In The Beginning

Did Our Reality Start With The “Big Bang”?

Or was it the will of creative thought?

What was the catalyst behind, or even that of the “Big Bang”?
Did something implode and then explode due to quantum fluctuation?

Something had to exist in order to create an explosion and that something was energized.    For quantum fluctuation to occur, energy and quantum particles had to exist.    So!    How did the quantum fluctuation start?

To understand quantum physics you have to get your head around “String Theorem”.    String Theorem is based on thinking, postulating and mathematical application.    For String Theorem to come into effect one has to consider the possibility of there being at least ten different dimensions and be open to the further possibility of there being even, eleven to twenty six dimensions.

This is mind blowing to many people who perceive themselves as to being associated to three dimensions.    But if you believe that your reality is of three dimensions you are sadly mistaken.    Our reality, (the common perception of our material realm), is of four dimensions.    Our universe is moving due to momentum and so are we.    All is related to time and time appears to be limited by the bounds of its cause.    Hence all things have a beginning and an eventual end.

According to String Theory all begins with strings of energy.    But nobody knows how this energy came about.     However, those who are into Quantum Physics know that the perception of the quantum realm can change due to the thinking of the observer.    So!    Is the creation of the strings of energy due to the will of creative thought?

These strings of energy create fundamental forces.    The type and amount of force depends on whether the strings of energy are either open or closed loops.    Open strings of energy vibrate, twist and turn to form various patterns, however if their two ends meet and fuse together then a closed loop is formed and a particular quantum particle is created.

Now!    Without going into too much depth.    Quantum particles can form into sub atomic structure and create atoms.    Atoms allow chemical change.    Atoms and quantum particles form into molecules.    Molecules allow structure to take place and material is formed.    Molecules can wrap themselves around other molecules containing certain atoms and quantum particles and cell structure takes place.

Depending upon circumstances, two living cell types can be created such as prokaryotic (bacteria) and eukaryotic [(animal, plant, fungi and protoctista (unicellular organisms)].    Guess what?    All of us human beings are made up of different types of eukaryotic cells and yes… we are animals and sadly, in more ways than one.

Hence!    We are also stardust.    For our universe consists of quantum particles and stars are created and destroyed through them.    From dust we came, to dust we go: to one realm of existence or another.

But!    Back To The “Big Bang”…

Did the first and second dimensions of existence meld together?
Did this combination make up the void of the third dimension or did all three dimensions somehow over lap each other.    The overlapping of dimensions could and/or would cause quantum fluctuation.    The reaction of which, either created or entered aspects of the other three dimensions into, the fourth dimension.    This of course would cause one hell of a big bang.

It is thought that each dimension holds a different concept of reality.
Do the various dimensions vibrate and move within the boundaries of other dimensions?    Do the different dimensions just kiss each other or do they infiltrate and cause chaos?    Are there gateways between dimensions?    If you could move between dimensions would you experience a different version of your own reality or would you experience a different realm of existence.    Now that is something for you to think about.    I hope you get a big bang out of it.

Never the less!    Here we are, 13.73 billion years later, and no one has a real clue as to how our universe came about.    But we know it did, because here we are, still postulating our origins and trying to work out who and what we really are.

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What Is The Will Of Creative Thought

Well!    You are a creative thinking, manifesting entity of free will.
Think upon it and work it out for yourself.    You do have the ability to do so.
Just put your ego aside and open your mind, then test your preconceived ideas.    The thoughts that you will have will either enhance your beliefs or destroy them.

It does not matter if you change your belief, as long as your new belief is righteous you will be on the right track and hopefully you will get a big bang out of your life.

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