False Manifesto

How would you feel if you were duped into thinking that a particular manifesto was a great thing to behold, yet it deceitfully had clauses that could strip of your liberty, sovereignty and even your personal wealth?     Would you abide by it, challenge it or totally reject it?

What if a wily and sophisticated politician presented a manifesto of his thoughts and ideas to a worldly body to have it registered and accepted as legal advice?

Would you go along with it?
Maybe it would be done in a sneakily manner and you won’t know about it until it has been signed off.

This politician seeking praise would state that we have a complex social and environmental crisis that needs to be solved holistically.     He would also affirm that climate change is an all-encompassing threat to the world in which we live.

His manifesto would cover poverty, technology, science and modernism, with criticism about the anonymous influences of mammon, new colonialism and free trade treaties.     He would show a preference for cooperative measures rather than have the imposition of austerity measures, when it comes to either national or global financial control.

To get his agenda across the world body, he would insist that we embrace the moral dimensions of problems that we have viewed primarily as scientific, technological and economic in our modernistic viewpoint.

This false manifesto would be presented to the world in such away that it appeases the main stream of thought held by many people.     Many people would even see the outline of this manifesto as a blessing.     However, the real problem lies in the hidden details.     The details of which, will cause tribulation throughout the world.

But how will this wily and sophisticated politician and his false manifesto fool many?

With Regards To Poverty

His manifesto would cover mercy and care for the poor.     He of course would desire to be a bridge for helping the poor.     He would state that respect for creation and human dignity go hand in hand.     Well!     It sounds good.

It would state that poor nations are ill prepared to adapt to the effects of climate change and will bear the brunt of its effects.     This of course is a commonly held view.

However, there would be statements about there being a dual need to respect and protect our common home.     Also, there would be a need to respect and protect the dignity and lives of the poor.

It would be stated that the poorer nations would suffer even more problems in the future.     They would suffer in particular from rising sea levels, droughts, warming and extreme weather caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

There of course would be a call to end poverty and share the world’s ecological space.

With Regards To Technology

There would be a push to control aspects of technology.     Many today would be in agreeance with this.     But one must be careful here, for technology can be used as a two edged sword against its benefits for you.

Greed through technological advancement would be made an issue and that there should be a way to both limit and direct technology.     Maybe technology could be used for the progression of healthier, more human, more social, more integral types of services.     This of course would be a benefit for all.

Of course, technology based on the use of highly polluting fossil fuels, especially coal, oil and to a lesser degree gas, would need to be progressively replaced without delay.

It would be stated that the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources would make this world more sustainable and reduce global poverty.     However, technology used for communication purposes could be seen as being desirable, as long as checks and balances are in place.

It all looks good on the surface.     But the problems with renewable energy sources concerning cost of manufacture, requirements of manufacturing and component longevity would be either ignored or hidden.

With Regards To Science

This manifesto would push for a compassionate ecological concern for the planet and people.

The manifesto would have arguments, such as, fossil fuels in general and coal in particular, threaten the poor.     Also those fossil fuels are a threat to the prosperity of the poor.     Why?     Because fossil fuels are the major cause of climate change!

The manifesto would claim that we are witnessing a disturbing warming of the climatic system.     This of course would be due to the great concentration of greenhouse gasses in our upper atmosphere.     This would promote an urgent need of a true world political authority to govern what needs to be done.

The cyclic of nature of Earth’s environment would be ignored.     There would probably be no mention of the Sun’s solar activity affecting our atmosphere.     The current tectonic plate movement, which is causing an increase in earthquake activity and volcanism probably, will not come into the equation.     Perhaps the current atmospheric pollution caused by volcanic activity would be dismissed.

The manifesto would push the fact that our Earth is our common home.
Demands would be made for more ecological conversions, covering personal, communitarian and institutional needs and requirements.     There would be calls for ecological solidarity and liberation, for care of the Earth is an integral matter for our survival.     Of course, ways of action will be shown and there would be offers of engagement for a new ecological dialogue.

I wonder who would take charge of this?

With Regards To Modernism

The manifesto would stipulate that there is interconnection between nature and people.     We should defend the rights of nature and develop a sense of the oneness of humanity.

It would also show that there is an overall decline in human life and a breakdown of society.     The current global order needs to be changed.     Through mismanagement it destroys the environment, oppresses the multitudes and makes us blind to the beauty of creation.

The manifesto would seek to correct this mismanagement.     It would state that we should pursue a form of connectedness through different faith-based groups, civil society and institutions.     We should demand climate justice for the destruction of our planet, which is perpetrated by mining companies, businesses, multinational corporations and greedy countries.

All this sounds like the left-wing Marxism, which is currently permeating society throughout the world.

Also, it would be stated in the manifesto that we would have to pay for our ecological debt.     There has to be reimbursement for the harm we have done to the environment, communities and individuals that are suffering now and in the future.     There would be a need to cultivate a desired ecological culture, as a way of outgrowing our ecological destruction.

But!     Will they ignore the fact that the biggest polluters are not necessarily the wealthiest nations!     If they do ignore the fact, then the wealthy abiding nations would be penalised in many ways by the actions of the poorer nations that don’t really care anyway.

This manifesto would promote ecological education and faith advocacy for environmental care.     Ecological citizenship should be sought as a practical path to witnessing the environment.     Also we should be committed to the care of indigenous communities and their cultural traditions.

There would be a call to a better life, a world with more justice, peace, equity and sustainability.     A civic renewal!

Looks Can Be Deceiving

On the surface, this false manifesto seems to be stating some obvious true feelings.
But!     As they say:   “The proof is in the pudding”.

However, this false manifesto would also be full of innuendo, things and statements that could be easily twisted to suite the narrative of another agenda.

What if this wily and sophisticated politician was a despot in the making and the worldly body sought absolute power.     This false Manifesto could be used to rule the world.     Could it be the harbinger to One World Order?     Could it seek a commonality in religion and also a commonality in economics?

How is a world body going to change the world’s behaviour in regards to climate change?
They would have to coerce the richer nations into changing their political outlook and financial structure.     They would have to offer something worth thinking about and of course it would also be a lie.     Well!     How about the “Great Reset” and what it has to offer.

Time will tell if this false manifesto and the “Great Reset” is a conspiracy or not.

But!     Think about this.     If the world body signs off on this false manifesto and something like the “Great Reset” comes into play, then you should begin to worry.     If it is as bad as the conspiracy theorist’s claim, then all hell will break out.     Arguments will break out between family members and groups, nations will come against nation.     All will be vying for their rights and the world will be in chaos.     The world would be under tribulation.

Could this false manifesto shortly come into being?     Oh!     Laudato Si.
Just wait and see….

May the love of God (Yahuah) and the sacrifice of the Messiah (Yahusha) lead you to salvation.

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