The Sabbath Rest In The Tomb

The Messiah Yahusha was crucified on the day of Passover for the redemption of mankind.     His rejection, alienation and atonement affected His soul greatly, so He rested in the Tomb of Joseph of Arimathea over the 15th day of the first month.     The 15th day of the month is always a Sabbath Day of Rest, as is the 8th, 22nd and 29th days of each month.    Because the Feast of Unleavened Bread began on this Sabbath day, it was regarded as being a High Sabbath Day.

All but two disciples deserted Yahusha when He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane after the Last Supper, on the day before Passover.     He was denied trice by his disciple Simon called Peter before the cock crowed the next morning, being the Day of Passover (the 14th day of the first month).

Yahusha was judged by the understandings of man from about midnight to dawn.     Dawn (about 6am) and sunrise constituted the first hour of the Israelite twelve-hour day.     Those of the Sanhedrin and the chief priests then took Yahusha to Pontius Pilate to be mocked, then judged.     This would have been during the second hour (possibly between 7am and 8am).     It was the third hour in which Yahusha was crucified (about 9am).     The cross had to be carried, the person and any signage had to be attached to the cross, then the cross anchored in place before the crucifixion took place.

When the Messiah Yahusha was crucified amongest the two thieves, He asked His Father (Yahuah) to forgive them (being all those involved in his fate), for they do not know what they do.

By the fourth hour, the Messiah Yahusha would have been in mental agony due to the enormous weight of the sins of mankind.     He was so concerned about being our saviour that He scarcely felt his physical pain.

By the fifth hour the weight of our sins and two hours of crucifixion was taking His breath away.     He worried about His Father (Yahuah) rejecting Him through the burden of sins that He carried.     At Noon, the sixth hour, darkness covered the cross until the ninth hour.     Then the darkness shifted over to Jerusalem and the Temple, whilst light shone upon the cross.

At the ninth hour (about 3pm) Yahusha cried out:  “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” (“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”).     Then the Messiah Yahusha cried out again “Father into Your hands I commit My spirit”.     With this He took his last breath and yielded up His spirit.

It was then that the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, ending the reign of the priestly order.     The Glory of God (Yahuah) had left the temple, the earth quaked, graves were opened and many bodies of the saints (righteous people) were raised.     Because the hidden holy place could now be seen, the spirit of God (Yahuah) became available to Jews, Israelites and Gentiles alike.

Jospeh of Arimathea and Nicodemus, (a Pharisee that came to Yahusha before), prepared the body of the Messiah for burial during the evening, (being the time of the Passover observation), until just before the dawn of the next day.     They had to complete the burial task before the dawn of High Sabbath Day of the 15th, which commenced the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

The Messiah Yahusha rested in the Tomb over the 15th day of the first month, until the dawn of the next morning.     He arose early, during the dawn of the next morning, being the first day of the following week, the 16th day of the third week of the first month.     Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James) and Salome came to anoint Him early in the morning when the sun had risen, but the tomb was empty.     Yahusha showed himself to Mary Magdalene after the other women had left.

He Has Risen

There are two books that determine our spiritual fate.     The Messiah Yahusha offers redemption of your impure ways so you will not be blotted out of the Book of Life.

The Book of Life is for the righteous and a Book of Death is for those that walk in the paths of impurity.     How you live your life by the works of your faith determines which book your name is written into when you die.     The living must be remorseful for the wrongs that they commit and seek their salvation.     The dead are judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.

Why don’t you take advantage of the salvation that God (Yahuah) offers?     Seek your redemption; be remorseful of your iniquities and walk in the “Way” of the Messiah (Yahusha).     Be saved from spiritual death.

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