Back To God

How do you get back to God with so much confusion in this material world?

Society today encourages one to take control of themselves and their environment, whilst the so-called elitists try to manipulate the thinking of the masses to suite their own agenda.     Many of the denominational churches are deemed to be scandalous in either their behaviour and or teachings.     Hence many people are loosing their respect of the church and their faith in biblical religion.

However, those who read the bible and study the prophetic messages realise that now is the time to really get back to God.     The count down of the End Times started in the late 1700’s and the messages of Daniel kicked in the early to mid 1800’s.     The 1900’s saw the Jews back in the land of Judea.     During the early 2000’s, biblical prophecy is heralding Tribulation.     Nobody in their right mind wants to face Tribulation without the protection of God Almighty.

So what can one do?

If the people today are willing to hear the word of God, then they need to be encouraged to read the Bible (KJV or NKJV) to gain a better understanding of the “Truth” written in both the Old and New Testaments.     People need to know why they lack true biblical understanding and to realize that they more than ever need to save their own souls.     No man or church can save your soul.     You need to have a personal relationship with God through the Saviour to receive the grace of your salvation.

People!     We need to get back to God today, before it is too late.
So!     My story of subjective thought about getting back to God begins….

The Attitude Of The Churches

The attitude of the various churches today is governed by the spirit of the angels of the seven churches, [refer: Revelation 2:1-29 and 3:1-22 (KJV or NKJV)].     How your church or church leaders prepares you to go back to God and become a Child of God depends upon the spirit of that church.     The church itself is supposed to be a pathway to biblical understanding of God and His Son, the Messiah.     The church and the people in it can’t save you.     Only your belief in God and the Messiah can save you.

There are seven types of churches, each governed by an angel with a particular spiritual mindset.     The Loveless Church is the Church of Ephesus, the Persecuted Church is the Church in Smyrna, the Compromising Church is the Church in Pergamos, the Corrupt Church is the Church in Thyatira, the Dead Church is the Church in Sardis, the Faithful Church is the Church in Philadelphia and the Lukewarm Church is the Church of the Laodiceans.

Any church today can be affected by any one of those spirits.     The attitude of either the preachers and/or the individuals within the congregation can determine the spirit of your church.     If you really want to get back to God, then be careful of the company you keep.     The journey back to God is purely between you and God; it is the spiritual change within an individual.

Don’t be fooled by the churches and their use of faith for the common good or God is in everyone or any thing, for they are twisting biblical teachings.     Stand clear of churches that have a belief in nature and mother earth.     Be cautious of the church with inclusive worship and those that promote the thoughts of man above that of God.     These churches are caught up in the pantheism of ancient Greece and Rome.     They will cause you to separate yourself from God and become a slave to a world of iniquity.

The best way to get back to God is through the Word of God, which is found by reading the Bible (KJV or NKJV).     By reading and studying the Bible you will find yourself in the spirit of either the Church in Smyrna and/or the Church in Philadelphia.     In either mindset God will bless you.

Read and Study the Bible (KJV or NKJV) for Yourself

The Relationship Between God and Noah (Noach)

Irrespective of flesh, ones relationship with God is always spiritual.     Why?
God is a spiritual entity.     God is omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresent (everywhere) and omniscient (all knowing).     God is a thinking spiritual entity and through God’s mind, God fell in love with the thought of humanity.     Through the spirit of God’s humanity, God spoke all things into existence in both the spiritual and material realms.     So man and woman were created and were supposed to live their lives by adhering to the Word of God.     The “Word of God” is the way to redemption, for it is the key of salvation by the grace of God.

However, Lucifer deceived Adam and Eve and mankind’s ideal relationship with God was lost.     Although Adam and Eve repented their disobedience to the Word of God and were redeemed, most of their descendants sinned due to the wickedness of the children of Cain.     By the time of Methuselah (son of Enoch) mankind did not want to go back to God, they sought iniquity to get over the harshness of their lives.     In the early days of Noah (Noach) the iniquity of mankind was so great that God sought to annihilate mankind by the Flood.

Noah (Noach) was righteous in the mind of God.     Noah (Noach), his wife, his three sons and their respective wives were saved by adhering to the Word of God when they built the ark.     Noah’s three sons [Japheth (Yépet), Shem and Ham] started a new generation of mankind, which was blessed by God.

However, Ham and his children started to stray away from God.     Noah (Noach), though the will of God, brought about seven laws to get his children back to God.     These Seven Laws of Noah (Noach), (Noahide Laws or the Noachian Laws), are prohibitions against worshipping idols, cursing God, murder, adultery and sexual immorality, theft, eating flesh torn from a living animal, as well as the obligation to establish courts of justice.

Believe it or not, these prohibitions still stand today and some are followed in many cultures.

The Relationship Between God and The Last Three Patriarchs

By the time of Noah’s (Noach’s) death, much of mankind disobeyed the Word of God and Noah’s (Noach’s) Laws, for they sought their own way in their world of iniquity caused by the evoking of demonic spirits.     However, the lineage from Shem to Abram (Avram), Issac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya‘aqov) sought to adhere to the Word of God and Noah’s (Noach’s) Laws, so God blessed them accordingly.

Through their faith in God, Abram (Avram) became Abraham (Avraham) and Jacob (Ya‘aqov) became Israel (Yisra’el).     The twelve sons of Jacob, (Ya‘aqov) [Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah (Yehudah), Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph (Yosef) and Benjamin], became known as the twelve tribes of Israel (Yisra’el).     The House of Israel (Yisra’el) was favoured by God due to Jacob’s (Ya‘aqov’s) belief in God.

The descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob (Ya‘aqov) became known as the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) and they were to follow Noah’s (Noach’s) Laws and the Words of God.     The sons of Jacob (Ya‘aqov) strayed from the way of God many times, but Jacob (Ya‘aqov) brought them back to God and sought forgiveness for their sins.

Due to famine, Jacob (Ya‘aqov) and the families of his eleven sons dwelled in the land of Goshen of Egypt (Mizrayim) under the protection of Joseph [Yosef, eleventh son of Jacob (Ya‘aqov)], the overseer of Egypt (Mizrayim).     Before Jacob (Ya‘aqov) died he adopted Joseph’s (Yosef’s) two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh into the House of Israel (Yisra’el).

Jacob (Ya‘aqov) blessed both Ephraim and Manasseh, so the stage was set for Ephraim to become a multitude of nations and Manasseh to become a great nation.     The seed was planted for the Gentiles to enter the House of God, through the House of Ephraim.

The Relationship Between God (Yahuah) and Moses (Mosheh)

By the time of Moses (Mosheh) the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) were being persecuted in the land of Egypt (Mizrayim) by pharaoh.     Many Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) were caught up in the iniquity of Egypt (Mizrayim) and practiced the worshipping of idols (idolatry) and for their iniquity they were being punished.

At the time of the “Burning Bush” Moses (Mosheh) was told the name of God.     “Yahuah” was the name of the God of Abraham (Avraham), Issac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya‘aqov).     Moses (Mosheh) was sent by God (Yahuah) to get His chosen people back to God.     Moses (Mosheh) would guide the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) through the Word of God (Yahuah) and with the help of his brother Aaron.

Due to pharaoh’s hardened heart, ten plagues fell upon Egypt (Mizrayim).     However, before the tenth plague, (the Death of the Firstborn), the Passover was instituted to save the lives of the first-born Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) and their animals.     The date of the Passover was set as an everlasting ordinance to commence on the evening (at twlight) on the 14th day of the first month of the year.     The roasted unblemished male sheep or goat of the first year was to be consumed with unleavened bread, that night, before the break of day.

Since the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) had to hurriedly leave in the evening of the next day, (the 15th day of the first month of the year), they took with them a week’s supply of unleavened bread.     Hence the Feast of Unleavened Bread was established.     The first day (the 15th day) was to be a holy convocation and no manner of work was to be done.     Only unleavened bread could be eaten with meals from 15th day until the evening of the 21st day.     The 22nd day was to be held as a day of holy convocation and no manner of work was to be done.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread was to be held as a memorial to them leaving Egypt (Mizrayim) and as an everlasting ordinance.     Also the Sabbath Days of Rest were being established as the 15th and 22nd days of the month.     So the Exodus began and Moses (Mosheh) started to get the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) back to God (Yahuah) by restoring their faith in God (Yahuah).

So that they would have a safe journey, God (Yahuah) lead them by day in a pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire.     Through God (Yahuah) and the action of Moses (Mosheh), the Red Sea was parted and pharaoh’s army was destroyed after the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) safely crossed the parted sea.

Following The Way of God (Yahuah)

On the 15th day of the second month of the first year, when the children of Israel (Yisra’el) came to the Wilderness of Sin and they started to complain about the lack of food.     So God (Yahuah) sent quail to them that evening and advised that Bread from Heaven would appear as dew the next morning (16th day) and would do so for six days of the week until they entered the Promised Land.     The manner would only last a day before it became rancid.

However, they were to collect double the amount required on the sixth day, for no manner would be provided on the seventh day because the seventh day was to be kept as a holy Sabbath Day of Rest.     The manner that fell on the sixth day was twice as much and would last two days before becoming rancid, so they were all fed for seven days.     The miracle behind the Sabbath day was being established.     Through God comes salvation.

So the holy Sabbath Days of Rest were established as being the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of each month.     The day after the New Moon was sighted was called New Moon Day.     New Moon Day was the first day of every month.     So according to the appearance of the New Moon, a month could have either 29 or 30 days.     There was twelve months to a year and the year commenced in Abib, (in spring when green fruits, corn and barley freshly budded), in the month of Passover.

So their calendation was established on the basis of the six days of creation and the seventh day of rest as in Genesis of the Old Testament.     The Sun ruled the Days and Years.     The Moon ruled the Nights and Months.     The Moon was “moedim” for it governed the weekly Sabbaths and all Levitical Holy Days, which included the Feasts of God (Yahuah).     The Feasts of God (Yahuah) were bound to Sabbath Days.     The relationships between the Sun, Moon and the Stars in Heaven determined the Seasons.     Hence their Lunisolar Calendation was born.

On Mount Sinai, God (Yahuah) gave Moses (Mosheh) the Ten Commandments, Laws and Judgements concerning Servants, Violence and Animal Control.     Also the Responsibilities for Property, Moral and Ceremonial Principals, Justice for All and The Law of Sabbaths was given.

Three Annual Feasts had to be kept by them coming back to God (Yahuah) at the Tabernacle on the Sabbath Day.     These were the Feast of Unleavened Bread (commencing with Passover), the Feast of Harvest (Shavuot or Feast of Weeks) and Feast of Ingathering (Feast of Tabernacles or Feast of Booths).     The Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) were to obey the voice of their Guiding Angel, serve God (Yahuah) only, and not to transgress the Way of God (Yahuah).

The children of Israel (Yisra’el) affirmed this Convenient with God (Yahuah).
The children of Israel (Yisra’el) consisted of both the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) and a multitude of other people who cleaved to them, due to their belief in God (Yahuah).

Laws, Commandments, Ordinances and Statutes to be kept

There were about 613 laws, commandments, ordinances or statutes that were given to the children of Israel (Yisra’el).     These concerned rituals, regulations, ceremony, offerings, health, morality, conduct, caring, property, slavery, redeeming, blessing, retribution, etc.     They are contained in the Torah (first five books of the Bible).

The greatest of these is God’s (Yahuah’s) Ten Commandments, from which the other commandments, ordinances and statutes branched.     The Ten Commandments were the conditions of the union between the children of Israel (Yisra’el) and their God (Yahuah).     It is a marriage covenant between mankind and God (Yahuah).     It is the yardstick of righteousness and the definer of sin.

God (Yahuah) then gave the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) the (Seven) Feasts, which included a Sabbath Day, which was to be treated as the seventh Sabbath Day of Rest.

The Feasts of Yahuah are:

  1. Passover (from dusk/evening of the 14th day of the 1st month, until dawn of the next day).
  2. Unleavened Bread (from dawn of the 15th day to the dusk/evening of the 21st day of the 1st month).
  3. Feast of First Fruits (from dawn to dusk of the 16th day of the 1st month).
  4. Feast of Weeks (a count of seven Sabbaths complete with a further count of fifty days – occurs at the end of the 4th month according to the New Moon).
  5. Feast of Trumpets (all day from dawn of 1st day of the 7th month).
  6. Day of Atonement (from dusk/evening of the 9th day to dusk/evening of the 10th day of the 7th month).
  7. Feast of Tabernacles (from dawn of the 15th day to the whole of the 21st day of the 7th month).

The Sabbath Days and the Feast Days were made holy convocations to glorify God (Yahuah).     They are statutes (laws and decrees made by God) to be held forever.     So why doesn’t the church(s) follow them?     They are a part of the Ten Commandments!     Redemption revolves around abiding by the Ten Commandments.     The Ten Commandments is the foundation stone of your relationship with God (Yahuah).

Torah Laws Branching From The Ten Commandments

The Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) Dissent

So Moses (Mosheh) through God (Yahuah) made a divine system of worship and life style for the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) based on: The Authority of God, The Word of God, The Love of God, The Law of God and The Teachings of God.     And these attributes still apply today.

However the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) and the people with them started to have dissent with God’s (Yahuah’s) divine system.     They challenged Moses (Mosheh) and God (Yahuah) in their exodus and spent forty years in the wilderness as their punishment.     They didn’t follow the words of Joshua (Yehoshua) as given by God (Yahuah).     Their iniquities led to idolatry and they distanced themselves from God (Yahuah).     However, God (Yahuah) loved them and sent Judges and Prophets to try and get them back to God.

Due to idolatry, the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) lost their Kingdom of Israel (Yisra’el) and it was dissolved.     God (Yahuah) divorced himself from the Ten Tribes of Israel (Yisra’el) and sent them to dwell amongst the Gentile Nations.     They paid a big price for their dissent.     However God (Yahuah) still loved them and planned to redeem them in the Time Of The End.

Not long after this, the Kingdom of Judah (Yehudah) went against the teachings God (Yahuah).     They were banished to Babylon for their dissent.     Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) and their first Temple (Solomons) were destroyed.     Their Kingdom was also lost.     But God (Yahuah) loved them as well and through the lineage of King David a Saviour would be born.

The Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) were not puritans, they were a stiff-necked people who often drifted away from God (Yahuah) and found it hard to get back to God.     But God (Yahuah) loved them and chose this mishmash of people to be His and a light to the world.

After seventy years in Babylon the Judahites (Yehudah’s) sought to go back to God (Yahuah).     After a struggle, the second Temple was built and Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) was restored.

Then the Seleucid Empire arose and took control of Judah (Yehudah).     The teachings of God (Yahuah) were compromised and the Levite priesthood came to an end.     The Pharisees, Sadducees and the Essenes brought about Judaism (Yahadut) and the Talmud.     The Pharisees became rabbis and the Sadducees became priests.     The Essenes mainly kept to themselves and were pious in nature.

A Saviour Born

God (Yahuah) is love and a consuming fire.     He is a jealous God.     He created your existence, so He wants you to exist with Him alone.     God (Yahuah) wants you to take refuge in Him.

When it comes to you, His created being, God (Yahuah) is patient, gracious, compassionate, forgiving, abounding in love and faithfulness.     God (Yahuah) is slow to anger, but do not provoke Him, for He has a fierce anger.     God’s (Yahuah’s) wrath abides on people who reject His atonement.     Only by your own personal atonement can you escape from the condemnation and divine judgment of God Almighty.     God (Yahuah) wants to save you and have you written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

From the very beginning, God (Yahuah) planned to save mankind from the iniquity of this world.     From the Word of God (Yahuah) in Genesis to Malachi of the Old Testament, a pathway was laid for the understanding of the Messiah.

Even the internal area of the Tabernacle was designed in the shape of a cross and indicated how one would get back to God (Yahuah) through a require sacrifice.     The unblemished lamb was held in high regard and was sacrificed for atonement.     Its blood was given up for you.

Through prophetic understanding the means to count the days to both the Messiah’s first and second coming were given.     It also warned us about Tribulation and how we can prepare ourselves for it.     You need to read the Bible (KJV or NKJV) to find out the truth for yourself.

By God’s love of humanity, the virgin Mary conceived through the spirit of God’s (Yahuah’s) humanity.    A Saviour of flesh was created through the Holy Spirit of God (Yahuah).    The Messiah (Yahusha) came not to change the “Law” but to fulfil it.    The Messiah (Yahusha) abided by the Ten Commandments, kept the Feasts of God (Yahuah) and constantly prayed to His Father.    He taught the Apostles and the Disciples to do the same.

The Messiah (Yahusha) came to teach us how to walk in His way of salvation.     He also came to bear the sins of mankind.     Through His death, He allowed mankind to seek redemption by the grace of God (Yahuah), through personal sacrifice.     The Messiah’s (Yahusha’s) return in the flesh and resurrection not only gives us the hope of a bodily change, but also a change in spirit, which is favourable to God (Yahuah) and our salvation.

Your personal sacrifice involves changing your life to be a child of God (Yahuah).     You must accept and respect God (Yahuah); you must be earnest in your relationship with Him.     You call upon His Name “Yahuah”.     On a daily basis you both talk and pray to Him.

You must also accept that the Messiah (Yahusha) came in the flesh and died for your sins.     Then you must baptise yourself with the spirit of the Messiah (Yahusha) by walking in His “Way” as it is taught in the Gospel of the New Testament.     You can be baptised by full immersion in water, to symbolize the washing away of your sins.     The more you do to seek redemption, the better it is for your salvation.

Be Careful Of The Church You Choose

Be careful of the church and the company that it keeps when you decide to get back to God (Yahuah).     Unfortunately, many churches have made their traditional religious teachings popular by promoting the ways of man rather than the ways of God (Yahuah).     A church of this ilk becomes full of error and corruption, a false church of biblical understanding.     The churches in the early times knew and understood the truth of God (Yahuah), especially between the late 1300’s to the early 1600’s AD and then in the early 1800’s AD.     But today many Churches are wayward.

Sadly the ancient teachings of Babylon and the antichrist spirit started to enter the church during the times of the Apostles.     These deceptive teachings plagued the Church of Rome and have entered into many of the churches of today.     Hence, the pagan traditions of the early church are still being carried on today.

Most of all the churches today have either stemmed from the wicked root of the Church of Rome or have been closely associated with it.     The religious traditions of most churches today are based on pagan sun worshipping and the Queen of Heaven, which occurred during the time of Nimrod.     The churches today do not seem to realize their wrong doings.     Are they ignorant or just deceitful?

Are you aware that Christmas, Easter and even Lent are non-biblical, they stem from pagan traditions.     Friday, Saturday and Sunday are not Sabbath Days.     These days are based on the gods of Rome depicted on the Roman Julian (solar) Calendar, which had seven days per week rather than eight of the older calendar.

Sunday is and always was the first day of the week and was represented by a sun god called Sol.     Sunday was declared a day of worship by the Church of Rome and they called it the Lord’s Day.     Frigg, Freya or Venus are the goddesses of Friday and Saturn is the God of Saturday.     Are you aware that saturnalia occurred on Saturday in honour of Sol?     Nero lit the way to the stadium by tying the early Christians and Jews to poles and burnt them alive as human torches.     Do you really want to honour this day?

Blurring Of The Word

The only reason the so-called Christians think Saturday is the real Sabbath is because the Church of Rome tells them so.     They confuse the Protestants by admitting that Sunday is the first day of the week and advise that Saturday is the seventh day of the week.     Hence Saturday should be their Sabbath Day.     But the Church of Rome neglects to tell them that they abolished the Apostles Jewish teachings and changed the times and dates to suite their own tradition.

The Romans persecuted the Jews and Christians alike.     If they were caught following the Torah in regards to their worshipping, they were put to death.     Nero used Jews and Christians as human torches and they were burnt alive.     Others faced death in the arena and either the gladiators or wild animals killed them.     However, records indicate that into the 200’s AD, Torah worshipping was still being observed by Jews and Christians alike.

In 325 AD, the first Ecumenical Council of Bishops determined the way of choosing the date of each year for the celebration of Easter, the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (should be Yahusha, Messiah).     It was set on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, ie: March 21, (another pagan tradition).

In 380 AD, the Church of Rome was sanctified, as being the religion of Rome and their form of Christanity became normality.     The Church of Rome was anti-Semitic, as it hated the Jews and their teachings.     It set out to change and/or destroy the teachings of the Torah.

Due to religious persecution and the difficulty of dealing with the Sanhedrim, the early Christians were forced to use the Roman Julian (solar) calendar.     They would have selected Saturday, as the last day of the week to get back to God.

By 500 AD the Sanhedrim, (under the control of the Pharisees), had changed the torah teachings to coincide with the Roman Julian (solar) Calendar.     They corrupted their own teachings.     By this time, Catholicism had spread throughout Western Europe and their biblical teachings were aberrant.     The feast of Easter was linked to the Jewish Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.     The Christians started to believe that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus (should be Yahusha) occurred at the time of those observances.     The truth was twisted to suite their narrative.

The tradition and teachings of the churches was under the control the Popes, Bishops and Cardinals.     The priests accepted what they were told by the religious hierarchy and only the elite were allowed inside a church.     All the church services were in Latin.     The peasants, if they understood Latin, would listen to the church service from the outside, or they were preached to by a layperson in the market square.

Anyone who went against the religious teachings of the Church of Rome would be called a heretic and would be put to death.     It was very hard for people to know the biblical truth and get back to God because of the churches indulgences.

But this started to change from the late 1400’s AD and into the 1600’s AD, when the teaching of the church were questioned as the true biblical teachings were found.     Bibles as books of learning were being printed and the true biblical teachings were taken to the masses.     The war between the churches aberrant and true biblical teachings still goes on until this day.

Please note that Jesus is an English translation of the Latin expression of the Koine Greek word Iesus, which came about after 1620 AD.    Iesus was the name given to the followers of the “Way” of the Nazarene as expressed in the Kings James Bible of 1611 AD.    The Messiah (Yahusha) was often referred to as being the anointed one and the Son of God.

However, those Greeks in the time of the Apostle Paul were pagan Greeks who worshipped Zeus as their godhead.     Iesus can also be translated as being the Son of Zeus.     Don’t be fooled by the spirit of the antichrist and the usage of Jesus.     The Messiah Yahusha was a Hebrew through the lineage of Noah (Noach), Shem, Abram (Avram), Issac (Yitzhak), Jacob (Ya‘aqov) and David (Dawid).     He was not a Roman of a beast system.     His name is Yahusha.     Pray in the way of the Son of God… the Messiah Yahusha or even Immanuel [God (is) with us].

The Ten Commandments can be found Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21.     In Exodus the 4th Commandment starts… “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy…” and in Deuteronomy it starts… “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as Yahuah your God commanded you…”.     In both accounts, it then goes on to state: “Six days you shall labour and do all your work; the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuah your God…”.     The churches through their own traditions have twisted this 4th Commandment to suite themselves.

The Church of Rome made aberrant the Ten Commandments by removing the 2nd Commandment – “You shall not make for yourself a carved image- ….” They made aberrant the wording of the 10th Commandment – “You shall not covert your….”.     They changed the wording to suite their narrative and divided it into two parts to make up their own Ten Commandments.

Blessed are those who keep the Commandments of God (Yahuah) and keep the testimony of the Messiah (Yahusha).

Within You Is The Temple of God (Yahuah)

The Relationship Between God and You

From the day that you were conceived, the Spirit of God was within you.     You were also given free will.     So it is up to you, as to whether you want to get back to God (Yahuah) or not.

We live in a world full of transgression.     We are being overloaded by information that blurs the difference between right and wrong.     The ways of God Almighty are being mocked, whilst the way of man is being promoted.

What you do in life is of your own choosing be it right or wrong, under any condition that this world puts upon you.     The people of this world should know the difference between right and wrong.     They just take the risk of their consciousness to suite their own pleasure.     And this is how you commit iniquity.     Since iniquity is the basis of sin, you start to fall out of favour with God (Yahuah).

If you separate yourself from God and refuse to repent your action(s), God (Yahuah) will divorce Himself from you and you will be left alone to your own devices and open to demonic influences.     A non-repentive soul after death faces destruction in the lower suffering place of Sheol.

If you have bothered to read the bible properly you would have known that there are more than one realm of existence.     There is a heavenly realm and an earthly realm and a place called Sheol where you go before judgement.     When the Nephilim (part angelic and part man) were destroyed, their spirits could not go to Sheol.     Their spiritual destiny was here on earth as demonic spirits and they have been plaguing man kind ever since the Flood.

These demonic influencers cause all the problems that beguile mankind.     Lucifer stirs them up to create chaos in his attempt to rule the world.     We all want peace, but to get peace we must destroy the authority attached to chaos… so back to God we go.

Back To The Beginning

So!     Back to very the beginning we go.     God (Yahuah) is spirit and ones relationship with God is always spiritual.     His worshippers must worship Him in the Spirit and in the truth.     The truth is with the Word of God.     The Word of God is found within the Bible (KJV or NKJV).     The Word of God was and still is Yahusha, the Son of God and the Messiah, who was created through God’s (Yahuah’s) love of humanity.     This is stated as such in the last book of the Bible (Revelation: 1:1-20).

Getting back to God (Yahuah) is always a challenge.     It is not easy to suddenly change your lifestyle.     You will face mockery, ridicule, resentment and even rejection.     You could even be persecuted or even killed for your belief.     But the rewards of God (Yahuah) are great and worth dying for.     The promise of eternal life is something to look forward to.

But!     Remember this… salvation does not come from either works or faith alone.     Salvation comes from the works of your belief and faith in both God (Yahuah) and the Son of God, the Messiah (Yahusha).     Read the “Word” of the Bible (KJV or NKJV) to find the “Truth” for yourself.

God (Yahuah) and the Ten Commandments have to be the foundations of your belief.     You must also accept that the Messiah (Yahusha) came in the flesh and died for your sins.     The Messiah (Yahusha) showed the “Way” to redemption by His teachings in the Gospel of the New Testament (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

The Messiah (Yahusha) abided by the Ten Commandments, kept the Feasts of God (Yahuah) and constantly prayed to His Father.     He taught His Apostles and disciples to do the same.     The Messiah (Yahusha) is both your redeemer and saviour.

The Messiah (Yahusha) is a high priest of the order of Melchizedek and is also the Lord of the Sabbaths.     He is the anointed Lamb of God (Yahuah).     Remember them on the days of the Sabbaths and Feasts.     For through the Sabbaths and Feasts you glorify God (Yahuah) and your Saviour (Yahusha).

So!     Love God (Yahuah) and pray to Him, abide by the Ten Commandments, accept the Messiah (Yahusha) and walk in His “Ways”, then God (Yahuah) will give you the grace of His salvation.

May God (Yahuah) be with you!
May the Messiah (Yahusha) both redeem and save you.

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