Promotion and Ridicule

Why do I promote biblical teachings but ridicule church traditions?

Let me begin…
The “Bible” is the source of Judeo-Christian teachings and is considered to be of “The Word Of God”, hence is of truth and righteousness.     It is written in a way where there are meanings within meanings and more so when you utilise the expressions of the original languages of Paleo-Hebrew and Koine Greek.

The teachings of the bible also encourage one to test what is written, but never to add to or take away from the older teachings.     So!     From this point of view, I will tell my story.

My Background

As a child I lived a fantastic life and enjoyed the freedom to explore and experience life during the fifties and sixties.     I was both loved and punished by my parents in their attempts to guide me in life and I am very grateful for their endeavours.

My parents gave me the traditions of birthdays, christmas, boxing day, easter and bonfire night and as a child I enjoyed every minute of these traditions.     I grew up thinking that I had more uncles, aunts and cousins then I actually did.     I was taught that the love of family was the most important thing, and it is still very important to me.

Over the course of the trials and tribulations of my life, frustration and even despair was experienced.     I walked away from the church and had discussions and arguments with God as my life progressed.     A lot of soul searching went on.     I even threw away my old tattered Kings James bible.

In my later years I had the need to find my inner persona and spirituality and sought different sources.     I also developed a desire to do my own research on ancient history.     This quest led me to question my belief in God and creation.     Whilst reading about Gilgamesh and the Sumerian nation as being the cradle of civilization, I noticed the similarities that were written in the bible.

Back To The Bible

So!     My quest in valuating the bible began.     By using the information contained in both the NKJV and NRSV Bibles and with the help of The Book of Yasher (Jasher), I constructed by own timeline of biblical events from Adam to the Apostles of the Messiah.     This timeline has proven to be pretty accurate.

Reading and rereading the Bible in order to construct my timeline led me to take an interest in biblical prophecy.     I am still reviewing this biblical prophecy to this day.

In reading and rereading the Bible I have come to question the traditions of the church.     By church, I mean the greater majority of the churches today, not one in particular.

My Understandings

God’s righteousness evolves around God’s Law, which is deemed to be the Ten Commandments.     The Ten Commandments, as given by Moses, is a covenant between God and man.     It was broken by both the people of the Kingdom of Israel and later the Kingdom of Judea.     Both Kingdoms were lost and never reinstated.

Do not be confused by these Israelite Kingdoms and Israel today.     They are not the same, but Israel today is a part of biblical prophecy and it will be decimated.

The Ten Commandments is applicable and binding in both the Old and New Testaments.     You have to live by them in order to receive the grace of God.     The following of the Ten Commandments is your works of righteousness.     Break them, then you sin.

But!     What many do not realise is that the Sabbath Day, as quoted in the Ten Commandments, goes beyond the four Sabbath Days of Rest per month.     The Sabbath Days also incorporates the seven Feasts Of The Lord.

The Messiah, the Apostles and the Church, up to about 300 AD, abided by the Ten Commandments, Sabbath’s and Feasts Of The Lord.     When the Millennial Kingdom is established on earth, the Ten Commandments will be written in both your mind and heart, it will be part of your psyche, and the Sabbath Days and Feasts Of The Lord will be followed.     So why doesn’t the Church teach such things today?

The Church

The problems of the traditions of the church today stems from paganism!
The Church of Rome from about 325 AD started to change biblical Hebrew Calendation to the Roman Julian Calendation.     The Church of Rome then started to fuse Pagan Traditions with the teachings of the Apostles.     Christmas became a religious festival in the Church of Rome about 336 AD and Lent and Easter followed.     Christmas, Lent and Easter are non-biblical and actually break the covenant of the Ten Commandments.

The decision that I have made to base my religious ideology on that written in the Bible, rather then follow the misguided traditions of church, has not been an easy one for me.     It is difficult to give up on traditions held since childhood.

But I seek salvation through redemption.     It starts with repentance to gain solace.     Then abiding by the Ten Commandments.     You must accept the Messiah as both redeemer and saviour.     Then start walking in the “Way” of the Messiah as taught in the New Testament.


I have also adjusted my life to suite the Lunisolar Calendation as given by Moses rather than the Gregorian (Roman) Solar Calendation introduced in 1582 AD.     I did this so I could follow the Sabbath Days and Feasts Of The Lord as directed in the bible.

I have also been posting biblical teaching videos on Facebook.     I am doing this to gain peoples attention to biblical teachings including biblical prophecy.

In regards to biblical prophecy, all has been fulfilled to a certain point.     That point being the signing of the Seven Year Covenant!     That means that we are about to enter the seven years of Tribulation, that is the one of the End Times.

I personally seek redemption and I want you to do likewise.
With Tribulation, turmoil acts like birth pangs, it progressively gets worse.    You will know that you are in Tribulation by the signing of the Seven Year Covenant and/or by the Third Temple worship of the Jews.

After three and a half years, the Abomination of Desolation takes place and life becomes dismal.     Just a month or so after the Abomination of Desolation, redeeming takes place.     This is what I seek and I want you to be redeemed as well.


I do not want you to suffer the Woes of Tribulation, so if you have not done so, please seek God Almighty today.     Start a conversation with God and seek his righteous ways.     It seems difficult at first, but it becomes easier as you become more earnest.

Today I see Christmas as a false premise.     To me, it is only a get together feast time for family and friends.     A time to get together and put the past behind you!     But you should do this anytime problems arise.     When you read the New Testament, you will understand what I mean.     And yes!     I still send Christmas cards to those that still follow old family traditions.     Knowing one is loved and still thought of is still important to me.

The Church today and its teaching of the traditions of man, has a lot to answer for.     Alias!     Bible prophecy also answers that.

My minds eye has been opened to a soon to be time, best described as Hell On Earth.     I do not want you to take the worldly wide path in life, for I seek a walking companion of the difficult narrow path of salvation.

I am not a preacher, but a Watchman.    I warn when I see biblical danger.
Only you can save yourself.     I beg you to find God – a.s.a.p.     When Tribulation kicks in it will be very difficult without God’s protection and you will have less than 3.5 years to repent.

May you find God today!
God bless You.

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