah planned to come into this world in the flesh as a man.     Yahuah would take the burden of the sin of mankind upon himself, in the flesh, as the father of mankind.     Hence through the spirit of Yahuah’s humanity, a child was conceived and born by a woman.

The name to be given to this child prior to conception was Immanuel, which means… “Elohim (God) with us”.     Immanuel grew up as a boy with the knowledge and potential power of his spiritual father and Elohim.     When Immanuel grew up and become a man capable of fulfilling the role of the Messiah, (for the reaping of Yahuah’s people), he was baptised by his cousin John (Yochanan).

From the moment Immanuel was baptised unto the spirit of Yahuah, he could start his role of being the saviour of mankind.     Hence, his name was changed to Yahusha, which means Yahuah saves.     The spirit of Yahuah as Yahusha died on the cross to save mankind from their sins.

Understanding the names of Yahuah and Yahusha

Understanding The Three Words

The Three words… Yahuah, Immanuel and Yahusha, have a deep meaning.     Not only do they represent the three aspects of our humanity.     They are also the three names of our fathering creative spiritual entity, our Elohim (God).

I Am that I Am” is a common English translation of the Hebrew phrase אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎‎, which is deciphered as Yahuah (Yah-oo-ah).     It also means “I am who I am”, “Be Be”, “I will exist because I will exist”, “I exist because I exist”, “I will be who I will be” or “I am that which exists”.

So what the creative spiritual entity was saying to Moses was:  I am Yahuah your Elohim.     I Am the Elohim of your father, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, the Elohim of Jacob and the Elohim of the House of all Israel.     Not just the tribe of Judah or the Judahites (Jews).     The Jews today may or may not have any birth right to the House of Judah.     Many people today may call themselves Jews, but they are not.     They are just people who either practice Rabbinic Judaism as a religion or are secular in nature.

The Hebrew word for “Immanuel” as it appears in Isaiah 7:14 is עִמָּנוּאֵל (`Immānū’ēl), which translates to El (God) with us.     As Immanuel, the creative spirit Yahuah came into this world to be both with and of mankind.     Yahuah had to manifest Himself in the flesh in order to save mankind from their sins, (unrighteousness).     He had to live as a man and overcome the sins of the world.     He was to become the Messiah and show a righteous pathway back to Yahuah.

When Immanuel was ready to become the Messiah, he was sanctified by Yahuah his Father and became know as Yahusha.    The meaning of the name of Yahusha is explained as follows:
Yah = Shortened name of Yahuah which means I AM
Hu  = He
Sha = primitive root in Strong’s #H346, means… to avenge, or defend, or deliver, or to bring, or to have salvation, or to save, or to be a saviour or to get victory.

So!     Yahusha means I am He who avenges, defends, delivers, helps, preserves, rescues, saves, brings salvation, your saviour, who brings you victory or simply put: Yah is salvation or Yahuah Saves.

As Yahusha, He became our saviour when he died in the flesh to take away the sins of mankind.     The followers of Yahusha are Nazarene for they walk in the “Way” of the teachings of the Messiah Yahusha, the Nazarene.

Yahuah is the name you call upon in order to receive the grace of salvation.
Yahusha showed the way to live your life in the faith of Yahuah.
Neither faith nor works alone saves you.     Only the works of your faith can save you.     Believe in Yahuah, call upon his name, be earnest in your faith and Yahuah will grace you with salvation.

So!     What is the meaning of Yahuah, Immanuel and Yahusha?
The creative spiritual entity, our Elohim (God), is simply saying:  “I Love You”.     And as our Father in heaven, He wants “You” to love Him too.

The child was born… Immanuel

But There Is More To Understand

In Genesis of the King James Bible, the history of creation is given.     It states that in the beginning, God (Yahuah) created the heavens and the earth.     It then goes on to tell that the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.     Then it continues with what God said, what God saw, what God called and what God made.     So God (Yahuah) was both in and with his Spirit of Humanity, which spoke all things into existence and saw that it was right.

So Yahuah’s Spirit of Humanity is the Word of God from the beginning.     But there is more:

Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

Isaiah 9:6-7
6   For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7   Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Matthew 1:22-23
22   So all this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Lord (Yahuah) through the prophet, saying:
23   “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

Colossians 1:15-16
15   He (Yahusha) is the image of the invisible God (Yahuah), the firstborn over all creation.
16   For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities (rulers) or powers (authorities).     All things were created through Him and for Him.

John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

In Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End”.     Says the Lord (Yahusha) “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty (Yahuah).”

In Revelation 1:11
Yahusha says: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last”.

In Revelation 1:17
Yahusha says: “Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last”.

In Revelation 3:14
“And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans” write, “These things say the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God (Yahuah):”

In Revelation 22:13
Yahusha testifies: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last”.

If the spirit of Yahusha was there in the beginning and is of Yahuah, then the spirit of Yahusha is of the Spirit of God’s (Yahuah’s) Humanity, which includes the Holy Spirit.

So!     It was the spirit of Yahusha who spoke for God (Yahuah) in the act of creation.     That is why Yahusha has the power to rule over mankind and judge mankind according to the will of God Almighty (Yahuah).     They are all as one through the spirit of Yahuah’s humanity.     That is the creative spiritual entity that is our spiritual father and Elohim.

The Three words… Yahuah, Immanuel and Yahusha are the expressions of our humanity as expressed in the names of our spiritual father and Elohim.     It is all about love.

Immanuel and Yahusha were created in the exact likeness of spiritual Yahuah.     The Holy Spirit is of the power of the creative spiritual entity.     Yahusha sent the Holy Spirit to those of mankind who choose to believe in both God and the Son of God.     It is for their comforting, guiding and the revelation of truth for mankind.

Immanuel and Yahusha were created through the power of the creative spirit’s humanity.     The Holy Spirit and Yahusha were created by and for, and are one with Yahuah, the almighty spiritual entity.     He the Heavenly Father is both in them and us.     Our spiritual father and Elohim, is the beginning and end of humanity.     Yahuah created us to glorify Him with our love for Him so we can live eternally within his presence.     The creative spiritual entity simply fell in love with us!

Praise Yahuah!

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