The Dark Side

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Is there negative energy in space?
Does positive energy and negative energy balance each other out, ie: = zero?
Is there more mass in the universe than what is visible?

Scientists are postulating the existence of dark matter and dark energy in our universe due to observed irregularities in the make up of our universe.    However, they do not know how or when dark matter and dark energy could have come into existence.

A quandary arose in the 1920’s when astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is not static but expanding.    In 1998 the Hubble Space Telescope was used to study very distant supernovas that occurred a long time ago.    In doing so they realized that our universe was expanding more slowly than it is today.    This was puzzling because it was thought that the gravity of matter in the universe would slow its expansion or even cause it to contract.    Was there something not seen on the dark side?

In the 1960’s and 1970’s, astronomers began to think that there might be more mass in the universe than what is visible.    During this time period astronomer Vera Rubinat observed the speeds of stars at various locations in galaxies.    She found that all the stars in a galaxy seemed to circle the centre at more or less the same speed, which went against Newton’s Laws of Physics.    Was the dark side influencing our universe?

The mysterious and invisible mass became known as dark matter due to the gravitational pull it exerts on regular matter.    It is thought that this dark matter could be formed by exotic particles that don’t interact with light or regular matter, hence making it difficult to detect.    Dark energy is thought to be the strange force that is pulling the cosmos apart at ever increasing speeds.    But this dark energy remains undetected and shrouded in mystery.

Our early universe was smaller and denser than it is today.    However a pattern of imperfections was observed due to the leftover glow of the cosmic microwave background.    This pattern of imperfections required our universe to be made of about 27% dark matter, in comparison to only about 5% normal matter.

The Dark Age of our early universe came to an end at about 1 billion years after the Big Bang (12.799 Bya) with the end of the Reionization era.    It is also thought that about 9 billion years ago the dark energy density was low enough that its effects on the Universe’s expansion rate were not noticeable.    And that about 6 billion years ago the matter and dark energy densities were equal.

Today it is debated that the dark matter makes up 23 percent of the universe, whilst in comparison only 4 percent of the universe is composed of regular matter, which encompasses stars, planets and people.    The strange pulling force of the cosmos known as Dark energy is thought to make up 73 percent of the universe.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy is one of the most hotly debated topics in cosmology today.    It still not known what they really are or when they came into existence!

Our Dark Side

Do you have a dark side?
How do you feel about the dark side?
Do you think it to be either menacing or even sinister?

Ever since I can remember as a child the baddies were dressed in black and the goodies were dressed in white.    Bad and/or evil things were in the dark and good things were in the light.    The light always seemed to be the demise of bad things.

Our perception of good and bad seems to stem from the knowledge of a heavenly war when Lucifer challenged the position of God Head.    About one third of the spiritual entities rebelled.    Their fate was sealed when they were cast into the abyss and covered in darkness within the earthly realm.    The “Watchers” whose tasks it was to spiritually help mankind, lusted over the women of Cain and those of Seth who erred in their ways.    The angelic Watchers broke the spiritual code of conduct, manifested themselves and took the women as wives.

The result of the Watchers fornication was the corruption of mankind both spiritually and physically within their DNA.    The women gave birth to the Nephilim (Giants), such as the Rephiam, Emim and Anakim.    The flood of Noah was done to eradicate the Nephilim and carnal man from their known world.    However, the spirits of these giants were to become earth bound demons.    The demonic spirits were invoked when Ham and his son Cush fled from Noah and brought back the ways of before the flood.

Ham carried on in the knowledge of divination.    Cush sought dominion and authority over people; he also sought to become a deity and promoted immorality.    Nimrod originally walked in the way of God, but pride later snared him in the way of his father Cush.    Nimrod revived the art of astronomy.    Through Nimrod the satanic and pagan practices eventuated.    The origins of the gods of old, paganism, mysticism, the occult and false church teachings seem to stem from the ways of Nimrod.

Nimrod was the origin of sun god worship.    The sun gods were always depicted with rays of light around or above their heads.    Nimrod married his mother Semiramus and had a son Tammuz.    From Semiramus and Tammuz the false teachings of mother and son entered the Christian churches along with Christmas and Easter.

Semiramus was the origin of the Queen of Heaven, the goddess of love and fertility.    She was offered raisin buns, as part of her worship, and over time she became the forerunner of Easter traditions.    The birth of Tammuz was during the winter solstice of the northern hemisphere and over time became recognised as December 25th.

The problem today is that many people think that they are on the side of good but are unknowingly walking in the dark side.    Many people are confused by biblical teachings because they find similar teachings that are written through a pagan perspective.    The pagans either had no understanding of God and/or denounced Him.

Nimrod was known to challenge the way of God for he was a rebel who twisted the truth to suite himself.    Paganism stems from Nimrod and the teachers and historians of old were either of Persian, Greek or Roman pagan ancestry.

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Semiramis – Queen of Heaven
The Woman riding the Beast in Revelation

Life today is a challenge.    The truth is twisted and lies abound.    Bad vibrations are all around and many walk in the dark side.    If you are a seeker of biblical truth you must turn away from the misguided church and read the bible for yourself.

The truth is in the bible and other associated books such as the books of Enoch, Jubilees and Jasher.    When reading the bible review the Old Testament for the New Testament is based on the knowledge contained in it.    The books of Enoch, Jubilees and Jasher will give you more insight.

It is up to you to come out of the dark and enlighten yourself.
May you find the light and live a good life whilst waiting for your salvation.

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