Moses Before Exodus

Life Before Moses

Amram, (son of Kehath, seed of Levi) and Jochebed (Yokheved daughter of Levi) were born when Jacob (Israel) entered Egypt into the land of Goshen.     This would have been about 2,238 years after the creation of Adam and Eve.     Amram lived for 137 years, but the death of Jochebed (Yokheved) is not recorded, but it would have been whilst the daughter of Pharaoh was looking after Moses.

In the 71st year of Israelites in Egypt, Joseph (Yosef son of Jacob (Ya’aqob) who ruled over Egypt) died at 110 years of age.     He lived in the land of Egypt for 93 years and reigned over all Egypt for 80 years.     A year later the reign of the new unknown Pharaoh over Egypt began.     He reigned for 30 years.

In the 102nd year of Israel in Egypt, the Unknown Pharaoh died.    His son Melol (Meror) reigned in his stead.     Melol (Meror) was 20 years old when he began to reign and he reigned for 94 years.     He lived for 124 years.     Pharaoh Melol (Meror) had three sons and two daughters by Alparanith the queen, his wife.     Bathia (Tharmuth) his daughter was his first-born child.     The firstborn son was Othri, the second Adikam and the third Morion.     His other daughter was Acuzi.     He also had other children by his concubines.

After about 1 year and 4 months into his reign, Melol (Meror) started to oppress the Israelites.     The children of Israel were tricked into fortifying Pithom and Rameses in the 2nd year of Melols’ (Meror) reign.     Pharaoh Melol (Meror) treated the Israelites as slaves from his 13th year of reign in the 115th year of the Israelites going down into Egypt.

It is assumed that in Melol’s (Meror’s) 4th year of reign, Bathia (Tharmuth, his first child and daughter) was born.     Bathia was born Tharmuth the daughter of Queen Alparanith.     Her name was changed to Bathia (daughter of God) when she went against idolatry and sought the ways of God (Yahuah).     She became a Midrash folklore legend, but her death is unknown.     She apparently left with Moses on his Exodus and also married Caleb (son of Jephuneh) and bore him three sons.     She was known as Caleb’s Judahite wife who bore Jered father of Gedor, Heber father of Soco and Jekuthiel father of Zanoah.

In the 125th year of the Israelite going down to Egypt, Job (from Mesopotamia, in the land of Uz) advised Pharaoh Melol (Meror) to afflict the Israelites in his 23rd year of reign.     The Hebrew midwives (including Shephrah and Puah) were told to kill all male babies, but they ignored the order.     When summoned by the King they advised that the Israelite women were hale and didn’t require their services for they were midwives to themselves.

Amram married Jochebed in the 126th year of the Israelites going down to Egypt and Miriam their daughter was born.     Miriam lived for 129 years.

In the 130th year of the Israelites being in Egypt, Pharaoh Melol (Meror) dreamt of the destruction of Egypt.     Balaam (the son of Beor the Syrian) was a sorcerer and prophet, he interpreted Pharaohs dream.     Pharaoh then sought the council of Reuel (Jethro, a Kenite shepherd and priest of Midian) and Job.     Reuel (Jethro) advised Pharaoh not to harm the Israelites due to the avenging nature of their God (Yahuah).

Pharaoh didn’t like Reuel’s advice.     So Reuel (Jethro) left the king’s presence and went to Midian, taking Joseph’s stick (a memento) with him.     Job advised the king to do as he pleased.     Pharaoh sought Balaam’s advice, which was to drown the children of Israel.     The king then made a law to drown males born to Hebrews and the order was actioned.

Two years later, Amram sent Jochebed away for she was in conception.     Aaron was born 6 years after Miriam and he lived for 123 years.     Later Miriam prophesied the birth of Moses, her brother.     Amram went and took his wife back to his house, after he had driven her away for 3 years.     Moses was then born 3 years after Aaron and he lived for 120 years.

Moses in the Ark

The Early Life Of Moses

In the 135th year of the Israelites going down to Egypt, Jochebed (Yokheved) gave birth to Moses after conceiving for 7 months.     She hid Moses in an inner room for three months to prevent Moses being slain by Pharaoh’s officers.     She then made an ark of bulrushes and daubed it with slime and with pitch.     She put her child in the ark and laid it in the flags by the river’s brink.

Bathia (Tharmuth, Pharaoh Melol’s (Meror) daughter) found Moses in the bulrushes.     According to Midrash folklore legend she was conducting a purification ritual from the evils of her father Pharaoh Melol (Meror) and the idolatry of Egypt.     Miriam (Moses sister) was watching out for Moses.     Miriam arranged for Jochebed (Yokheved) to wet nurse Moses for Bathia.     When Moses was 2 years of age, Jochebed (Yokheved) handed Moses over to Bathia as a son.

Bathia declared that Moses was her son and brought him up as such, in private, due to the law of the drowning of Hebrew sons.     Bathia was probably 20 years old at this time.

In the 137th year of the Israelites going down to Egypt, Amram (father of Moses) died, two years after the birth of Moses.

When Moses was 3 years old he was sitting at a banquet.     Alparanith the queen was sitting at Pharaoh Melol’s (Meror) right and Bathia at his left and Moses was lying upon her bosom.     Balaam (the magician and prophet, the son of Beor) with his two sons and all the princes of the kingdom, including Job, were sitting at table in the king’s presence.     Moses then leaned forward and took the crown from Pharaoh Melol’s (Meror) head and placed it on his own head.     The crown was quickly given back to the king.

Pharaoh Melol’s (Meror) thought that this could be an omen and sought advice.     Balaam sought death for Moses.     Job thought that Moses was dull witted and had Moses choose between an onyx stone and a hot coal.     Moses reached for the onyx stone, but an angel moved his hand, so he the put the hot coal in his mouth, which burnt parts of his lips and tongue, making him heavy in mouth and tongue.     The angel saved Moses from death due to his action.     Moses then grew up in the favour of Pharaoh.     But he was not eloquent in speech for he had a slight stammer.

Moses grew up and noticed the harsh labour of the Israelites and sought a day of rest for them, which Pharaoh granted.     Pharaoh ordered a proclamation throughout Egypt and Goshen, saying: “To you, all the children of Israel, thus says the king, for six days you shall do your work and labour, but on the seventh day you shall rest, and shall not preform any work, thus shall you do all the days, as the King and Moses the son of Bathia have commanded”.

However, Moses hatred of Balaam also grew stronger, so Balaam and his sons fled to King Kikianus of Cush.

The Fleeing Of Moses

When Moses was 18 years old, (in the 153rd year of the Israelites going down to Egypt), he had the desire to see his mother and father in Goshen.     He was either unaware of their deaths or wanted to see their gravesites.     This is when Moses kills an Egyptian who smites a Hebrew.

Aaron at this time was in Egypt, in the land of Goshen, prophesying against the idols of Egypt.    The children of Israel wouldn’t listen.     So God (Yahuah) sought to punish the Israelites even more due to their idolatry.

Pharaoh heard of the killing affair and ordered Moses to be slain.     This would have put Bathia’s life at risk as well, for she brought up Moses in the Kings Household.     An angel of God deceived Pharaoh into thinking that Moses was slain.     The angel took Moses on a 40 day journey outside of Egypt.     So Moses fled to the camp of King Kikianus of Cush when 18 years old.

During this time, the children of the East and Aram rebelled against the children of Cush and King Kikianus.     When King Kikianus went to do battle, he left Balaam to guard the city.     King Kikianus camped and fought against Aram and the Children of the East and won.

However, whilst King Kikianus was waring, Balaam caused the city inhabitants to rebel against King Kikianus and make him King Balaam of the city.     When King Kikianus returned home, he found out that Balaam had taken over his city.     King Kikianus laid siege against the city of King Balaam for 9 years.     Moses was in the camp of King Kikianus during this time and found favour with the people of Cush.     King Kikianus died of illness at the end of the 9 years.

After King Kikianus had died, the people of Cush made Moses their king.     Moses was 27 years old when he reigned as King of the Cushites, in the 162nd year of the Israelites being in Egypt and in the 60th year of Pharaoh Melol (Meror) reign.     The people of Cush gave King Kikianus wife Adoniah to Moses to have as a wife.     But he never approached her because she was a Cushite.

During this time Moses and the children of Cush take back their city.     Moses seized the city of Cush by having the people train storks to kill the serpents that protected the city, through the magic of Balaam.     Balaam the magician, his two sons and eight brothers flee the city of Cush and went back to Pharaoh Melol (Meror) the king of Egypt.     They are the sorcerers and magicians who stood against Moses when God (Yahuah) brought the ten plagues upon Egypt.

Moses then fought against and conquered the Children of the East and Aram.     Moses then brought the Children of the East and Aram under subjection to himself and the children of Cush.     Moses reigned as king for 40 years.     It is assumed at this time that Aaron took to himself Elisheba as a wife.     Elisheba was the daughter of Amminadab, sister of Nahshon.     They had four sons: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.

In the 12th year of the reign of Moses, Joshua (Yehoshua, son of Nun) was born and 2 years later Caleb (son of Jephuneh) was born.

In the 18th year of the reign of Moses, (in the 180th year of the Israelites going down into Egypt), 30,000 of the children of Ephraim rebelled and transgressed the word of the God in leaving Egypt before the end of the captivity as destined by God (Yahuah) had arrived.     A battle was waged against the Philistines near Gath.     All of those Ephraimite infantrymen, except ten, were slain in the Valley of Gath whilst the Philistines lost 20,000 men in the battle.     There they remained forsaken and were not brought to burial, hence the valley was filled with their bones.     (Could this be the Valley of Dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14 ?)

The ten men who escaped from the battle returned to Egypt and related to their brethren what had happened to them.     Ephraim (the son of Joseph (Yosef), was 185 years old) mourned over the loss of his brethren.     He came unto his wife and she bare a son, and he called his name Beriah, for she was unfortunate in his house.

Adikam (Ahuz) was born in the 24th year of Moses reign.     He was the son of Pharaoh Melol (Meror) by Alparanith, both queen and wife.     Adikam (Ahuz) was Melol’s 2nd son and perhaps the 3rd child.     There is no mention when Pharaoh Melol (Meror) daughter Acuzi was born.

In the 34th year of Moses reign, Pharaoh Melol (Meror) took a wife for Adikam (Ahuz).     Othri the kings first born son was an idiot, precipitate and hurried in his words.     Adikam (Ahuz) was cunning and wise and knowing in all the wisdom of Egypt, but of unseemly aspect, thick in flesh and very short in stature; his height was one cubit.

When the king saw that his son Adikam (Ahuz) was intelligent and wise in all things, the king resolved that he should be king in his stead after his death.     Melol took Gedudah daughter of Abilot as a wife for Adikam (Ahuz), when he was ten years old.     She bares unto him four sons.     Afterward Adikam (Ahuz) went and took three other wives and begat eight sons and three daughters.

In this time period, God (Yahuah) smote Pharaoh Melol (Meror) king of Egypt for a period of 10 years.     Melol was afflicted with the plague of leprosy from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head, owing to the cruel treatment of the children of Israel.     But Pharaoh still stretched out his hand against the children of Israel.

His wise men and sorcerers advised that he would be healed if the blood of little children were put into his wounds.     They did this on a daily basis and they killed 375 Israelite infants.     God (Yahuah) would afflict Melol even more.     Melol was overcome by leprosy, a bad tumour, sickness at the stomach and a severe boil before his death.

Moses reigned as king for 40 years ended when Queen Adoniah had the people of Cush appoint her son Menacus (son of Kikianus) as king over them.     Moses left them with honour when he was 66 years old.     Moses went to go home but then he fled to Midian, for he was still afraid to return to Egypt on account of Pharaoh.

It was in Midian where Moses saw the seven daughters of Reuel (Jethro) the Midianite (a priest) being harassed by some shepherds.    Moses didn’t know them, but he stood up for Reuel’s daughters and drew water for them and their flock.    Reuel (Jethro) then invited Moses into his household for a meal.    Moses was about 67 years old at this time and started to tell his life story.

Moses told Reuel (Jethro) that he reigned as King of the Cushites when 27 years old, in the 162nd year of the Israelites being in Egypt.    And that he reigned for 40 years.    However, Queen Adoniah had the people of Cush appoint her son Menacus (from Kikianus) as king over them.    But!    He had left them with honour when he was 66 years old.    Although Moses told the truth, Reuel (Jethro) imprisoned Moses for 10 years on suspicion.    Zipporah, a daughter of Reuel (Jethro), took pity on Moses and fed him during his imprisonment.

Now!     Reuel (Jethro) came into possession of a stick after the death of Joseph (Yosef son of Jacob (Ya’aqob) and ruler over Egypt).     This stick was handed down from Adam to Jacob (Ya’aqob).     Jacob (Ya’aqob) gave the stick to Joseph (Yosef).     It was an emerald stick, the “Staff of God”.     When Reuel (Jethro) went out of Egypt, he took the stick in his hand and planted it in his garden.     All the mighty men of the Kinites tried to pluck it when they endeavoured to get Zipporah his daughter, but they were unsuccessful.

At the time of Moses imprisonment, Pharaoh Melol (Meror) had a near fatal chariot accident.     The chariot rolled over his face and the horse lay upon him.     His flesh was torn and he had many broken bones.     He called for Adikam (Ahuz) to rule on his behalf.

Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) reigned as Regent King over Egypt for 4 years.     The Book of Jasher states that Melol his father reigned 94 years in Egypt, but he was 10 years sick and died.     At the end of three years after the king’s accident, the king died, in shame, disgrace and disgust.

Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) was as bad as his father Pharaoh Melol (Meror).     He placed taskmasters and officers over the Israelites who had a measure of bricks to do, day by day.     If they were deficient in their daily bricks they would pay a price.     Their infants would be killed and placed in the building instead of the bricks.     270 Israelite infants were killed.

In the 206th year of Israel’s going down to Egypt, Pharaoh Melol (Meror) of Egypt dies due to ill health.    Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) then reigned as King over Egypt.    Adikam was 20 years old when he reigned over Egypt.    Moses was 71 years old.

After ten years of imprisonment, Reuel (Jethro) saw the stick (“Staff of God”) in the hand of Moses, he wondered at it, and he gave Moses his daughter Zipporah for a wife.    Zipporah (a righteous woman) gives birth to Moses first son Gershom.    Moses was 77 years old but did not circumcise him due to the command of Reuel his father-in-law.    The next year Zipporah gave birth to Moses second son Eliezer, Zipporah circumcised him.

Moses and the Burning Bush

God (Yahuah) Calls Moses

When Moses was 78 years old and attending Jethro’s (Reuel’s) flock, he pursued a kid to Mount Horeb (The Mountain of Yahuah).     God (Yahuah) in the form of the Burning Bush confronted Moses.     Yah revealed his divine name to Moses as Yahuah.     God (Yahuah) told Moses that He would deliver his people out of Egypt into a good and large land flowing with milk and honey.     This was the place of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites.

Moses was hesitant, so Yah proves himself by turning Moses staff into a serpent and restores it.     Then making Moses hand leprous and restores it.     Moses then wonders if his brethren are still alive in Egypt.     Moses was not confident in his speech, so Aaron was made his spoke person.     God (Yahuah), through the Burning Bush, told Moses that He would send him back to his people and Pharaoh in Egypt.

Moses seeks Reuel (Jethro) blessing to take Zipporah and his children to Egypt.     Moses was confronted by an angel of God at an Inn on the way to Egypt.     The angel sought to kill Moses because he had transgressed the covenant of circumcision, which God (Yahuah) had made with Abraham.     Zipporah realized Moses wrong doing and circumcised Gershom, hence saving Moses life.

God (Yahuah) sent Aaron to met Moses and his family in the wilderness.     Aaron advised Moses to send his wife and children back to Reuel (Jethro) in Midian.     And so he did.     Zipporah and her children stayed with Reuel (Jethro) until the time of the Exodus.     Moses also learnt to listen to and obey the Word of God (Yahuah).

Back To Egypt

Moses and Aaron went to the Israelites and told them that God (Yahuah) knows about their affliction and will soon free them.     Moses and Aaron then went to speak to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) about letting their people go into the wilderness to worship their God (Yahuah).

Although Moses and Aaron pacified the lions guarding the palace, Pharaoh didn’t harken to their request.     The sorcerers of Pharaoh’ s court, Balaam, his two sons and eight brothers contested Aaron’s rod being turned into a serpent.     Even when Aaron’s rod devoured theirs, they claimed it to be trickery.     Moses was 78 years old and Aaron 81 years old when they spoke to Pharaoh.

Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) thought the Israelites were idle, so he made a proclamation of no more straw to be given to make bricks.     The Israelites had to find their own straw in the land to make their quota of bricks.     Moses and Aaron stayed with the Israelites for two more years before going back to Pharaoh.

God’s (Yahuah’s) Plague Judgements And Calendation

The Almighty God (Yahuah), through Moses and his brother Aaron inflicted ten plagues upon Egypt.     Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was 83 years old, when they went to speak to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) again, (about 2,453 years after the creation of Adam and Eve).

They spoke to Pharaoh on God’s (Yahuah’s) behalf saying “Let My people go, that they may serve Me (Yahuah) in the wilderness.     However, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he would not listen.     So God (Yahuah) would bring down ten plague judgements upon the peoples of Egypt to make them know Him.

The First Plague – Waters Become Blood
Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) the next morning, Moses directing Aaron under the commandment of God (Yahuah).     Aaron with his rod in hand, held it over the waters of Egypt.     So the First Plague began when the “Waters Became Blood”, the 1st day of the plague period began.     The sorcerers of Egypt also turned water into blood.     All of the Egyptians were affected for seven days, but Pharaoh wouldn’t let the Israelites go to worship.

On the 7th day of the plague period, God (Yahuah) told Moses and Aaron that this month shall mark for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you.     And to tell the congregation of your people to take and keep an unblemished first born lamb or kid (for the Passover) on the 10th day of the month.     This day would be the beginning of their Biblical Lunisolar Calendar, for the 1st Day of their 1st Month of the New Year occurred on the 7th day of the plague period.

Second Plague – Frogs
Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) on the 8th day of the plague period.    Moses was directing Aaron under the commandment of God (Yahuah).    Aaron with his rod in hand, held it over the rivers, streams and ponds of Egypt, so the Second Plague began when the “Frogs” came upon the land of Egypt.    The sorcerers of Egypt also brought frogs upon the land.    Pharaoh still wouldn’t let the Israelites worship.    The frogs left and went back to the river on the 9th day of plagues; this covered the 2nd and 3rd days of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.

Third Plague – Lice (Gnats)
On the same 9th day of the plague period, Moses and Aaron went back to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz).     Under the commandment of God (Yahuah) and the direction of Moses, Aaron held his rod in his hand and struck the dust of the land, the flesh of both man and beast were affected in Egypt.     So the Third Plague, that of “Lice (Gnats)” began on the 3rd day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.     The sorcerers, the magicians of Egypt couldn’t bring forth lice.     The magicians advised Pharaoh that this was the finger of God.     But Pharaoh didn’t heed them for his heart grew cold.

Fourth Plague – Flies
In the morning of the next day, the 10th day of the plague period, Moses under the direction of God (Yahuah) went back to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz).     Moses advised Pharaoh whilst bathing in the water, to let their people go to worship God (Yahuah) or else a plague of flies would be sent the next day.     But Pharaoh refused.     So the Fourth Plague, that of “Flies” came on the 11th day of the plague period.     The flies affected the Egyptians, but the land of Goshen was unaffected.     The flies departed from land on the 12th day of the plague period.     The Plague of flies covered the 5th and 6th days of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.

Fifth Plague – Livestock Disease
Later on in 12th day of the plague period, after the flies departed, Moses under the direction of God (Yahuah) went back to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz).    He advised Pharaoh that the God of the Hebrews (Yahuah) wanted him let to let His people go to Him.    If he refused then a livestock pestilence would occur.    Pharaoh was still hard hearted, so on the next morning of the 13th day of the plague period, the Fifth Plague began, that of the “Livestock Disease”.    9 out of 10 animals in Egypt died, but the land of Goshen was unaffected by the livestock disease, which occurred on the 7th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.

Sixth Plague – Boils
Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) was relentless, so later on in the 13th day of plagues, God (Yahuah) spoke to both Moses and Aaron.    They both took dust in their hands and threw it into the air, so the Sixth Plague, that of “Boils” began.    All the Egyptians were affected, including the magicians.    This too happened on the 7th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.

On the 14th day of plagues, Moses went and stood before Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz).     They again advised Pharaoh that the God of the Hebrews (Yahuah) wanted him let to let His people go to Him (Yahuah).     But!     Because he exalted himself against God’s people, tomorrow, heavy hail will fall upon Egypt.     God (Yahuah) also told them all to gather their livestock and what they have in the field and flee to their houses before the storm.     For anyone who does not fear the word of God (Yahuah), they or their servants or animals left in the fields will die.

The 14th day of plagues is also the 8th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.     This was the day of the Consecration of the First Born Israelites.     The first born of the Israelites were to be consecrated to God (Yahuah), all the animals and humans from this day onwards.     All uncircumcised Israelite males were also to be circumcised by the 8th day of 1st month in the Biblical Calendar, for only those circumcised could observe Passover.     From this point in time all males were to be circumcised on the 8th day from their birth.

Seventh Plague – Hail
The next day, the 15th day of the plague period, Moses under the direction of God (Yahuah) stretched out his hand with his rod towards heaven.     Then the Seventh Plague began, that of “Hail”.     Thunder, hail and fire darted to the ground in the land of Egypt.     The 7th Plague of Hail happened on the 9th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.

When Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) realised the destruction of his land and that the hail didn’t fall in the Land of Goshen, he called for Moses and Aaron to entreat God (Yahuah).     So Moses again raised his hands towards heaven.     However, after the storm, Pharaoh still wouldn’t humble himself and let the Israelites go.

God (Yahuah) sent Moses and Aaron back to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) to tell him that because he did not humble himself, a plague of locus will devour his land.     Moses stretched out his hand with his rod over the land of Egypt and then an East wind blew the rest of that day and night.

Eighth Plague – Locus
In the morning of the next day, the 16th day of the plague period, came the locust.     The Eighth Plague began, that of the “Locust”.     Nothing green on the trees or plants in the fields were left throughout the land of Egypt.     However, the Egyptians rejoiced at the locusts and caught them in abundance and salted them for food.

When Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) realised the damage, he called for Moses and Aaron to entreat God (Yahuah) to stop the plague.     Then a strong West wind blew all the locusts into the Red Sea.     But Pharaoh was still hard hearted to Moses request.

This was also the 10th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar, the day that the Israelite congregation would take an unblemished first-born lamb or kid and keep it for the Passover.

Ninth Plague – Darkness
Towards the end of the day at evening, God (Yahuah) told Moses to stretch out his hand towards heaven and a thick darkness started to cover the land.     The Ninth Plague began on the evening of the 16th day of plagues, that of “Darkness”.     Dense darkness covered the land for three days, but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.

At that time many of the people of Israel who had rebelled against God (Yahuah) and who would not hearken to Moses and Aaron, died due to the plague and were buried without the Egyptians knowing about it.     The Plague of Darkness covered the 17th, 18th and 19th days of plagues.     This was the 11th, 12th and 13th days of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.

The 20th day of plagues, the 14th day of the month of the Biblical Calendar, was to become a significant day.     It was to become the day of “Preparation” for the fulfilment of God’s (Yahuah’s) Word.     Their journey with God (Yahuah) was about to begin.     During the day, the Israelites simply plundered the Egyptians by asking their Egyptian neighbours for jewellery of silver and gold and also for clothing.     They were given what they asked for.     The Egyptians thought that they were foolish and that they would get their belongings back.

This was also the day that the first Passover was instituted, it would commence on the evening of 14th day of this, their 1st month of their new year.     The Israelites began to observe their Biblical Calendar from this day.

A year old lamb without blemish of either a sheep or goat was to be slaughtered at twilight and eaten roasted with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.     The lamb was to be roasted in an open fire and not boiled in water or eaten raw.     The blood of their slaughtered lambs was placed on the two doorposts and lintel of the house in which they ate it.     The Angel of Death would pass over those who marked their houses.

Tenth Plague – Death of the First Born
The Almighty God (Yahuah), through Moses and his brother Aaron inflicted ten plagues upon Egypt.     The 10th Plague, that of the “Death of the First Born”, commenced at midnight on the 20th day of plagues, late that night of the 14th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.     The Israelites stayed indoors all that night until dawn the next day.     All the first born of the Egyptians were smote, from the first born of man to the first born of beast, except those who were under the protection of God (Yahuah).

Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) was devastated due to the loss of his son.     Bathia, (Pharaoh Melol’s daughter) who looked after Moses, although a first-born was saved from the plagues.     From that night and into the next day, Egypt was grieving over the loss of their first-born.     Their sins had fallen upon them.     The Israelites who painted the blood of the lamb on their two doorposts and on the lintel of their houses were saved.     The Angel of Death had passed over them.

[The Passover shall be a day of remembrance of them (the Israelites) being protected by God (Yahuah) whilst the Angel of Death passed over them.     Hence, they (and you) shall celebrate it as a festival to God (Yahuah).     They (and you) shall observe it as a perpetual ordinance.     Although unleavened bread was to be eaten with the Passover meal, the Festival of Unleavened Bread was instituted to begin from dawn of the next day.     The Festival of Unleavened Bread started on the 15th day, (the Sabbath Day of Rest), and lasted seven days until the 21st day of the 1st month.     Nothing leavened is to be consumed from Passover until the end of the 7th day of Unleavened Bread.]

On the 15th day, the Israelites celebrated their first Sabbath Day.     This was also the first day of the Feast Of Unleavened Bread it was a solemn day.     They held a solemn assembly between dawn and dusk due to the grief all around them.     No work was done, except for what they were to eat.

In the evening, Bathia (Pharaoh Melol’s daughter) and her brother Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) went to see Moses and Aaron about the calamity that befell them.     Moses explained that it was because Adikam and Egypt would not listen to the words of God (Yahuah).     Adikam ordered that the children of Israel be sent away and asked them to pray to God (Yahuah) for him.

The day after the Sabbath, the 16th day, Moses obtained the coffin of Joseph (Yosef) and took it with him.     Also the children of Israel obtained the coffins of their tribal elders.     Then the children of Israel sought to ask the Egyptians for silver and gold vessels and garments again.     They left Goshen that evening, so Moses’ Exodus from Egypt began.

The 430 years of sojourning in Egypt ends.     The sojourning began 2,023 years after the creation of Adam and Eve, when Abram (75 years old), Sarai and Lot had departed Haran for Canaan.     They passed through the land of the Canannites to Shechem as far as the Terebinth tree of Moreh.     Abram built an alter there and God (Yahuah) bequeathed the land of Canaan to Abram.

The Parting of the Red Sea

The Exodus Begins

Moses and the Israelites leave Egypt, in the 215th year of the Israelites being in Egypt.     The years of alienship, oppression and slavery in Egypt had ended.     The Exodus from Ramses (in the Land of Goshen) to Succoth had commenced.     God (Yahuah) lead the people out of Egypt by an Angel of God, being the Pillar of Cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by night.     About six hundred thousand Israelite men on foot, besides the little ones and their wives started their journey.     Also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flocks and herds, even much cattle.     They could and did travel by day and by night.

The Egyptians buried their dead for three days, that being the 15th, 16th and 17th days of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.     On the third day after the Egyptians had buried their first born, many men rose up from Egypt and sought after the Israelites to make them return to Egypt, for they repented that they had sent the Israelites away from their servitude.     The nobles of Pharaoh rose up in the morning of the next day and sought the children of Israel.

The Israelites had left for Ramese in the evening of their 16th day for their journey to Succoth, being lead by the Angel as a Pillar of Light.     From Succoth they went to Etham, being lead by the Angel of God during the day as a Pillar of Cloud and at night by a Pillar of Fire.     They camped at Etham on the 19th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar.

The next day, on their way to Pi-hahiroth, they stopped to rest and celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread on its 6th day.     That is when the nobles of Pharaoh caught up with them.     They argued that the Israelites were only supposed to leave for 3 days, but it was 5 days since they left.     When the Egyptians realised that they were being ignored, a battle between them broke out.

Those Egyptians that survived the battle went back to Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz), who decided to pursue the children of Israel to make them come back to their burdens.     However, the Israelites continued on their way to Pi-hahiroth.     They camped before Pi-hahiroth, before Migdol and the sea, opposite Baal Zephon.     There they celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread on its 7th and last day.

The next day, (the 22nd day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar, a Sabbath Day of Rest), the Israelites realised that Pharaoh and the Egyptians were pursuing them.     The children of Israel divided themselves into four divisions of their respective houses to defend themselves.     Moses told them not to take action, for God (Yahuah) would fight for them.     By evening Pharaoh and the Egyptians had drew close to them, so the children of Israel cried out to God (Yahuah) for they were afraid.     God (Yahuah) then set out to gain honour over Pharaoh and the Egyptians.

The Angel of God, as the Pillar of Cloud, who went before the camp of the Israelites, moved behind them and came between the camps of the Egyptians and the Israelites, separating them all that night.     A cloud of darkness was before the Egyptians, whilst light was given to the Israelites.     Under the commandment of God (Yahuah) Moses stretched out his hand over the sea.     God (Yahuah) made a strong east wind to blow all that night, which divided the Red Sea.     During the night and in the early morning, the Israelites crossed the Red sea.

The next morning, (the 23rd day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar), the Egyptian army was able to pursue the Israelites, but God (Yahuah) troubled them by loosening the wheels of their chariots.     When the last of the Israelites had safely crossed the Red Sea, God (Yahuah) commanded Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea again.     The two divided walls of the sea then closed in and returned to its full depth, covering Pharaoh’s army and chariots so that none remained alive.    So our story ends, about 2,453 years after the creation of Adam and Eve.


It isn’t mentioned in the Bible that Pharaoh died in the Red Sea, only the members of his forces.     The Book of Jasher states that Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) came to believe in God (Yahuah), so an angel took him from amongst the Egyptians to Nineveh where he lived for a long time.

Also, over time, the 16th day of the 1st month became known as First Fruits, then Wave Sheaf.    It became the third Feast of God (Yahuah).     Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits or Wave Sheaf are known as the Spring Time Feasts.

First Fruits began on the 16th day of the 1st month of the Biblical Calendar, when Joshua (Yehoshua) was camped in Gilgal on the plains of Jericho (Yeriẖo).     They ate the produce of the land, parched grain with unleavened bread, on the next day after Passover.     The manner ceased to come the following day, the 16th day of the 1st month of the 41st biblical year after leaving Egypt, about 2,494 years after the creation of Adam and Eve.

So!    Be like Moses and Joshua (Yehoshua) and obey the Word of God (Yahuah).    Put your trust in Yahusha, who is thought to be the Angel of God.    Seek your salvation through the grace of God (Yahuah).


Feast Of Unleavened Bread Explanation

The Feast Of Unleavened Bread is explained in the bible, in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.     It is the second feast of God (Yahuah) and is a major seven-day feast.     It is also associated with Passover and First Fruits or Wave Sheaf.     However, over time, those Israelites of the Kingdom of Israel forgot all about it and those Judahites, the remnant of the Kingdom of Judea, confused the feasts and their dates.

Passover and the Feast Of Unleavened Bread became as one celebration and was called either Pesach or Pesah.     There are some indications that the celebration started on the 10th day, when the unblemished lamb was selected.

The Feast Of Unleavened Bread follows Passover and begins at dawn on the 15th day Sabbath of Rest, in the first month of the New Year.     Because the feast day falls on a Sabbath day, it becomes a High Sabbath Day.     A High Sabbath Day is of the greatest significance between man and God (Yahuah), it is a day to glorify Yahuah.

Unleavened Bread

The Almighty God (Yahuah), through Moses and his brother Aaron inflicted ten plagues upon Egypt.     The 10th Plague of Egypt, “Death of the First Born”, began on midnight of the 14th day, Passover.     Pharaoh Adikam was devastated due to the loss of his son.     Bathia, Pharaoh Melol’s daughter who looked after Moses, although a first-born was saved from the plagues.

The first day of the Feast Of Unleavened Bread, the 15th day of the first month, was a solemn day.     Egypt was grieving over the loss of their first-born.     Their sins had fallen upon them.     The Israelites who painted the blood of the lamb on their two doorposts and on the lintel of their houses were saved.     The angel of death passed over them.

On this 15th day the Israelites celebrated their first Sabbath Day.     They held a solemn assembly between dawn and dusk due to the grief all around them.     In the evening, Bathia (Pharaoh Melol’s daughter) and her brother Pharaoh Adikam (Ahuz) went to see Moses and Aaron about the calamity that befell them.     Moses explained that it was because Adikam and Egypt would not listen to the words of Yah.     Adikam ordered that the children of Israel be sent away and asked them to pray to Yah for him.

The day after the Sabbath, the 16th day, Moses obtained the coffin of Joseph (Yosef) and took it with him.     Also the children of Israel obtained the coffins of their tribal elders.     Then the children of Israel sought to ask the Egyptians for silver and gold vessels and garments.     They left Goshen that evening, so Moses’ Exodus from Egypt began.

Over time, the 16th day of the first month became known as First Fruits, then Wave Sheaf; it is the third feast of God (Yahuah).     Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits or Wave Sheaf are known as the Spring Time Feasts.

It began when Joshua (Yehoshua) camped in Gilgal on the plains of Jericho (Yeriẖo) and kept the Passover (on the 14th day) after forty years in the wilderness.     They ate of the produce of the land on the day after the Passover (the 15th day), unleavened bread and parched (roasted) grain.     Manna ceased on the next day (16th day) and the children of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate the food of the land of Canaan that year.

From this point in time, the first fruits of the harvest, mainly barley, was gathered and waved before God (Yahuah).     It was usually gathered in sheaves and measured as an Omer of grain.

Wave Sheaf

The Crucifixion of Yahusha (Son of Yahuah) took place about 9am on the 14th day of the first month.     Yahusha died about 3pm.    Joseph (Yosef) (an Arimathean disciple of Yahusha) asked Pilate for the body of Yahusha.    Both Joseph (Yosef) and Nicodemus took Yahusha’s body to the tomb of Joseph (Yosef) and wrapped it in spices and linen cloth; this would have been between 4 and 8pm.    Joseph (Yosef) then rolled a huge stone over the doorway and went away.

Mary Magdalene and Mary [(the mother of James) and Yahusha] sat opposite the tomb and saw where the body was laid.     They returned home on the eve of Passover, this would have been around 7 to 8pm.

The first day of the Feast Of Unleavened Bread, the 15th day, is the day that the Messiah Yahusha, the Son of Yahuah (God), laid alone in the Tomb.     The disciples didn’t comprehend that it was the Messiah’s mission to die for the sins of mankind.     Despair, sorrow, heartbreak and discouragement overwhelmed them at his death.     Crucifixion was a severe capital punishment for the worst offenders.     Only by faith were the disciples held together.

The Messiah Yahusha rose on the first day of the week, after the Sabbath, the 16th day of the first month of the year.     Yahuah (God) delivered His Son and vindicated His Law, which was berated by Lucifer.     The resurrection of Yahusha gave mankind the hope of salvation and a life after death.

The death of the Messiah Yahusha is symbolic of Wave Sheaf, the offering of His Life.     The resurrection of the Messiah Yahusha is symbolic of First Fruits, the promise of things to come for mankind.     The followers of the Way of Yahusha, the Nazarene, then Natsarim, are considered to be His First Fruits.

First Fruits or Wave Sheaf occurs on the 16th day of the first month of the year.     It is a time of rejoicing, thanks giving and hope.     It is a day when you show your love and gratitude to both the Father (Yahuah) and His Son (Yahusha).     It is the day that you celebrate to being independent from sin and open to the love of both Yahuah and Yahusha.

The first day of the Feast Of Unleavened Bread, the 15th day, is a memorial to the desolation and misery that mankind would have felt were it not for the love of the Father (Yahuah).     The Law of God (Yahuah), the Ten Commandments, defines sin it doesn’t save you.     Break God’s (Yahuah’s) Law and the punishment is death.     That is why you must abide by the Ten Commandments.

But!     You are not lost without any hope.     The Father (Yahuah) sacrificed Himself through His Son (Yahusha) for the remittance of your sins.     That is why you repent and pray to God (Yahuah) on a daily basis.     If you are a believer, you are no longer under the weight of the Law, but are under God’s (Yahuah’s) grace of salvation.

The Feast Of Unleavened Bread is a seven-day spring feast (in the northern hemisphere).     It begins on the 15th day and lasts until the 21st day of the first month.     It is then followed by the 22nd day Sabbath of Rest.

During these seven days no leaven is to be consumed with ones meals.     Leaven concerns yeast products that makes food rise and or puff up.     Leavened bread represents sin and puffed up pride.     Unleavened bread represents a sinless nature.     It is indicative of sacrificing yourself from a sinful world and honouring God (Yahuah).

The Feast Of Unleavened Bread commemorates the Israelites deliverance from both bondage and the sins of Egypt.     It also commemorates the grace of our salvation, when the Messiah Yahusha died on the cross taking the sins of mankind upon Himself.     His death and resurrection gives us deliverance through repentance and prayer.     So!     Give glory to Yahuah (God) and celebrate the Feast Of Unleavened Bread.

The partaking of Unleavened Bread represents the body of the Messiah, his sinless nature and digesting his words.     The partaking of Grape Juice (unfermented wine) represents the blood of the Messiah, his incarnation, sacrificial death, resurrection and atonement.

At all times, praise Yahuah (God), especially through the Sabbath Days and the Seven Feasts of God (Yahuah).     Trust in God (Yahuah) and believe in the Son of God (Yahusha) for your salvation.


Passover Explanation

The Passover is about the sacrifice of Yahuah (God).     The blood of the Lamb saving man and his household.     It is about the death of the first born saving those chosen by Yahuah (God).     It is about the gaining of eternal life for those who choose to be one with Yahuah (God).     The Passover is about salvation.

The Passover is an acknowledgement of overcoming of the judgement of death by being free of the bondage of sin.     It is about you choosing to be under the guidance of Yahuah (God) and worshipping Him only to obtain His mercy.     It is a time when you honour Yahuah (God).

The Passover is about forgiveness.    A time of celebration for those who desire to be chosen by Yahuah (God).    It is the beginning of the calendation for the worshippers of Yahuah (God).    Passover starts on the eve at twilight of 14th day of the first month of the year, which started on New Moons Day.

New Moons Day is the first day of every month of the biblical calendar.     It is a time to get ready to serve Yahuah (God).     It is a day of reflection, planning ahead and taking stock of your life.     A time to be grateful and of giving thanks to God (Yahuah).     It is a day that offers you a new beginning every month.

The Passover is about your deliverance from being a captive of sin.     You coming out of the darkness and into the light.     It is the acceptance of life through the “Way” of Yahusha, the son of Yahuah (God), the Messiah, the Nazarene.

The Passover preceded the Ten Commandments.     To be accepted by Yahuah (God) you must put your old ways behind you, let go of your idolatry.     For you are offered redemption through the blood of the lamb, the Messiah.

The Passover is a time from the twilight of one day to the dawn of the next new day.     A time to humble yourself.     A time to save yourself from the snare of wickedness of this world by the repentance of your sins.     A time to think about abiding by the Ten Commandments.

Yahusha – Messiah and Lamb

The Ten Commandments is Yahuah’s (God’s) window to your soul.    Yahuah (God) defines your righteousness by your abiding to His commands and judgments.    Your abiding by the Ten Commandments is deemed to be the gaining of wisdom according to Yahuah (God).

The Ten Commandments is Yahuah’s (God’s) rod to measure your righteousness.     He uses it as a staff to either protect or smite a person according to their worth.     So abide by the Ten Commandments and use it as your protection against iniquity.

The Passover is the first feast of Yahuah (God).     It is to be your celebration of being a set apart people, sons and daughters of Yahuah (God) Almighty.     It is to be observed as a perpetual ordinance and to be celebrated as a festival to Yahuah (God), throughout your generations.

You are to celebrate it as a festival, an everlasting law.     It is a time to glorify Yahuah (God).     Eating the unblemished roasted lamb is symbolic of eating the flesh of Yahusha, the son of Yahuah (God).     The drinking of the juice of the vine is symbolic of drinking Yahusha’s blood.     Both represent the abiding in Yahusha and the gaining of eternal life.     The eating of Unleavened Bread with the roasted lamb is the beginning of humbling yourself from the sins (leaven) of life.

The Passover is a means to soften your harden heart and open it to the word of Yahuah (God).     Celebrate Passover and set yourself apart from the world around you.     Start your journey now to abide with Yahuah (God) before the troubles of this world cover come you.

Call upon Yahuah (God)…  Call upon His name.     But be earnest and respectful.     Praise God (Yahuah)!     Talk and pray to Him on a daily basis.


A Child Is Born

Who Is The Child?

Isaiah 7:14    Therefore the Lord (Yahuah) Himself will give you a sign:
Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

Matthew 1:23    “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His  name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

The name of the Child was and still is… Immanuel.

Who Were The Parents?

Yahuah, God the All Mighty Creator, fell in love with the thought of Humanity.     He created the Heavens and the Earth and all that was in them so His children Adam and Eve would flourish.     Since God is omniscience, He knew that Adam and Eve would sin and taint the minds of their children to come.     In time to come He planned to come back in the flesh as a man to take back the sins of mankind upon Himself in order to save mankind from spiritual death.

Matthew 1:18    Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows:
After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.

Luke 1:35    And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God”.

John 1:14    And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Yahuah, God the All Mighty Creator, is a spiritual entity that is Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence and of Omnibenevolence.     Through His love of humanity the Holy Spirit evolved.     Yahuah, God, the All Mighty Creator, manifested Himself in the flesh, when Immanuel was born through Mary (Myriam).     Hence Elohim was and still is, with us.

Immanuel Is born

Note:   (With Reference to the History of Joseph the Carpenter of the New Testament Apocrypha and The Synaxarium)

Joseph (Yosef) sprung from a family of Bethlehem, a town of Judah of the city of King David.     Joseph (Yosef) was a righteous man and lived for 111 years.     He died on the 26th of the month Abib, which answers to the month Ab.     (The first month of the year, the month of Passover).

Joseph (Yosef) lived 40 years unmarried; thereafter his wife remained under his care 49 years, and then died.     (Hence Joseph was 89 years old when she died).     He begot for four sons and two daughters.     His son’s were: Judas (Yəhūda), Justus (Yardin), James (Yaakov), and Simon.     The names of the two daughters were Assia and Lydia.

Mary (Myriam) was 3 years old, when Joachim (Yoyakim) and Anne took her to the Temple in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) and dedicated their child to God (Yahuah).     She remained in the Temple of Yahuah for 9 years.     When Mary (Myriam) was 12 years old and able to conceive, Zechariah the priest wanted to find a suitable man who could take care of her.

A year after the death of Joseph’s (Yosef’s) wife, Mary (Myriam) was entrusted to Joseph (Yosef) by the priests.     He was to keep her until the time of her marriage.     (Hence Joseph was 90 years old when entrusted).

Justus (Yardin) and Simeon, the elder sons of Joseph (Yosef), were married and had families of their own.     Both the daughters were married and lived in their own houses.     Only Judas (Yəhūda) and James (Yaakov) the Less remained in Joseph’s (Yosef’s) house.

Mary (Myriam) found James (Yaakov) the Less in his father’s house, broken-hearted and sad on account of the loss of his mother and she brought him up.     Hence Mary (Myriam) was called the mother of James, (Luke 24:10).     There after Joseph (Yosef) left her at home, and went away to the shop where he wrought at his trade of a carpenter.

After Mary (Myriam) had spent two years in his house, her age was exactly 14 years, including the time at which he received her.      Mary (Myriam) in her second year in Joseph’s (Yosef’s) house conceived through the Holy Spirit.

Three months after her conception, Joseph (Yosef) returned from the place where he worked at his trade.     He found her pregnant and was greatly perplexed by this matter.     The angel Gabriel advised Joseph (Yosef) to take Mary (Myriam) as his wife, for she had conceived of the Holy Spirit and will bring forth a son.     She was just fourteen years old when she was espoused to Joseph (Yosef).

Some time after that, there came forth an order from Augustus Cæsar the king, that all the habitable world should be enrolled, each man in his own city.     The old man Joseph (Yosef), rose up and took the virgin Mary (Myriam) and came to Bethlehem, because the time of her bringing forth was at hand.

In the third year of her stay with Joseph (Yosef), in the 15th year of her age, she brought Immanuel forth on earth by a mystery which no creature can penetrate or understand, except Yahusha, and his Father Yahuah and the Holy Spirit, constituting one essence with Yahusha.     (Hence Joseph was about 93 years old when Immanuel was born).

Luke 2:1-7  New King James Version
Christ Born of Mary
1  And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.
2  This census first took place while Quirinius (Publius Quinctilius Varus) was governing Syria.
3  So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city.
4  Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,
5  to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child.
6  So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered.
7  And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger (feed trough), because there was no room for them in the inn.

It appears that Joseph (Yosef) was born in Bethlehem and lived there until he married.     He would have left his fathers house and settled in a place near where he worked.     According to the apostle Luke, Joseph (Yosef) settled in the city of Nazareth of Galilee.

Immanuel and Yahusha, being the same entity, called Yahuah his Father, his Father in Heaven.     He referred to Joseph (Yosef) as being his father and Mary (Myriam) as being his mother.     He respected both Joseph (Yosef) and Mary (Myriam) as being his parents.

Mary (Myriam) was the mother of Immanuel and Yahusha the Messiah, a virgin undefiled.     Mary’s (Myriam’s) time of death is unknown.     Other historical records estimated her age at death to be between 64 and 72 years of age.

Boy To Youth

When Was The Child Born?

Luke 1:26-33    Gabriel came to Mary in the sixth month.

Luke 1:36-38    Elizabeth her aunt was also six months pregnant, in the sixth month.

Luke 1:39-45    By the time Mary visited Elizabeth she was pregnant.

Luke 1:56    Mary remained with Elizabeth for about three months and returned to her house just before John the Baptist was born.

Allowing nine months for a pregnancy, Immanuel was born between the third and fourth month of the following year.

The Biblical year starts in Abib, “the month of young ears of grain”.     All the months’ start with New Moon Day and end on either the 29th or 30th day, depending upon lunation.

Exodus 12:1-2    The month of Passover was to be the first month of their year.

Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) is in the first three months of the Biblical Year.
So!     Immanuel was born in either late Spring or in the first month of Summer.

Passover can take place in either March or April on the Roman calendar.
So!     Yahusha was born between May and June on the Roman calendar.

Do you see the disparity of the months?     Biblical times can only be accurately found by using the Biblical Calendar.     The Church of Rome changed the biblical times and dates.

The Winter solstice takes place Midwinter; it is the Shortest Day and the Longest Night.     It usually happens on December 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere.     December 25 is the pagan day of rebirth, the day for the worship of Tammuz.

The Messiah Yahusha birth date, given as the 25th of December, is a fallacy of the Christian Church.     It is a carry over from the Church of Rome.

Now think about this….
Exodus 12:3-5
    The taking of an unblemished lamb or goat for the household on the tenth day.

Immanuel could have been born on the tenth day of the third month, in the last month of Spring.     In Spring, flowers form and fruit develops allowing harvest from spring plantings in mid to late summer.

Immanuel became Yahusha for the harvesting and threshing of mankind.     He will sort the sheep from the goats.     Immanuel was called Yahusha after he was baptised by his cousin John (Yohanan) when he was able to become the Messiah.

Praise Yahuah for the offer of salvation through Yahusha.
Yahusha means:   Yah Saves or Yahuah Saves.

Establishing The Year Of Birth

Herod I or Herod the Great   (72 BC – 4 BC)
Herod was a Roman Jewish client king of the Herodian Kingdom of Judea.     He is known for his colossal building projects throughout Judea including the rebuilding of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and the expansion of its base including the Western Wall.     Herod died in either March or April in 4 BC.

Alexander   (35 BC – 7 BC)   and    Aristobulus IV   (31 BC – 7 BC)   were brothers and the sons of Herod and Mariamne I, his first wife.     During his latter life, Herod’s madness became obvious.     Herod had Alexander and Aristobulus strangled on charges of treason in 7 BC.

Herod also appears in the Christian Gospel of Matthew as the ruler of Judea who orders the Massacre of the Innocents about two years and younger.

The Bible also references three other sons of Herod.     They were Herod Archelaus   (23 BC – 18 AD)   and   Herod Antipas   (4 BC – 39 AD).     They were brothers and sons of Herod and Malthace, his fourth wife.     Herod’s third son referenced was Philip   (the Tetrarch)   (26 BC – 34 AD)   by his fifth wife, Cleopatra of Jerusalem.

Upon Herod’s death in 4 BC, the Romans divided his kingdom among three of his sons and his sister, Queen Salome I   (65 BC – 10 AD).     Herod Archelaus became ethnarch of Judea, Samaria and Idumea.     Herod Antipas received the tetrarchy of Galilee and Peraea.     Philip became tetrarch of the territories north and east of the Jordan River.     Salome I was given a toparchy including the cities of Jabneh, Ashdod, and Phasaelis.     Salome Alexandra was the last regnant Queen of Judea.

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (also known as Octavian)   (63 BC – 14 AD)
Was the founder of the Roman Empire.     He reigned as the first Roman emperor from 27 BC until his death in AD 14.     Emperor Augustus respected the terms of Herod’s will, which stipulated the division of Herod’s kingdom among three of his sons.

Augustus recognised Herod’s son Herod Archelaus as ethnarch of Judea, Samaria and Idumea from 4 BC to 6 AD.     Augustus then judged Archelaus incompetent to rule, removed him from power and combined the provinces of Samaria, Judea proper and Idumea into Iudaea province.

Gaius Sentius Saturninus   (1st century BC – 1st century AD )
Was a Roman senator and military officer who was appointed Roman consul in 19 BC.     Saturninus played a major role in the Saecular Games of 17 BC.     In 14 or 13 BC, Saturninus was appointed the proconsular governor of Africa.

From 9 BC – 7 BC   Saturninus served as Legatus Augusti pro praetore (imperial governor) of the Roman province of Syria.     During his time as governor of Syria he was involved in the intrigues of the Herodian family.     Under instructions from Augustus, he convened a council at Berytus to rule on accusations of treason made by Herod the Great against his sons Aristobulus and Alexander.

Saturninus suggested a ruling of mercy, supported by his staff, which included Saturninus’ three sons, who were his legates.     However, the procurator, the chief financial officer of the province, along with the majority of the council, voted against Herod’s sons, resulting in their condemnation and execution.

Publius Quinctilius Varus   (46 BC – 9 AD)
Was a Roman general and politician under the first Roman emperor Augustus.

From 8 to 7 BC,   Varus governed the province of Africa and then became legate of Syria.     Varus put his name on the coins of the two cities, Hadrumetum and Achulla.     Varius was then reappointed as governor of Syria, where he had the command of one-sixth of the Roman army.

In 7 BC,   Varus arrived in Syria.     Syria was one of the most important provinces of the empire as the four Roman imperial legions in Syria were the ones guarding the eastern frontier against the Parthians.     Varius went to govern Syria until 4 BC with four legions under his command, where he was known for his harsh rule and high taxes.

 Tertullian   (160 – 225 AD)
Was a Christian law expert from Carthage in North Africa, he wrote that Jesus was born while Gaius Sentius Saturninus was legate of Syria.     There was no Roman governor in Judaea at this time.     Direct Roman rule came into force with the banishment of Herod’s son, Herod Archelaus in 6 AD.

Luke 2:1-7  New King James Version
Christ Born of Mary
1  And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.
2  This census first took place while Quirinius (Publius Quinctilius Varus) was governing Syria.
3  So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city.
4  Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,
5  to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child.
6  So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered.
7  And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger (feed trough), because there was no room for them in the inn.

Matthew 2:16-18  New King James Version
Massacre of the Innocents
16   Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men.
17   Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying:
18   “A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children,
Refusing to be comforted,
Because they are no more.”

Note:   (With Reference the to History of Joseph the Carpenter of the New Testament Apocrypha)
Joseph set out from home and took Mary, Immanuel and Salome (their fellow-traveller) and retired into Egypt.     They remained there, the space of one whole year, until the hatred of Herod passed away.

Herod’s madness became obvious when he had Alexander and Aristobulus strangled on charges of treason in 7 BC.     Gaius Sentius Saturninus served as Legatus Augusti pro praetore (imperial governor) of the Roman province of Syria between 9 and 7 BC.     Publius Quinctilius Varus became legate of Syria in 7 BC.     According to the apostle Luke, Immanuel was born during his governance.

The Massacre of the Innocents would have taken place about 5 BC.     Joseph (Yosef) and Mary (Myriam) left for Egypt before the massacre took place.     Herod died in March or April in 4 BC.     Joseph (Yosef) and Mary (Myriam) stayed in Egypt for a year and came back just after the news of Herod’s death.

Hence they left home in 5 BC after the Magi had left their home in Nazareth.     Herod put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts from two years old and under.     Hence Immanuel must have been under two years old at this time, perhaps between 12 months and 18 months old.     Therefore, Immanuel was born between 7 and 6 BC, more likely 7 BC in the 3rd month of the biblical year.

Yahuah’s Saving Grace


According to biblical scripture: Mary (Myriam) was told by the angel Gabriel that she was to conceive a child by the Spirit of God’s (Yahuah’s) humanity, the Holy Spirit.     She was to call his name Immanuel before her conception.

Mary (Myriam) was 15 years old when she gave birth to Immanuel in a manger (feed trough), because there was no room for them in the inn at Bethlehem.     Joseph (Yosef) was about 93 years old when Immanuel was born.

It appears that Immanuel was born in the 3rd Month of the Biblical calendar in 7 BC.

Mary (Myriam) would not have been able to travel back home to Nazareth on a donkey for at least two to three weeks after giving birth.     During the first week she would have rested due to the Biblical Hebrew Laws of Impurity after childbirth, that being of seven days.     Also a male child was to be circumcised on the eighth day.     This would require 7 to 10 days for healing.

After Mary’s (Myriam’s) time of purification they went to Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) to present Immanuel in the Temple.     There they met Simeon and Anna before returning to Nazareth.     They could have stayed in Bethlehem for a month before going back home to Nazareth.

Only the shepherd’s saw Immanuel when he was in Bethlehem.     The Magi (Three Wise Men) visited Immanuel as a child (between 1 and 2 years old) in Nazareth.     The Massacre of the Innocents took place after the Magi left the area.

The biblical year starts in the month of the Passover, which is either March or April of the Roman calendar.     Hence the 3rd Month equates to either May or June of the Roman calendar.

The Church doctrine of Jesus Christ being the Son of God and being born on the 25th of December is false in both name and date.     The Christian Churches as a whole stemmed from the Church of Rome.     They still hold on to the false doctrines and teachings of the Church of Rome.

Immanuel is how God (Yahuah) came to be one with mankind.     Immanuel morphed into Yahusha when he was old enough to become the Messiah and save mankind from the sins of this world.

Praise Yahusha!     Glorify Yahuah (God) by abiding in the Ten Commandments and walking in the “Way” of Yahusha, the Son of God (Yahuah).    Salvation is given through the grace of God (Yahuah).     Seek Yahuah and call upon His name.


Three Lost Words

I have questioned my religious understandings on many occasions for I seek the truth.

In the English bibles, the translations primarily come from the Greek written words of the old scriptural manuscripts.     The Greek translations came from the Hebrew in which the scriptures were originally written.     The Hebrew writings are very expressive of the Hebrew language.

Hence a lot of nuance is lost from the narrative of the written words when the Hebrew was translated into the Greek at the time of Roman dominance.     The empathy of the written word is lost even more, when the biblical script is translated further into Latin and then into English.

The true feelings and expressions behind the Hebrew written words are lost in the translations.     Foreign words are used to express the narrative and in many cases names are changed to suit the understanding of the expected reader.

I feel that three words in particular and their meanings have been lost over time.     So through my subjective thought, I wish to express my point of view…

Misunderstanding Due To Bible Adherence

Although the Bible is considered to be the Word of God, there are errors of mistranslation due to erroneous thoughts within the body of the church at the time of their construction.

Due to misinformation of the Jews, (especially between 1400 and 1600 AD), the names of their Elohim (God) was replaced by “God” and “Lord” in the Bible because in was too sacred to be mentioned.     The name of the Son of God given today in most bibles is actually erroneous due to the lack of knowledge in how naming traditions were based.

Consequentially, the real names of our Elohim were lost over time.     Even today, after much research, the names of our Elohim are debated.     But, the base names that are being accepted are Yahuah for our Fathering Elohim and Yahusha as the son.

The Bible today is a book of agreed biblical information, which is divided into two parts, that being The Old Testament and The New Testament.     It is understood, that the first five books of the Hebrew Bible is the written Torah, which was dictated by God to Moses.     The Ten Commandments in the Torah are the key elements in knowing what sin is and the gaining and maintaining of righteousness.

The Old Testament of the Bible consists of 39 books and contains four main sections consisting of the Pentateuch (Torah), the Former Prophets (or Historical Books), the Writings and the Latter Prophets.     The New Testament contains 27 books and can be divided into 4 groups, such as the Gospels (first four books), Acts of the Apostles, Epistles and Apocalypse.

The King James Bible of 1611 contained 80 books, being based on the Myles Coverdale tradition of consolidating the Apocrypha between the two Testaments.     The Apocrypha contains further biblical stories and teachings for better biblical understanding.

In the early King James Bibles, there were 80 books of which there were 39 books in the Old Testament, 14 books in the Apocrypha and 27 books in the New Testament.     The British and Foreign Bible Society decided to drop the Apocrypha from its bibles that were published in English, in 1804.     This decision broke with the Myles Coverdale tradition of consolidating the Apocrypha between the two Testaments.     The Apocrypha was a part of the King James Bible for 274 years until being removed in 1885 AD.

There are also three others books mentioned by the disciples in the New Testament.     These are the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jasher (Yasher) and the Book of Jubilees.     These three books, according to legend, were to be lost and found later at the “End Times”.

These books have been found, but the Church questions their authenticity.     These books compliment the Bible in many ways, but put the traditions of the Church into question.

The Lost Words Of The Bible

Throughout the Bible the name of our Elohim (God) is misconstrued and even the name of the son of our Elohim.     The name of the child to be born is given, in both Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:22-23, as Immanuel, but the relevance of this name is lost due to misunderstandings.

The words, Yahuah, Immanuel and Yahusha are significant in understanding the biblical story for they represent the three aspects of humanity.

A creative spiritual entity fell in love with its thought about humanity and proceeded to turn its thought of humanity into reality.     Through its own spirit of humanity it spoke all things into existence and fathered it.

This creative spiritual entity created the heavens and earth for its thought of humanity to exist.     It gave free will to some in the angelic realm and to all of mankind, the pinnacle of its thought about humanity.     The thoughts of free will, govern the acceptance or rejection of the reality of this creative spirit.

By the time of Moses, the Israelites were questioning the reality of the creative spiritual entity.     They needed to understand that this creative spiritual entity chose them to live their lives in righteousness, with it being their elohim who fathered them.

This creative spiritual entity chose Moses to guide the Israelites in accepting the righteous ways of their Elohim.     The creative spiritual entity identified itself to Moses by stating its existence as, I Am the Elohim of your father, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, the Elohim of Jacob.     I Am Who I AM.     And Moses was to say to Israelites that I Am has sent him.

Elohim also stated that this would be His Name forever and this would be His title (memorial) forever.     But the Bible doesn’t state His name due to Jewish embargo.     But in the Paleo Hebrew, His name does translate phonetically to Yahuah (Yah-oo-ah).

Because of the free will of mankind, Yahuah knew that the Israelites would transgress righteousness, like many of mankind.     They and all of mankind would need to be saved from sin, which permeated the world at that time and even until now.

To save mankind from sin, Yahuah planned to come into this world in the flesh as a man.     Yahuah would take the burden of the sin of mankind upon himself, in the flesh, as the father of mankind.     Hence through the spirit of Yahuah’s humanity, a child was conceived and born by a woman.

The name to be given to this child prior to conception was Immanuel, which means… “Elohim (God) with us”.     Immanuel grew up as a boy with the knowledge and potential power of his spiritual father and Elohim.     When Immanuel grew up and become a man capable of fulfilling the role of the Messiah, (for the reaping of Yahuah’s people), he was baptised by his cousin John (Yochanan).

From the moment Immanuel was baptised unto the spirit of Yahuah, he could start his role of being the saviour of mankind.     Hence, his name was changed to Yahusha, which means Yahuah saves.     The spirit of Yahuah as Yahusha died on the cross to save mankind from their sins.

Understanding the names of Yahuah and Yahusha

Understanding The Three Words

The Three words… Yahuah, Immanuel and Yahusha, have a deep meaning.     Not only do they represent the three aspects of our humanity.     They are also the three names of our fathering creative spiritual entity, our Elohim (God).

I Am that I Am” is a common English translation of the Hebrew phrase אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎‎, which is deciphered as Yahuah (Yah-oo-ah).     It also means “I am who I am”, “Be Be”, “I will exist because I will exist”, “I exist because I exist”, “I will be who I will be” or “I am that which exists”.

So what the creative spiritual entity was saying to Moses was:  I am Yahuah your Elohim.     I Am the Elohim of your father, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, the Elohim of Jacob and the Elohim of the House of all Israel.     Not just the tribe of Judah or the Judahites (Jews).     The Jews today may or may not have any birth right to the House of Judah.     Many people today may call themselves Jews, but they are not.     They are just people who either practice Rabbinic Judaism as a religion or are secular in nature.

The Hebrew word for “Immanuel” as it appears in Isaiah 7:14 is עִמָּנוּאֵל (`Immānū’ēl), which translates to El (God) with us.     As Immanuel, the creative spirit Yahuah came into this world to be both with and of mankind.     Yahuah had to manifest Himself in the flesh in order to save mankind from their sins, (unrighteousness).     He had to live as a man and overcome the sins of the world.     He was to become the Messiah and show a righteous pathway back to Yahuah.

When Immanuel was ready to become the Messiah, he was sanctified by Yahuah his Father and became know as Yahusha.    The meaning of the name of Yahusha is explained as follows:
Yah = Shortened name of Yahuah which means I AM
Hu  = He
Sha = primitive root in Strong’s #H346, means… to avenge, or defend, or deliver, or to bring, or to have salvation, or to save, or to be a saviour or to get victory.

So!     Yahusha means I am He who avenges, defends, delivers, helps, preserves, rescues, saves, brings salvation, your saviour, who brings you victory or simply put: Yah is salvation or Yahuah Saves.

As Yahusha, He became our saviour when he died in the flesh to take away the sins of mankind.     The followers of Yahusha are Nazarene for they walk in the “Way” of the teachings of the Messiah Yahusha, the Nazarene.

Yahuah is the name you call upon in order to receive the grace of salvation.
Yahusha showed the way to live your life in the faith of Yahuah.
Neither faith nor works alone saves you.     Only the works of your faith can save you.     Believe in Yahuah, call upon his name, be earnest in your faith and Yahuah will grace you with salvation.

So!     What is the meaning of Yahuah, Immanuel and Yahusha?
The creative spiritual entity, our Elohim (God), is simply saying:  “I Love You”.     And as our Father in heaven, He wants “You” to love Him too.

The child was born… Immanuel

But There Is More To Understand

In Genesis of the King James Bible, the history of creation is given.     It states that in the beginning, God (Yahuah) created the heavens and the earth.     It then goes on to tell that the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.     Then it continues with what God said, what God saw, what God called and what God made.     So God (Yahuah) was both in and with his Spirit of Humanity, which spoke all things into existence and saw that it was right.

So Yahuah’s Spirit of Humanity is the Word of God from the beginning.     But there is more:

Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

Isaiah 9:6-7
6   For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7   Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Matthew 1:22-23
22   So all this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Lord (Yahuah) through the prophet, saying:
23   “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

Colossians 1:15-16
15   He (Yahusha) is the image of the invisible God (Yahuah), the firstborn over all creation.
16   For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities (rulers) or powers (authorities).     All things were created through Him and for Him.

John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

In Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End”.     Says the Lord (Yahusha) “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty (Yahuah).”

In Revelation 1:11
Yahusha says: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last”.

In Revelation 1:17
Yahusha says: “Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last”.

In Revelation 3:14
“And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans” write, “These things say the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God (Yahuah):”

In Revelation 22:13
Yahusha testifies: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last”.

If the spirit of Yahusha was there in the beginning and is of Yahuah, then the spirit of Yahusha is of the Spirit of God’s (Yahuah’s) Humanity, which includes the Holy Spirit.

So!     It was the spirit of Yahusha who spoke for God (Yahuah) in the act of creation.     That is why Yahusha has the power to rule over mankind and judge mankind according to the will of God Almighty (Yahuah).     They are all as one through the spirit of Yahuah’s humanity.     That is the creative spiritual entity that is our spiritual father and Elohim.

The Three words… Yahuah, Immanuel and Yahusha are the expressions of our humanity as expressed in the names of our spiritual father and Elohim.     It is all about love.

Immanuel and Yahusha were created in the exact likeness of spiritual Yahuah.     The Holy Spirit is of the power of the creative spiritual entity.     Yahusha sent the Holy Spirit to those of mankind who choose to believe in both God and the Son of God.     It is for their comforting, guiding and the revelation of truth for mankind.

Immanuel and Yahusha were created through the power of the creative spirit’s humanity.     The Holy Spirit and Yahusha were created by and for, and are one with Yahuah, the almighty spiritual entity.     He the Heavenly Father is both in them and us.     Our spiritual father and Elohim, is the beginning and end of humanity.     Yahuah created us to glorify Him with our love for Him so we can live eternally within his presence.     The creative spiritual entity simply fell in love with us!

Praise Yahuah!


Back To God

How do you get back to God with so much confusion in this material world?

Society today encourages one to take control of themselves and their environment, whilst the so-called elitists try to manipulate the thinking of the masses to suite their own agenda.     Many of the denominational churches are deemed to be scandalous in either their behaviour and or teachings.     Hence many people are loosing their respect of the church and their faith in biblical religion.

However, those who read the bible and study the prophetic messages realise that now is the time to really get back to God.     The count down of the End Times started in the late 1700’s and the messages of Daniel kicked in the early to mid 1800’s.     The 1900’s saw the Jews back in the land of Judea.     During the early 2000’s, biblical prophecy is heralding Tribulation.     Nobody in their right mind wants to face Tribulation without the protection of God Almighty.

So what can one do?

If the people today are willing to hear the word of God, then they need to be encouraged to read the Bible (KJV or NKJV) to gain a better understanding of the “Truth” written in both the Old and New Testaments.     People need to know why they lack true biblical understanding and to realize that they more than ever need to save their own souls.     No man or church can save your soul.     You need to have a personal relationship with God through the Saviour to receive the grace of your salvation.

People!     We need to get back to God today, before it is too late.
So!     My story of subjective thought about getting back to God begins….

The Attitude Of The Churches

The attitude of the various churches today is governed by the spirit of the angels of the seven churches, [refer: Revelation 2:1-29 and 3:1-22 (KJV or NKJV)].     How your church or church leaders prepares you to go back to God and become a Child of God depends upon the spirit of that church.     The church itself is supposed to be a pathway to biblical understanding of God and His Son, the Messiah.     The church and the people in it can’t save you.     Only your belief in God and the Messiah can save you.

There are seven types of churches, each governed by an angel with a particular spiritual mindset.     The Loveless Church is the Church of Ephesus, the Persecuted Church is the Church in Smyrna, the Compromising Church is the Church in Pergamos, the Corrupt Church is the Church in Thyatira, the Dead Church is the Church in Sardis, the Faithful Church is the Church in Philadelphia and the Lukewarm Church is the Church of the Laodiceans.

Any church today can be affected by any one of those spirits.     The attitude of either the preachers and/or the individuals within the congregation can determine the spirit of your church.     If you really want to get back to God, then be careful of the company you keep.     The journey back to God is purely between you and God; it is the spiritual change within an individual.

Don’t be fooled by the churches and their use of faith for the common good or God is in everyone or any thing, for they are twisting biblical teachings.     Stand clear of churches that have a belief in nature and mother earth.     Be cautious of the church with inclusive worship and those that promote the thoughts of man above that of God.     These churches are caught up in the pantheism of ancient Greece and Rome.     They will cause you to separate yourself from God and become a slave to a world of iniquity.

The best way to get back to God is through the Word of God, which is found by reading the Bible (KJV or NKJV).     By reading and studying the Bible you will find yourself in the spirit of either the Church in Smyrna and/or the Church in Philadelphia.     In either mindset God will bless you.

Read and Study the Bible (KJV or NKJV) for Yourself

The Relationship Between God and Noah (Noach)

Irrespective of flesh, ones relationship with God is always spiritual.     Why?
God is a spiritual entity.     God is omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresent (everywhere) and omniscient (all knowing).     God is a thinking spiritual entity and through God’s mind, God fell in love with the thought of humanity.     Through the spirit of God’s humanity, God spoke all things into existence in both the spiritual and material realms.     So man and woman were created and were supposed to live their lives by adhering to the Word of God.     The “Word of God” is the way to redemption, for it is the key of salvation by the grace of God.

However, Lucifer deceived Adam and Eve and mankind’s ideal relationship with God was lost.     Although Adam and Eve repented their disobedience to the Word of God and were redeemed, most of their descendants sinned due to the wickedness of the children of Cain.     By the time of Methuselah (son of Enoch) mankind did not want to go back to God, they sought iniquity to get over the harshness of their lives.     In the early days of Noah (Noach) the iniquity of mankind was so great that God sought to annihilate mankind by the Flood.

Noah (Noach) was righteous in the mind of God.     Noah (Noach), his wife, his three sons and their respective wives were saved by adhering to the Word of God when they built the ark.     Noah’s three sons [Japheth (Yépet), Shem and Ham] started a new generation of mankind, which was blessed by God.

However, Ham and his children started to stray away from God.     Noah (Noach), though the will of God, brought about seven laws to get his children back to God.     These Seven Laws of Noah (Noach), (Noahide Laws or the Noachian Laws), are prohibitions against worshipping idols, cursing God, murder, adultery and sexual immorality, theft, eating flesh torn from a living animal, as well as the obligation to establish courts of justice.

Believe it or not, these prohibitions still stand today and some are followed in many cultures.

The Relationship Between God and The Last Three Patriarchs

By the time of Noah’s (Noach’s) death, much of mankind disobeyed the Word of God and Noah’s (Noach’s) Laws, for they sought their own way in their world of iniquity caused by the evoking of demonic spirits.     However, the lineage from Shem to Abram (Avram), Issac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya‘aqov) sought to adhere to the Word of God and Noah’s (Noach’s) Laws, so God blessed them accordingly.

Through their faith in God, Abram (Avram) became Abraham (Avraham) and Jacob (Ya‘aqov) became Israel (Yisra’el).     The twelve sons of Jacob, (Ya‘aqov) [Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah (Yehudah), Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph (Yosef) and Benjamin], became known as the twelve tribes of Israel (Yisra’el).     The House of Israel (Yisra’el) was favoured by God due to Jacob’s (Ya‘aqov’s) belief in God.

The descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob (Ya‘aqov) became known as the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) and they were to follow Noah’s (Noach’s) Laws and the Words of God.     The sons of Jacob (Ya‘aqov) strayed from the way of God many times, but Jacob (Ya‘aqov) brought them back to God and sought forgiveness for their sins.

Due to famine, Jacob (Ya‘aqov) and the families of his eleven sons dwelled in the land of Goshen of Egypt (Mizrayim) under the protection of Joseph [Yosef, eleventh son of Jacob (Ya‘aqov)], the overseer of Egypt (Mizrayim).     Before Jacob (Ya‘aqov) died he adopted Joseph’s (Yosef’s) two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh into the House of Israel (Yisra’el).

Jacob (Ya‘aqov) blessed both Ephraim and Manasseh, so the stage was set for Ephraim to become a multitude of nations and Manasseh to become a great nation.     The seed was planted for the Gentiles to enter the House of God, through the House of Ephraim.

The Relationship Between God (Yahuah) and Moses (Mosheh)

By the time of Moses (Mosheh) the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) were being persecuted in the land of Egypt (Mizrayim) by pharaoh.     Many Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) were caught up in the iniquity of Egypt (Mizrayim) and practiced the worshipping of idols (idolatry) and for their iniquity they were being punished.

At the time of the “Burning Bush” Moses (Mosheh) was told the name of God.     “Yahuah” was the name of the God of Abraham (Avraham), Issac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya‘aqov).     Moses (Mosheh) was sent by God (Yahuah) to get His chosen people back to God.     Moses (Mosheh) would guide the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) through the Word of God (Yahuah) and with the help of his brother Aaron.

Due to pharaoh’s hardened heart, ten plagues fell upon Egypt (Mizrayim).     However, before the tenth plague, (the Death of the Firstborn), the Passover was instituted to save the lives of the first-born Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) and their animals.     The date of the Passover was set as an everlasting ordinance to commence on the evening (at twlight) on the 14th day of the first month of the year.     The roasted unblemished male sheep or goat of the first year was to be consumed with unleavened bread, that night, before the break of day.

Since the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) had to hurriedly leave in the evening of the next day, (the 15th day of the first month of the year), they took with them a week’s supply of unleavened bread.     Hence the Feast of Unleavened Bread was established.     The first day (the 15th day) was to be a holy convocation and no manner of work was to be done.     Only unleavened bread could be eaten with meals from 15th day until the evening of the 21st day.     The 22nd day was to be held as a day of holy convocation and no manner of work was to be done.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread was to be held as a memorial to them leaving Egypt (Mizrayim) and as an everlasting ordinance.     Also the Sabbath Days of Rest were being established as the 15th and 22nd days of the month.     So the Exodus began and Moses (Mosheh) started to get the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) back to God (Yahuah) by restoring their faith in God (Yahuah).

So that they would have a safe journey, God (Yahuah) lead them by day in a pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire.     Through God (Yahuah) and the action of Moses (Mosheh), the Red Sea was parted and pharaoh’s army was destroyed after the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) safely crossed the parted sea.

Following The Way of God (Yahuah)

On the 15th day of the second month of the first year, when the children of Israel (Yisra’el) came to the Wilderness of Sin and they started to complain about the lack of food.     So God (Yahuah) sent quail to them that evening and advised that Bread from Heaven would appear as dew the next morning (16th day) and would do so for six days of the week until they entered the Promised Land.     The manner would only last a day before it became rancid.

However, they were to collect double the amount required on the sixth day, for no manner would be provided on the seventh day because the seventh day was to be kept as a holy Sabbath Day of Rest.     The manner that fell on the sixth day was twice as much and would last two days before becoming rancid, so they were all fed for seven days.     The miracle behind the Sabbath day was being established.     Through God comes salvation.

So the holy Sabbath Days of Rest were established as being the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of each month.     The day after the New Moon was sighted was called New Moon Day.     New Moon Day was the first day of every month.     So according to the appearance of the New Moon, a month could have either 29 or 30 days.     There was twelve months to a year and the year commenced in Abib, (in spring when green fruits, corn and barley freshly budded), in the month of Passover.

So their calendation was established on the basis of the six days of creation and the seventh day of rest as in Genesis of the Old Testament.     The Sun ruled the Days and Years.     The Moon ruled the Nights and Months.     The Moon was “moedim” for it governed the weekly Sabbaths and all Levitical Holy Days, which included the Feasts of God (Yahuah).     The Feasts of God (Yahuah) were bound to Sabbath Days.     The relationships between the Sun, Moon and the Stars in Heaven determined the Seasons.     Hence their Lunisolar Calendation was born.

On Mount Sinai, God (Yahuah) gave Moses (Mosheh) the Ten Commandments, Laws and Judgements concerning Servants, Violence and Animal Control.     Also the Responsibilities for Property, Moral and Ceremonial Principals, Justice for All and The Law of Sabbaths was given.

Three Annual Feasts had to be kept by them coming back to God (Yahuah) at the Tabernacle on the Sabbath Day.     These were the Feast of Unleavened Bread (commencing with Passover), the Feast of Harvest (Shavuot or Feast of Weeks) and Feast of Ingathering (Feast of Tabernacles or Feast of Booths).     The Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) were to obey the voice of their Guiding Angel, serve God (Yahuah) only, and not to transgress the Way of God (Yahuah).

The children of Israel (Yisra’el) affirmed this Convenient with God (Yahuah).
The children of Israel (Yisra’el) consisted of both the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) and a multitude of other people who cleaved to them, due to their belief in God (Yahuah).

Laws, Commandments, Ordinances and Statutes to be kept

There were about 613 laws, commandments, ordinances or statutes that were given to the children of Israel (Yisra’el).     These concerned rituals, regulations, ceremony, offerings, health, morality, conduct, caring, property, slavery, redeeming, blessing, retribution, etc.     They are contained in the Torah (first five books of the Bible).

The greatest of these is God’s (Yahuah’s) Ten Commandments, from which the other commandments, ordinances and statutes branched.     The Ten Commandments were the conditions of the union between the children of Israel (Yisra’el) and their God (Yahuah).     It is a marriage covenant between mankind and God (Yahuah).     It is the yardstick of righteousness and the definer of sin.

God (Yahuah) then gave the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) the (Seven) Feasts, which included a Sabbath Day, which was to be treated as the seventh Sabbath Day of Rest.

The Feasts of Yahuah are:

  1. Passover (from dusk/evening of the 14th day of the 1st month, until dawn of the next day).
  2. Unleavened Bread (from dawn of the 15th day to the dusk/evening of the 21st day of the 1st month).
  3. Feast of First Fruits (from dawn to dusk of the 16th day of the 1st month).
  4. Feast of Weeks (a count of seven Sabbaths complete with a further count of fifty days – occurs at the end of the 4th month according to the New Moon).
  5. Feast of Trumpets (all day from dawn of 1st day of the 7th month).
  6. Day of Atonement (from dusk/evening of the 9th day to dusk/evening of the 10th day of the 7th month).
  7. Feast of Tabernacles (from dawn of the 15th day to the whole of the 21st day of the 7th month).

The Sabbath Days and the Feast Days were made holy convocations to glorify God (Yahuah).     They are statutes (laws and decrees made by God) to be held forever.     So why doesn’t the church(s) follow them?     They are a part of the Ten Commandments!     Redemption revolves around abiding by the Ten Commandments.     The Ten Commandments is the foundation stone of your relationship with God (Yahuah).

Torah Laws Branching From The Ten Commandments

The Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) Dissent

So Moses (Mosheh) through God (Yahuah) made a divine system of worship and life style for the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) based on: The Authority of God, The Word of God, The Love of God, The Law of God and The Teachings of God.     And these attributes still apply today.

However the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) and the people with them started to have dissent with God’s (Yahuah’s) divine system.     They challenged Moses (Mosheh) and God (Yahuah) in their exodus and spent forty years in the wilderness as their punishment.     They didn’t follow the words of Joshua (Yehoshua) as given by God (Yahuah).     Their iniquities led to idolatry and they distanced themselves from God (Yahuah).     However, God (Yahuah) loved them and sent Judges and Prophets to try and get them back to God.

Due to idolatry, the Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) lost their Kingdom of Israel (Yisra’el) and it was dissolved.     God (Yahuah) divorced himself from the Ten Tribes of Israel (Yisra’el) and sent them to dwell amongst the Gentile Nations.     They paid a big price for their dissent.     However God (Yahuah) still loved them and planned to redeem them in the Time Of The End.

Not long after this, the Kingdom of Judah (Yehudah) went against the teachings God (Yahuah).     They were banished to Babylon for their dissent.     Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) and their first Temple (Solomons) were destroyed.     Their Kingdom was also lost.     But God (Yahuah) loved them as well and through the lineage of King David a Saviour would be born.

The Israelites (Bnei Yisra’el) were not puritans, they were a stiff-necked people who often drifted away from God (Yahuah) and found it hard to get back to God.     But God (Yahuah) loved them and chose this mishmash of people to be His and a light to the world.

After seventy years in Babylon the Judahites (Yehudah’s) sought to go back to God (Yahuah).     After a struggle, the second Temple was built and Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) was restored.

Then the Seleucid Empire arose and took control of Judah (Yehudah).     The teachings of God (Yahuah) were compromised and the Levite priesthood came to an end.     The Pharisees, Sadducees and the Essenes brought about Judaism (Yahadut) and the Talmud.     The Pharisees became rabbis and the Sadducees became priests.     The Essenes mainly kept to themselves and were pious in nature.

A Saviour Born

God (Yahuah) is love and a consuming fire.     He is a jealous God.     He created your existence, so He wants you to exist with Him alone.     God (Yahuah) wants you to take refuge in Him.

When it comes to you, His created being, God (Yahuah) is patient, gracious, compassionate, forgiving, abounding in love and faithfulness.     God (Yahuah) is slow to anger, but do not provoke Him, for He has a fierce anger.     God’s (Yahuah’s) wrath abides on people who reject His atonement.     Only by your own personal atonement can you escape from the condemnation and divine judgment of God Almighty.     God (Yahuah) wants to save you and have you written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

From the very beginning, God (Yahuah) planned to save mankind from the iniquity of this world.     From the Word of God (Yahuah) in Genesis to Malachi of the Old Testament, a pathway was laid for the understanding of the Messiah.

Even the internal area of the Tabernacle was designed in the shape of a cross and indicated how one would get back to God (Yahuah) through a require sacrifice.     The unblemished lamb was held in high regard and was sacrificed for atonement.     Its blood was given up for you.

Through prophetic understanding the means to count the days to both the Messiah’s first and second coming were given.     It also warned us about Tribulation and how we can prepare ourselves for it.     You need to read the Bible (KJV or NKJV) to find out the truth for yourself.

By God’s love of humanity, the virgin Mary conceived through the spirit of God’s (Yahuah’s) humanity.    A Saviour of flesh was created through the Holy Spirit of God (Yahuah).    The Messiah (Yahusha) came not to change the “Law” but to fulfil it.    The Messiah (Yahusha) abided by the Ten Commandments, kept the Feasts of God (Yahuah) and constantly prayed to His Father.    He taught the Apostles and the Disciples to do the same.

The Messiah (Yahusha) came to teach us how to walk in His way of salvation.     He also came to bear the sins of mankind.     Through His death, He allowed mankind to seek redemption by the grace of God (Yahuah), through personal sacrifice.     The Messiah’s (Yahusha’s) return in the flesh and resurrection not only gives us the hope of a bodily change, but also a change in spirit, which is favourable to God (Yahuah) and our salvation.

Your personal sacrifice involves changing your life to be a child of God (Yahuah).     You must accept and respect God (Yahuah); you must be earnest in your relationship with Him.     You call upon His Name “Yahuah”.     On a daily basis you both talk and pray to Him.

You must also accept that the Messiah (Yahusha) came in the flesh and died for your sins.     Then you must baptise yourself with the spirit of the Messiah (Yahusha) by walking in His “Way” as it is taught in the Gospel of the New Testament.     You can be baptised by full immersion in water, to symbolize the washing away of your sins.     The more you do to seek redemption, the better it is for your salvation.

Be Careful Of The Church You Choose

Be careful of the church and the company that it keeps when you decide to get back to God (Yahuah).     Unfortunately, many churches have made their traditional religious teachings popular by promoting the ways of man rather than the ways of God (Yahuah).     A church of this ilk becomes full of error and corruption, a false church of biblical understanding.     The churches in the early times knew and understood the truth of God (Yahuah), especially between the late 1300’s to the early 1600’s AD and then in the early 1800’s AD.     But today many Churches are wayward.

Sadly the ancient teachings of Babylon and the antichrist spirit started to enter the church during the times of the Apostles.     These deceptive teachings plagued the Church of Rome and have entered into many of the churches of today.     Hence, the pagan traditions of the early church are still being carried on today.

Most of all the churches today have either stemmed from the wicked root of the Church of Rome or have been closely associated with it.     The religious traditions of most churches today are based on pagan sun worshipping and the Queen of Heaven, which occurred during the time of Nimrod.     The churches today do not seem to realize their wrong doings.     Are they ignorant or just deceitful?

Are you aware that Christmas, Easter and even Lent are non-biblical, they stem from pagan traditions.     Friday, Saturday and Sunday are not Sabbath Days.     These days are based on the gods of Rome depicted on the Roman Julian (solar) Calendar, which had seven days per week rather than eight of the older calendar.

Sunday is and always was the first day of the week and was represented by a sun god called Sol.     Sunday was declared a day of worship by the Church of Rome and they called it the Lord’s Day.     Frigg, Freya or Venus are the goddesses of Friday and Saturn is the God of Saturday.     Are you aware that saturnalia occurred on Saturday in honour of Sol?     Nero lit the way to the stadium by tying the early Christians and Jews to poles and burnt them alive as human torches.     Do you really want to honour this day?

Blurring Of The Word

The only reason the so-called Christians think Saturday is the real Sabbath is because the Church of Rome tells them so.     They confuse the Protestants by admitting that Sunday is the first day of the week and advise that Saturday is the seventh day of the week.     Hence Saturday should be their Sabbath Day.     But the Church of Rome neglects to tell them that they abolished the Apostles Jewish teachings and changed the times and dates to suite their own tradition.

The Romans persecuted the Jews and Christians alike.     If they were caught following the Torah in regards to their worshipping, they were put to death.     Nero used Jews and Christians as human torches and they were burnt alive.     Others faced death in the arena and either the gladiators or wild animals killed them.     However, records indicate that into the 200’s AD, Torah worshipping was still being observed by Jews and Christians alike.

In 325 AD, the first Ecumenical Council of Bishops determined the way of choosing the date of each year for the celebration of Easter, the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (should be Yahusha, Messiah).     It was set on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, ie: March 21, (another pagan tradition).

In 380 AD, the Church of Rome was sanctified, as being the religion of Rome and their form of Christanity became normality.     The Church of Rome was anti-Semitic, as it hated the Jews and their teachings.     It set out to change and/or destroy the teachings of the Torah.

Due to religious persecution and the difficulty of dealing with the Sanhedrim, the early Christians were forced to use the Roman Julian (solar) calendar.     They would have selected Saturday, as the last day of the week to get back to God.

By 500 AD the Sanhedrim, (under the control of the Pharisees), had changed the torah teachings to coincide with the Roman Julian (solar) Calendar.     They corrupted their own teachings.     By this time, Catholicism had spread throughout Western Europe and their biblical teachings were aberrant.     The feast of Easter was linked to the Jewish Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.     The Christians started to believe that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus (should be Yahusha) occurred at the time of those observances.     The truth was twisted to suite their narrative.

The tradition and teachings of the churches was under the control the Popes, Bishops and Cardinals.     The priests accepted what they were told by the religious hierarchy and only the elite were allowed inside a church.     All the church services were in Latin.     The peasants, if they understood Latin, would listen to the church service from the outside, or they were preached to by a layperson in the market square.

Anyone who went against the religious teachings of the Church of Rome would be called a heretic and would be put to death.     It was very hard for people to know the biblical truth and get back to God because of the churches indulgences.

But this started to change from the late 1400’s AD and into the 1600’s AD, when the teaching of the church were questioned as the true biblical teachings were found.     Bibles as books of learning were being printed and the true biblical teachings were taken to the masses.     The war between the churches aberrant and true biblical teachings still goes on until this day.

Please note that Jesus is an English translation of the Latin expression of the Koine Greek word Iesus, which came about after 1620 AD.    Iesus was the name given to the followers of the “Way” of the Nazarene as expressed in the Kings James Bible of 1611 AD.    The Messiah (Yahusha) was often referred to as being the anointed one and the Son of God.

However, those Greeks in the time of the Apostle Paul were pagan Greeks who worshipped Zeus as their godhead.     Iesus can also be translated as being the Son of Zeus.     Don’t be fooled by the spirit of the antichrist and the usage of Jesus.     The Messiah Yahusha was a Hebrew through the lineage of Noah (Noach), Shem, Abram (Avram), Issac (Yitzhak), Jacob (Ya‘aqov) and David (Dawid).     He was not a Roman of a beast system.     His name is Yahusha.     Pray in the way of the Son of God… the Messiah Yahusha or even Immanuel [God (is) with us].

The Ten Commandments can be found Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21.     In Exodus the 4th Commandment starts… “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy…” and in Deuteronomy it starts… “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as Yahuah your God commanded you…”.     In both accounts, it then goes on to state: “Six days you shall labour and do all your work; the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuah your God…”.     The churches through their own traditions have twisted this 4th Commandment to suite themselves.

The Church of Rome made aberrant the Ten Commandments by removing the 2nd Commandment – “You shall not make for yourself a carved image- ….” They made aberrant the wording of the 10th Commandment – “You shall not covert your….”.     They changed the wording to suite their narrative and divided it into two parts to make up their own Ten Commandments.

Blessed are those who keep the Commandments of God (Yahuah) and keep the testimony of the Messiah (Yahusha).

Within You Is The Temple of God (Yahuah)

The Relationship Between God and You

From the day that you were conceived, the Spirit of God was within you.     You were also given free will.     So it is up to you, as to whether you want to get back to God (Yahuah) or not.

We live in a world full of transgression.     We are being overloaded by information that blurs the difference between right and wrong.     The ways of God Almighty are being mocked, whilst the way of man is being promoted.

What you do in life is of your own choosing be it right or wrong, under any condition that this world puts upon you.     The people of this world should know the difference between right and wrong.     They just take the risk of their consciousness to suite their own pleasure.     And this is how you commit iniquity.     Since iniquity is the basis of sin, you start to fall out of favour with God (Yahuah).

If you separate yourself from God and refuse to repent your action(s), God (Yahuah) will divorce Himself from you and you will be left alone to your own devices and open to demonic influences.     A non-repentive soul after death faces destruction in the lower suffering place of Sheol.

If you have bothered to read the bible properly you would have known that there are more than one realm of existence.     There is a heavenly realm and an earthly realm and a place called Sheol where you go before judgement.     When the Nephilim (part angelic and part man) were destroyed, their spirits could not go to Sheol.     Their spiritual destiny was here on earth as demonic spirits and they have been plaguing man kind ever since the Flood.

These demonic influencers cause all the problems that beguile mankind.     Lucifer stirs them up to create chaos in his attempt to rule the world.     We all want peace, but to get peace we must destroy the authority attached to chaos… so back to God we go.

Back To The Beginning

So!     Back to very the beginning we go.     God (Yahuah) is spirit and ones relationship with God is always spiritual.     His worshippers must worship Him in the Spirit and in the truth.     The truth is with the Word of God.     The Word of God is found within the Bible (KJV or NKJV).     The Word of God was and still is Yahusha, the Son of God and the Messiah, who was created through God’s (Yahuah’s) love of humanity.     This is stated as such in the last book of the Bible (Revelation: 1:1-20).

Getting back to God (Yahuah) is always a challenge.     It is not easy to suddenly change your lifestyle.     You will face mockery, ridicule, resentment and even rejection.     You could even be persecuted or even killed for your belief.     But the rewards of God (Yahuah) are great and worth dying for.     The promise of eternal life is something to look forward to.

But!     Remember this… salvation does not come from either works or faith alone.     Salvation comes from the works of your belief and faith in both God (Yahuah) and the Son of God, the Messiah (Yahusha).     Read the “Word” of the Bible (KJV or NKJV) to find the “Truth” for yourself.

God (Yahuah) and the Ten Commandments have to be the foundations of your belief.     You must also accept that the Messiah (Yahusha) came in the flesh and died for your sins.     The Messiah (Yahusha) showed the “Way” to redemption by His teachings in the Gospel of the New Testament (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

The Messiah (Yahusha) abided by the Ten Commandments, kept the Feasts of God (Yahuah) and constantly prayed to His Father.     He taught His Apostles and disciples to do the same.     The Messiah (Yahusha) is both your redeemer and saviour.

The Messiah (Yahusha) is a high priest of the order of Melchizedek and is also the Lord of the Sabbaths.     He is the anointed Lamb of God (Yahuah).     Remember them on the days of the Sabbaths and Feasts.     For through the Sabbaths and Feasts you glorify God (Yahuah) and your Saviour (Yahusha).

So!     Love God (Yahuah) and pray to Him, abide by the Ten Commandments, accept the Messiah (Yahusha) and walk in His “Ways”, then God (Yahuah) will give you the grace of His salvation.

May God (Yahuah) be with you!
May the Messiah (Yahusha) both redeem and save you.

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Concepts Of God

One can no longer discredit the biblical teachings.     The evolutionist’s are on the retreat due to modern science is letting them down.     The creationist’s are moving forward and are starting to back their facts by science.     God moves in mysterious ways.

I too have been brought back to God in mysterious ways and I am still trying to understand His Ways.     So here is my story about the “Concepts of God”, an accumulation of my biblical understanding.     It is not a short story, but it is condensed to cover about 6,000 years.

According to my understanding, God loves His created form of humanity and will use His power to purify mankind and draw mankind back to his visualization of them.

God knew the frailty of his creation and sought to strengthen mankind through their experience of life in a world of iniquity.     So began the concepts of God.     Through blessing and cursing, God will teach mankind about His acceptance and righteousness.     God planned to save mankind from death caused by iniquity, by the remission of sins and the acceptance of Him, from the very beginning.

My concept of God is of an all-consuming spirit who willed humanity in existence.     The mind of God is immense.     Our existence, our universe is within the mind of God.     If you are willing to believe that God exists, then everything about you is within and under the power of God.     Since God created our existence, every thought He had was and still is righteous.     He laid down the foundations for our existence and gave laws about behaviour to prove our love and respect for Him.

How Big Is God?

How big is our universe?     How many dimensions of existence are there?     Are there universes within each of these dimensions?     God’s mind created everything that we know and all was created within His mind.     The immensity of God is beyond our comprehension.

How Powerful Is God?

God almighty is considered to be a supreme entity, which is omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence.     So!     The Almighty God is a Supreme Being, a thinking entity, which is an energised universal consciousness of creative, righteous and manifestative free will.     God is an energised force to be reckoned with.     God is an entity that can never be created nor destroyed by our will.

How much power and energy is displayed by our Sun?     How about all the stars in our galaxy?     Have you tried to evaluate the sum total power and energy created by all the stars in our universe?     The power and energy of God is held within the mind of God.    The mere presence of God is too much for mankind to bear.     With a touch of his presence our world can be either destroyed or made anew.

The Potter

God is the potter and we are the clayed imaged that he manifested.     The potter is always greater than what it creates.     The created thing of the Potter has no control over the Potter, nor can it direct Him.     But the Potter can destroy and/or reshape the image into whatever it desires.     When the Potter is satisfied with its created image, He then fires it and makes it part of his life and keeps it as long as He wants.     If we, who are the image, adhere to God and His ways, then we are granted eternal life.

God’s Humanity

But why did God create humanity?     God is benevolent; maybe He wanted something more to exist than just himself.     Perhaps God fell in love with the idea of humanity.     Firstly, God created a space for angelic beings.     These angelic beings were created to serve God and His desires.     Then in the presence of these angelic beings, God created a platform for humanity to exist.

All the angelic beings were in awe of God as he spoke His humanity into existence.     First came our universe.     It was separate from the angelic realm at first.     Then the angelic realm overlapped our world as our galaxy was formed.     A spiritual bridge was then formed to connect the angelic realm to our worldly planet.     Then the creation of plants and animals took place.     By this stage, those of the angelic realm knew their place and what roles they were play.

Lucifer, the most magnificent of the cherubim, was eagerly awaiting his role to both serve to the face of God and to lord it over the earthly paradise according to God’s will.     Many angels were to assist Lucifer in his role of a leading cherub.     Lucifer was starting to burst with pride.     And then at the first hour of the sixth day, God made the statement that would change humanity forever.

Lucifer and perhaps his chief angels were aghast when God announced the creation of man.     And even worse, this man was to be made in their image and likeness out of the tackiness of Earth and man would lord it over the plants and beasts that were created.     Lucifers pride was shattered and he set about to destroy the role of man on earth.     Lucifer lost his dominion in the angelic realm due to warring with God, but still tries to lord it over the earthly world, which is his domain.

The Corruption Of Man

Mankind was created in the image and likeness of God and those of the angelic realm.     Man was designed to be in the presence of God, if man denies God, he would perish, both physically and spiritually.     Adam and Eve were created in a place of God then moved to the Garden of Eden.     Adam and Eve were given the Adamic covenant and were to obey the Word of God and His statutes in order to live out their lives.

Lucifer set out to destroy mankind and corrupted Adam and Even.     Adam and Eve had a more spiritual, bodily presence at first.     They were innocently naive to the deception of Lucifer.     After they disobeyed the Word of God, Adam and Eve became more earthly and more aware of their presence.

Lucifer harassed both Adam and Eve after they were banished from the Garden of Eden, especially when they lived in a cave.     Cain (Adam’s eldest son) then killed Able (Adam’s youngest son) and his descendants became sinful.     The children of Cain through their lascivious behaviour lead the children of Seth (Adam’s third son) astray and immorality became the way of mankind.

In the days of Enosh (Seth’s son), the sons of men continued to rebel and transgressed against God, so God destroyed a third of their earthly world.     However, both Adam and Eve sought the forgiveness of God during their lives and set the path for redemption.     Cainan (great grandson of Adam – 4th gen) wrote upon tablets of stone and recorded the events of man.

Adam and Eve lived for 932 years and died in the 243rd year reign of Enoch (grandson x5 of Adam – 7th gen) as a righteous king.     They died a week apart and God redeemed them both.

The Watches corrupt mankind

The Watchers

Later on came the “Watchers”.     In the days of Jared, (father of Enoch – 6th gen from Adam), the angels of God called the Watchers, descended on the earth.     They were to instruct the children of men and do judgement and uprightness on the earth.     But they lusted after the women; they sought wives from the progeny of men and started to beget children.     They tainted the DNA of mankind; their offspring became the Nephilim (giant beings) who were all unalike.

The Watchers taught iniquity and disclosed secret things, which polluted and corrupted the minds of men.     They allured mankind and lured them into idolatry, which became the bane of both mankind and God.     The Nephilim later waged war against themselves and mankind.     The Giants slew the Naphil, the Naphil slew the Eljo and the Eljo slew mankind.     At this point of time God was going to annihilate the Earthly realm and all those that inhabited it.     It was due to the purity of the mind of Enoch, Methuselah (son of Enoch), Na’amah (daughter of Enoch, wife of Noah) and Noah (great grandson of Enoch – 10th gen from Adam) that mankind was given a second chance.

God’s Plan

God knows everything from the beginning to the end.     All created beings are under the governance of God and will do His bidding.     Many angels and all of mankind were given free will, a mind to think for themselves.     God’s creation was good, but not perfect.     God knows that the created beings will never be as good as the creator.     God gave free will to His created beings according to His measure.     Mankind is the Creator’s consciousness incarnate.     We are all apart of the Creator’s creative visualisation, which He wants to purify.     Our purification is dependant upon our free will and our decision to either reject or accept Him as our God.

The mind is a complex thing, which can corrupt itself.     The integrity of one’s ego, which stems from the mind, has to be tested to find any form of iniquity.     The life you live is a test of God.     Iniquity is sinful according to the ways of God.     A sinful being cannot be one with God and shall be destroyed at the End of Time.     Any angelic being that has a mind of iniquity will be punished and later destroyed.     This includes Lucifer, The Watchers and the one third of angels, which fell from heaven.

However, those of the angelic realm corrupted mankind.     Because mankind was pure and innocent in the beginning, a plan to save mankind was put in place.     The Word of God was to save man from sin, so first came the statutes and then the Ten Commandments were given.

The Word of God was with God from the beginning.     The Word of God was then transformed into a man, so a saviour was born through the spirit of God’s humanity.     God’s plan of salvation is simple.     Believe in God; trust in Him so He can bless you.     Believe that the Son of God, the Messiah, died for the remission of the sins of mankind.     Then walk in the way of both God and the Messiah and become righteous in God’s eyes.     God is willing to redeem those who call upon Him in order to be saved.

To save mankind, God planned a lineage of chosen people from Adam to the Messiah.     These people choose to walk in the presence of God.     God interacted with these chosen people and helped them with statutes, laws, covenants, governance and various judgements.     Prophets relayed and recorded the messages from God for the benefit of all His people, both then and now.     Some of these prophecies have yet to take place.     The prophecies that have taken place have been proven to be truthful.


God created in the beginning a place of delight and suffering in another dimension that encroached both the angelic and worldly realms.     The name of this place was called Sheol.     Sheol was divided into two distinctive parts that is separated by a chasm that cannot be breached.     Each part is thought to have several levels, many believe there are three levels, and some say seven.     Each part and level that one sojourns to, either depends on how righteous you are or how sinful you are.

The upper delightful place is often referred to as Heaven.     The lower suffering place is often referred to as Hell.     It is believed that the upper level of delight is reserved for the saints, whilst the lowest level of suffering contains the river of fire, which is used for spiritual destruction.

All the righteous beings of the angelic realm stay with God and serve Him appropriately.     All the beings of inequity in the angelic realm are judged and placed in the suffering place of Sheol as appointed by God.     When a person dies, their spirited soul departs from their body and they enter Sheol, but their physical body is buried.     A person’s soul rests according to the works of his faith.

A person of righteousness rests within the levels of delight.     A person of iniquity rests within the levels of suffering.     We all have free will to make our choices in life, but you are responsible for the consequences of the life that you choose to live.     Be wise; be righteous.     Don’t be foolish and suffer.

God judges mankind according to their behaviour.     God judges nations according to the behaviour of their leaders and followers.     God’s judgement defines the end of iniquity at a particular time and the hope of a new beginning due to His loving grace.

The First Judgement

God later involved Enoch in the Watchers judgement.     The “Watchers” were sent to the lower levels of Sheol.     The children of the Watchers, the Nephilim, were born of angelic spirit and of flesh.     Their habitation shall always be on earth.     Evil spirits shall proceed from their flesh when they die and remain on earth as terrestrial spirits.     They would be known as wicked spirits of the earthly or worldly realm.     This is why the world is considered corrupt!

The Nephilim died out due to the Flood, because of their days of slaughter and destruction.     However, their wicked spirits were to linger on concealed from mankind.     They would be as clouds causing lamentation.     Although they shall not rise up against mankind, they shall oppress, corrupt, fall, content and bruise mankind upon earth.     They will try to torment both the righteous and sinful people of the earthly, worldly realm.

If anyone of mankind rejects God, God will leave him or her to govern his or her own life.     However, without the presence of God in their lives, the wicked spirits will surely inhabit them and corrupt their souls.     If that person refuses salvation through God, then when they die they will go to the suffering place of Sheol to await judgement.     Anyone who rejects God can return to God to seek his or her own salvation whilst alive.     But anyone who abuses the word or name of God will loose his or her right to be saved.

Those who are considered evil go to the lower levels of Sheol to suffer and are tormented by the ways of their own minds.     Judgement is to come upon all, even the righteous.     However, God will exercise clemency upon the righteous and preserve the elect.     When the righteous die they will go to the delightful place of Sheol to await judgement according to God’s appointed times.     The elect will receive their righteous rewards prior to the redemption of mankind.

Fallen Angels – Paradise Lost

The Longest War

War broke out in the angelic realm when Lucifer chose to defile God’s creation of humanity.     This war is still in progress and will end at the time of the end, after the White Throne Judgement.     God Almighty controls the movements of all the angelic beings.     The angelic beings of iniquity obey Him to their own displeasure.     God uses the righteous angelic beings to send messages to mankind and to make peace on earth when required.

One third of the angels in the angelic realm were corrupted by iniquity because of Lucifer.     Some were worse then others, these are known as the Fallen Angels.     All were punished through shame; many of them were sent to Sheol, others do God’s bidding in punishing mankind.     All of them will perish in the end of time.

The angelic beings of iniquity try to harass both mankind and the righteous angels from interacting with mankind.     The angelic beings of iniquity use the wicked terrestrial spirits to beguile, confuse and lead mankind astray.     It is through the works of the angelic beings of iniquity that mankind develops a revolting and rebellious heart and hence lives a life of iniquity and sin.

Just because you cannot see what is going on in the angelic spiritual realm doesn’t mean that nothing is going on.     There is a war going on and you are involved in it.     Actually!     Mankind was the cause of it.     It is a war of worship.     It is a matter of what and/or whom you believe in.     Believe in God for He has already won the war.     Have faith in the Messiah and be blessed by God’s grace of salvation.     The choice you make into whom you worship is really a matter of life or death.     Choose God and be blessed in His presence forever.     Choose Lucifer and perish in the Lake of Fire.     God wins, He planned it that way.     Are you a looser or a winner?

The First Era of Blessing, Cursing and Sin

There is a biblical lineage of twenty-two generations of patriarchs from Adam to Jacob.     The patriarchs formed a lineage of those who were faithful to God.     Those who were faithful were blessed accordingly to the works of their faith.     Those from Adam to Noah were the first 10 generations of patriarchs of the pre-flood era.

Adam and Eve were placed in predicament when Lucifer, the angel of iniquity, came to disrupt God’s order and lay claim to this world.     Through deceit Lucifer would rule this world.     Adam and Eve since their fall from grace tried to make amends with their children and God.     Adam and Eve put their faith in God and taught their children to do likewise.     But not all listened and God would curse them accordingly.

Enoch, the seventh patriarch, learnt writing and obtained knowledge and wisdom.     He was the most blessed by God and he set the standards for the others to follow.     Through the presence of angels, Enoch saw visions of Sheol, the birth and death of the Messiah and the End Times of Mankind.     The angel of presence taught Enoch calendation, then Enoch constructed the Jubilee years.     There were 360 days in a year at that time.     The new moon determined the first day of each month and each month had thirty days.

Methuselah (son of Enoch) was the last righteous king on earth before the flood.     The people from Adam refused to amend their immoral ways so the Flood came upon them.     Methuselah (son of Enoch) passed on the teachings and understandings of Enoch to Noah (great grandson of Enoch).

Noah’s Ark – God grants a new beginning for man.

The Second Era of Blessing, Cursing and Sin

Noah was the father of the new generations after the flood.     From Shem (son of Noah) to Abram (Abraham), came the next ten generations of patriarchs of the Hebrew and Arab peoples.

God Blessed Noah and his sons!     God made a covenant with Noah about not murdering people.     They were to prosper, reproduce, eat plants and living creatures, but not meat with blood.     God then promised that He would not curse the ground for man’s sake or destroy every living thing again.     However, God would use the early and latter rains of harvest to punish mankind whenever they strayed from God.

From this time on God would punish mankind for their iniquity and sin through rain, pestilence, plagues and war.     The early and latter rains affect the sowing, planting and harvesting of crops and plants.     The early rain nourishes the soil for the rest of the year.     It is the time to plough and plant seed.     The latter rain involves the ripening of crops and harvesting.     Delay the rains and the crops are at risk.     Increase the rains and flooding occurs swamping the ground, either delaying the planting or ruining the harvest.     Withholding the rain affects the sowing, planting and quality of harvest.      Stopping the rains brings on drought.

When mankind is weakened through either the poor quality of food caused by delayed rains or the lack of food by drought, plagues abound.     The weather and temperature affect pestilence; rain out of season ravishes the insects.     Floods destroy one’s habitat.     When man becomes desperate war breaks out.     When mankind is aghast, they call on God and ask why.     When mankind talks to God, He listens and relents accordingly.     When mankind repents, God forgives and blesses.

Due to the implications of the Flood, the days of the year changed to 364 days.     Noah adjusted Enoch’s calendation to suite and the observation of the New Moon became more important.     Noah, through his calendation, introduced several feast days in honour of God.     Noah also gave laws of morality to the children of man.

The blessings and cursing that followed mankind after the flood stemmed from Ham and his wife.     Noah blessed Japheth and Shem, whilst Ham suffered Noah’s curse through his son Canaan.     Shem was blessed due to his belief in God.     Japheth was given space (freedom to move about) and would live in Shem’s Tents (they would have brotherly love and understanding for each other).     But Canaan would be a lowly servant to both Shem and Japheth.

It appears that Ham’s wife had tainted DNA.     Through Cush, (oldest son of Ham), evil came forth.     Through intermarriage of those with the corrupted DNA, very large men known as giants evolved over time, as recorded in the bible and other historical accounts.

Noah and his sons dwelled together at first, then separated as their families grew.     They started to build cities and become envious of each other and intermarried.     A rock carving was found about omens that the Watchers of old taught.     Then people started to sin because the demonic realm was evoked.     Wicked spirits again started to harass mankind.     Noah later divided the known earth at that time into three parts.

Mankind was becoming morally corrupt again and sought the occult.     They started to walk away from God and were overcome by idolatry.     Nimrod (youngest son of Cush, grandson of Ham), with all the families of the sons of Cush, warred against the children of Japheth and overpowered them.     He became the first king over the sons of Noah.     He was corrupted by power and became evil.     Under Nimrod the children of men built both a city and tower in the land of Shinar.

They built the tower over 43 years to reach the heavens and fight the heavenly powers.     Up until this time they all spoke a common language.     God punished them by confounding their language and destroyed the tower.     Both the city and tower was then called Babel.     The people then dispersed into their own cities, each having a different language of speech.

Noah’s sons drew lots for their parts of land.     Shem drew the holy parts south from Noah, because God blessed him.     Ham drew the hotter parts east from Noah and Japheth drew the colder parts north from Noah.     Noah’s sons then divided their parts amongst their own sons.

The children of man then went on to occupy their allotted lands.     However, Canaan ignored the advice of his father Ham and his brothers Cush and Mizraim and poached the prime promised land of Shem.     Canaan occupied the Promised Land through sedition and was cursed even more.     From that day, until now, the land of Canaan is a hotly disputed in the Middle East.     It belongs to God; He will take it back and give it to the Israelites in the latter days.

The children of Japheth dispersed in different directions.     North was too cold for most of them so they went west in a northerly and southerly manner.     It appears that they tried to distance themselves from the children of Ham.     The children of Japheth became pagan over time, but they will play major roles in the End Time Prophecies.     Shem stayed close to Noah, whilst the children of Shem dwelt in their southern portions and were at odds with the children of Canaan and resented them.     The other children of Ham respected their allotments and branched out later to other parts of the world.     Some of Ham’s descendants would also become pagan.

By the time of Noah’s death, the children of man stop following Noah’s ways.     Idolatry and iniquity was causing mankind to sin again.     Only those close to Shem sought the ways of God.     It appears that due to the sinful nature of the sons of man since the Tower of Babel, God chose to confound them about the seasons and changed the days of the year to 365.     This one-day difference would cause problems to come and even changes in types of calendation.

Idrisi Map 700-500 BC – Oldest known world map

The Third Era of Blessing, Cursing and Sin

Gods blessings were passed along the chosen lineage of Shem to Abram, Isaac and Jacob.     Nimrod wanted to kill Abram (Abraham) from birth due to prophetic reasoning.     Abram (Abraham) spent his early years under the protection of Noah and Shem and they brought him up in the faith of God.     Abram (Abraham) was about 47 years old when the Tower of Babel was destroyed.     God made two covenants with Abraham, one about the Promised Land and the other about the blessings of faith.

Abram’s (Abraham’s) first born was Ishmael, born though Hagar (an Egyptian) handmaid of Sarai (Sarah wife of Abraham).     Ishmael had 12 sons and a daughter.     Abram (Abraham) blessed Ishmael and his sons became the 12 princes of Arabia.     Ishmael is the common patriarch of the Abrahamic religions and is considered as a prophet to the Muslims.

God blessed Abram (Abraham) due to his faith and changed his name to Abraham.     He was blessed by birthright, land and prosperity.     From Isaac (second son of Abraham by Sarah) came Jacob.     These two generations became the patriarchs of Israel, which descended from Abraham.     Isaac received Abraham’s inheritance and prospered.     Jacob received Isaac’s inheritance and prospered.     From Jacob came the Israelites, the descendants of his twelve sons.

However, Isaac had twin sons by Rebecca, Esau (eldest) and Jacob (youngest).     Esau was a hunter, but he lacked self-control.     One day he saw Nimrod (king of old) in the field and slew him with his bow and arrow.     In fear he fled home and because he was famished, he sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of red lentil stew.     Jacob later deceived his father Isaac and supplanted Esau’s blessing of prosperity.     God punished Jacob by his living in a fear of death.

Esau later displeased his parents by marrying into the Canaanites.     He later married Ishmael’s daughter Mahalath, seeking repentance through his parents for his evil deeds, but it worked against him.     Esau is considered to be the progenitor of the Edomites (later called Idumaeans) Kenizzites and the Amalekites.    His children and their descendants face the wrath of God.

But God blessed Jacob.     Through God’s love of Jacob he was renamed Israel and all of Israel was blessed.     Jacob married two sisters Leah (older) and Rachel (younger).     Leah’s servant was Zilpah and Rachel’s servant was Bilah.     Jacob’s through these four women had twelves sons and a daughter.     By Leah there was Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah (Daughter).     By Zilpah there was Gad and Asher.     By Bilah there was Dan and Naphtali.     By Rachel there was Joseph and Benjamin (youngest child).     Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin.

Jacob’s twelve sons gave their names to the twelve houses of Israel.     The houses became tribes and the people thereof became the chosen people of God.

The older ten children of Jacob were not perfect.     They often twisted the righteous teachings of their father in order to achieve their aims in life.     Over time they were judged accordingly to the works of their faith.     Joseph (the eleventh son of Jacob) received the blessings of Abraham (Abram), Isaac and his father Jacob.     Benjamin’s descendants became sinful and were almost destroyed by other Israelites.     In order to save their lineage, they were to cleave to the House of Judah.

Jacob adopted Joseph’s sons, Manasseh (eldest) and Ephraim (youngest).     But Jacob set Ephraim before Manasseh.     Manasseh shall become a people and shall be great.     But Ephraim shall be greater than he and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.     Any other children that Joseph had will in the End Times share in whatever Ephraim and Manasseh own.

Under the prophecy of the Two Sticks, this is allows the Gentiles to enter the House of Ephraim.     The House of Israel, through Ephraim, is joined to the House of Judah to form one stick as the blessed Children of God.     It also goes back to Noah’s blessing of Japheth dwelling in the tents of Shem.     The descendants of Japheth became pagan Gentiles.

Jacob then gave Joseph’s blessings to them, each given one part of the double portion of inheritance.     Ephraim received the greater portion of blessings over Manasseh.     Through the birthright blessings, Ephraim later took the title of Israel.

The Fourth Era of Blessing, Cursing and Sin

Because God is all knowing, a plan was put in place from the very beginning to save mankind from the corruption of Lucifer and those of the demonic realm.     God loves humanity; His love is unconditional and infinite.     God is forgiving.

God chose the seed of Jacob to be His people.     God sanctified Jacob as His first born forever.     God chose Moses to be a mediator and teacher to his people.     God created the Mosaic covenant through Moses for His people about obeying God’s Word, love and faithfulness, keeping the laws and Commandments.     God through Moses put in place laws and conditions that would keep His chosen people apart from the rest of humanity, whilst proving their love of God.     The Levitical priesthood was established.

Moses gave 613 Mosaic laws for his people to observe according to their station in life.     Most of these laws cannot be followed today, because the Mosaic Levitical priesthood came to an end.     However!     The Ten Commandments are not a part of the Mosaic laws.     They are moral commandments given as a covenant by God, which give governance and guidance for a moral life.     The Ten Commandments help define sin and are used as a measure of righteousness.     Abide by the Ten Commandments; make them the foundation of your life.

Jacob’s seed were to keep the Sabbath of the seventh day, to eat and drink and bless God.     The Sabbath Day was sanctified and blessed by God; those who observe it would be considered holy and blessed.     The Sabbath Day’s defined the Seven Feasts of God, which are to be held in the honour of God.

The Sabbath days and Feasts days of the Old Testament can still be honoured.     How?     The Messiah is a High Priest of the order Melchizedek and he fulfils the priestly portions that are required in the celebrations of the Sabbath and Feasts days.     You simply honour God by the feast requirements applicable to man.

The land of Mizraim (Egypt) corrupted the minds of the Israelites.     Throughout Exodus, the Israelites quailed with Moses, held on to idolatry, feared God’s authority and committed iniquity.     They were punished for their sins and spent forty years in the wilderness.     Before Moses died, he explicitly explained God’s way to the Israelites and the peoples who lived amongst them.

The covenant that God made with them through the Ten Commandments was a marriage covenant that bound God’s people to Him.     Those who abide in the ways of God will be blessed.     Those who separated themselves from God through iniquity will be cursed.     All the people accepted God’s covenant and understood the blessing and cursing of God.

After the death of Moses, Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land.     Joshua carried out God’s mandate, but various people of the tribes of Israel did not fulfil their roles.     Instead of eliminating the descendants of Canaan from the Promised Land, they chose to dwell with them.     This disobedience led to their downfall.

When the house of Israel (Yisra’el) dwelt in their own land they defiled it by their own ways and deeds.     After the death of Joshua, they came under the leadership of the elders.     After the elders the Israelites were again straying away from God.     So God raised eleven men and a woman to act as Judges in order to correct the ways of the Israelites.     But the Israelites were wayward and sought a king to rule them rather than God.     God started to raise prophets to warn the Israelites about their poor choices in life.     The priests were starting to act as badly as the people.

Baal Worship of Molech.

The Fifth Era of Blessing, Cursing and Sin

The iniquity of the Israelites went from bad to evil over time and the curses of God came upon them.     In about 120 years of kings, the Promised Land was divided into northern and southern kingdoms.     These kingdoms grew to despise each other and even warred against each other.     In another 219 years the northern kingdom was lost.     Then about 126 years after that, the southern kingdom was lost.     The Promised Land then became a memory.     However, in the Second Coming, it will be restored back to the descendants of Israel.

The United Kingdom of Israel had 3 kings between 1050 and 930 BC.     Saul was the first king; he went against the word of God.     David was the second king; he committed adultery and had his lover’s husband killed, however he repented after being punished by God and gave himself over to God.     God made the Davidic covenant with David about Kingship and that of shepherd and ruler.

Solomon (David’s son) sought wisdom at first and then partakes in Idolatry through his wives in his latter years.     Solomon was punished through his son Jeroboam, who dealt harshly with the Israelites.     Because of Jeroboam, the United Kingdom of Israel was lost when it was divided into two separate kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Israel was for the 10 northern tribes with its capital being Samaria.     They were the tribes of Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh (who previous divided themselves), Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon and Zebulun.     The Kingdom of Judah was for the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin with its capital being Jerusalem, (The place of God is a city of peace).     Jerusalem is special to God.     The Levites would live amongst the various Houses of Israel accordingly.

The Kingdom of Israel existed between 931 and 712 BC.     It had 20 kings and captains, each one was considered to be bad and/or evil.     The people of the Kingdom of Israel were steeped in idolatry and iniquity.     They practiced Baal worship and some engaged in child sacrifices.     Things went bad for them.

The people of the northern kingdom became known as Israelites and towards the end the house of Ephraim dominated their population.     The Kingdom of Israel was destroyed about 712 BC when the Neo-Assyrian Empire finally conquered it.     Many Israelites were taken captive by the Assyrian’s and were relocated; others fled the land, some by ship.     These Israelites become know as the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.     God punishes these people over time and melds them with the Gentiles.

Never the less, although God divorced himself from the ten tribes of the Israelites, He had plans for His people Israel; He never stopped loving and helping them.     The Israelites left the land of the Assyrian placement and sought Arzareth (another land).     It would be a long journey westward and northerly for at least a year and a half.     They dwelt amongst the Gentiles who would traverse Northern and Central Europa (Europe).     Those who fled earlier by land and sea went through Southern Europa (Europe).     The Israelites mingled and melded with the descendants of Japheth (son of Noah) as they made their way through Europa (Europe) and into Pritanī and the Casseterides (Britain and Islands).

However the Ephraimites and the Manasseh that cleaved to them had another destiny.     Being landlubbers they would seek the seafaring Tarshish people (descendants of Tarshish, son of Javan, son of Japheth), for they were to create a multiple of nations by sea.     The Manasseh (through the Ephraimites and Tarshish seafarers) would choose a good new land and become a great nation.     The Ephraimites with the Tarshish (dwellers of Pritanī), would sail on to find and colonise the land of Sinim (land afar incognito).     They would remain there until the Messiah calls them back to the Promised Land.

Both Ephraim and Manasseh would open their lands to the Gentiles, especially those of their brothers.     For they would always dwell with the Gentiles!

Although God spiritually divorced these people because they broke His covenants through iniquity and sin, He will redeem them, both dead and alive, during the End of Days.

The Kingdom of Judah existed between 931 and 586 BC.     It had 19 kings and 1 queen.     11 of these kings and the queen were considered to be bad and/or evil, although 1 king repented.     4 kings were good and another 4 kings were faithful to God and tried to revive the people into following God’s way.

Over time, the iniquity of the people of Judah became worse than that of the people of the Kingdom of Israel.     Because God made a promise of kingship forever to King David; God did not divorce Himself from the House of Judah.     But God would punish them until the End of Days.     The Babylonians destroyed the Kingdom of Judah and Solomon’s Temple (the First Temple).

God punished all the Israelites for their iniquities and sins.     Both of their kingdoms were lost and never to be established again until the Second Coming.     The Persians and Medes allowed the Judahites to rebuild Jerusalem and their temple (the Second Temple).     The Judahites tried to restore their faith in God.

The Sixth Era of Blessing, Cursing and Sin

During the Grecian Seleucid Empire, the prophecy of King of the North and the King of the South played out.     Later they tried to influence their Hellenistic lifestyle upon on the Judahites and change their faith.     This resulted in the Maccabean Revolt.     By this time the Levitical priesthood had ended and men elected priests.

From the time of the destruction of the First Temple, various religious sects of Judaism started to form.     After the Maccabean Revolt, three religious sects of Judaism became prominent.     These were the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes.

The Pharisees had some Babylonian concepts and enforced Judaism according to their own understanding; overtime they took control over Judaism.     The Sadducees had some Greek concepts and obtained their priesthood by their social standing and wealth; their sect died out between the crucifixion and the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.     The Essenes observed the Law of Moses, the Sabbath days and ritual purity.     They were also heartless.

The Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes controlled Jerusalem and the lands of Judah.     They also tried to influence the neighbouring lands.     They tried to lord their understanding of Judaism over the peoples until the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD.     The Jews of this era viewed those who did not follow Judaism as being Gentiles, either Pagan or Heathen.

Then came the pagan Romans who took control of the lands of the Seleucid Empire including Judah and the surrounding lands.     The Romans suppressed and taxed the people.     But they allowed the people to follow their own religions.     The people of Judah were vexed by the Pharisees and sought a saviour according to the understanding of the teachings, which they knew.

During this period God gave His best blessing.     God put forth His plan of salvation into place.     The teachings of the Messiah confused and embarrassed the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes.     They sought to kill the Messiah, whilst many people accepted his teachings.

The Messiah spread the word about the Kingdom of God is near.     The Messiah’s Apostles spread the Good News about the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of the Messiah’s words and teachings.     The Apostles formed the first church of believers in God’s salvation.     The Apostle’s disciples spread the news of salvation by the Messiah’s crucifixion throughout the Roman Empire.     Those who believed followed in the “Way” of the Messiah.

The Messiah in his brief reign of teaching, showing loving kindness, gave the world the hope of salvation.     The people who were and still are feeling lost to God, now have a way to seek God’s grace of salvation.     As it always was, call on God.     Believe and have faith in God.     Abide by the Ten Commandments.     Accept the Messiah as your saviour and walk in his ways of love.     A simple and loving message to all!

The death of the Messiah brought an end to the old priestly order.     For the Messiah is now a priest in the order of Melchizedek.     From when the Messiah died and the temple veil was torn in two, the Sadducee priests had problems in performing their duties.     The priestly order of the Sadducees faded by 70 AD.

The Romans attacked Jerusalem in 70 AD and destroyed Herod’s Temple (the Second Temple).     They drove the Jews out of Jerusalem and Judea and their diaspora began.     Many Jews would enter Europe and freely settle amongst the Ashkenazi people, (the descendants of Ashkenaz, son of Gomer, son of Japheth).     They would become a Jewish heritage know as Ashkenazi Jews.     Other Jews would be known as Sephardic, Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews.

God and the Romans punished the Jews due to their hearts of stone and misguided practices.     The biblical Hebrew language was lost from about 200 AD.     Their knowledge of Feasts and dates became distorted, especially when they changed calendation due to the Great Persecution of death.     Restoration of the Hebrew language began in the 19th Century.     Modern day Hebrew stems from the Yiddish language of the Ashkenazim from central and eastern European Jews and their descendants.     Their language and alphabet differs from Paleo-Hebrew.

The Seventh Era of Blessing, Cursing and Sin

This era is also known as the Church Era and it doesn’t end until the Great Tribulation with the great falling away.     This is the era when the word of God and the message of salvation is spread to the ends of the earth.     It is a time of repentance.     A time to prepare for the final wheat harvest in Tribulation!     It is also the time, when Jacob’s blessing upon Ephraim and Manasseh is fulfilled and the Times of the End begin to count down.

It is a time when the King of the North and the King of the South is repeated four times; the beast suffers its fatal wound and is later healed.     It is the beginning of Sorrows and the last days.     At the end of Tribulation, on the time of the Second coming, a new covenant will be establish with God’s chosen people.

The antichrist spirit entered the church in its early beginnings.     After the death of the Apostle John (The Revelator) and into the second century, the teachings of Apostles were mingled with paganism.     Paganistic and demonic practices infiltrated the early church over time as more pagans sought Christianity.     The origins of many old practices and traditions are questionable.     Read the Bible to find out the truth for yourself.

The Church of Rome melded pagan feasts into their tradition as they practised anti-Semitism.     They also changed calendation and caused confusion about the Sabbath and Feast days.     These false Sabbath and Feast traditions and other understandings were carried over into the future churches that stemmed from its foundations.     God sanctified the Sabbath Days and the Seven Feasts of God, He is not happy about this.     Just think about the false shepherds!

Establishment Of The Early Churches

The Apostle Andrew (brother of Peter) established the Church of Constantinople.     Andrew died in 62 AD.     The Church of Constantinople’s theology was based on the Apostles Teachings.     The Apostle Peter brought the Apostles Teachings to Rome.     The Apostle Paul ended his teachings in Rome.     During the reign of Emperor Nero, both Peter and Paul were martyred in Rome and they died about 64 AD.     The Romans continued to persecute Christians and Jews alike.

Between 303 and 311 AD, Emperor Diocletian carried out the Great Persecution.     Emperor Galerius then issued an edict of toleration of religious belief.     Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD granting tolerance to all religions, including Christianity.     Constantine was baptised on his deathbed and died in 337 AD.

Three reigning emperors issued the Edict of Thessalonica in 380 AD; they were Theodosius I (emperor of the East), Gratian (emperor of the West) and Gratian’s junior co-ruler Valentinian II.     The Edict of Thessalonica made the Church of Rome official and denounced other Christian creeds.     This caused a major conflict between the Bishops of Rome and the Bishops of Constantinople.

The Roman Empire started to fall apart due to Germanic revolt.     The Western Roman Empire of Europe fell in 476 AD, however Catholicism was entrench throughout its lands of Europe.

The Arabs constantly laid sieges to the Byzantine Empire between 611 and 711 AD.     Southern Europe was constantly under siege between 711 and 900 AD and Christianity was under threat.     Constantinople was under an unsuccessful Arab siege between 717 and 718 AD.

The Church of Rome morphed into Holy Roman Empire from about 800 AD as Catholicism spread further into Europe, it fundamentally lasted until 1806 AD.     The differences of theology between the two main churches caused the Great Schism of 1054 AD.     This divided the Churches even more.     The churches of Western Europe were Catholic and the churches of the Byzantine Empire were known as Eastern Orthodox.

The Church of Rome organised the Crusades to the Holy Land between 1095 and 1291 AD to recover Jerusalem and its surrounding area from Islamic rule.     By this time anti-Semitism was rife in Europe.     Constantinople was besieged 34 times before it fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453 AD; this was the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire.     The Bishops of Constantinople then fled to Russia and Greece.     The Russian Orthodox and the Greek Orthodox became the leading Orthodox Churches.

King James Bible 1611

Bibles Created – The Word Of God Goes Out

In 382 AD Pope Damasus commissioned St Jerome to revise the Vetus Latina Gospels used by the Roman Church.     It became the accepted Bible text within the Western Church.

English Bibles between 735 and 1000 AD were incomplete, handwritten books in Old English.     They mainly consisted of Verses, Gospels, Psalms and other biblical texts extracted from the Vulgate.     From about 1150 AD these personal bibles were written Middle English.     The Vulgate was in the hands of the clergy and only the wealthy were able to obtain selected text to form their personal bible.

The Masoretic Text was the authoritative Hebrew and Aramaic text of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible.     They were old manuscript fragments.     The Masoretes were a group of Jews who primarily copied, edited and distributed their religious text between the 7th and 10th centuries AD.     The Leningrad Codex was made in Cairo in 1008 AD.     It is the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible in Hebrew, using the Masoretic Text and Tiberian vocalization.

Biblical scholars, translators and priests at one time or another began to question Catholicism and the teachings of the church.     So the held texts of old were translated into the native tongue in order to find the truth.     Their various writings were then turned into Bibles.

John Wycliffe (1328-1384 AD) was a Catholic priest that translated his understandings from the Latin Vulgate into English and created his Wycliffe Bible.     The teachings of Catholicism were then questioned.     The Pope’s declared John Wycliffe a heretic, so 44 years after Wycliffe’s death, Pope Martin V instructed churchmen to dig up his bones, burn and crush them, then scatter them in the river.

One of Wycliffe’s followers, John Hus was burned at the stake in 1415 AD, with Wycliffe’s manuscript Bibles used as kindling for the fire.     The last words of John Hus were: “In 100 years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform cannot be suppressed.”      Almost exactly 100 years later came Martin Luther.

Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press in Mainz, Germany during the 1450’s AD and produced the Gutenberg/Mazarin Bible.     It was printed in Latin and each leaf was colourfully hand-illuminated.

In the 1490’s AD Thomas Linacre (Oxford professor and the personal physician to King Henry the 7th and 8th), decided to learn Greek.     He compared the Gospels in Greek to that of the Latin Vulgate.     He wrote in his diary, “Either this (the original Greek) is not the Gospel… or we are not Christians.”     The Latin had become so corrupt that it no longer even preserved the message of the Gospel.     Greek was the original language of the scriptures not Latin.     However, the Church would threaten to kill anyone who read the scripture in any language but Latin.

In 1496 AD, John Colet (Oxford professor), started to read the New Testament in Greek and translated it into English for his students at Oxford.     He later presented it for the public at Saint Paul’s Cathedral in London.     The people were so hungry to hear the Word of God spoken in a language they could understand.     Within six months of his preaching 20,000 people packed in the church and many more were outside.

The Protestant Reformation, a religious reform movement, swept through Europe in the 1500’s AD.     The formation of the Lutheran and Anglican Churches took place as well as Calvinism and other Radical movements.

Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples (1450-1537 AD) was a French philosopher who became a theologian.     His first works were commentaries on the philosophy of Aristotle.     About 1508 AD, he devoted his time to theology and the Bible.     He wrote his commentaries on the Epistles of Saint Paul in 1512 AD, which influenced Martin Luther.

Erasmus was a great scholar who considered the experiences of Linacre and Colet.     He was moved to correct the corrupt Latin Vulgate.     In 1516 AD, Erasmus with the help of printer John Froben, published a Greek-Latin Parallel New Testament.     The Latin was Erasmus’s own fresh rendering of the text from the more accurate and reliable Greek.

Erasmus worked from a half-dozen partial old Greek New Testament manuscripts he had acquired.     He was the first to present a non-Latin Vulgate.     Erasmus’s writings encouraged other scholars to consider the importance of going back to using the original Greek (New Testament) and original Hebrew (Old Testament) languages to maintain accuracy of the scriptures and to translate them faithfully into the languages of the common people.

Textus Receptus (received text) refers to all printed editions of the Greek New Testament from Erasmus’ Novum Instrumentum omne of 1516 AD to the 1633 AD Elzevir edition.     It was the most commonly used text type for Protestant denominations.

In 1517 AD seven people were burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church for the crime of teaching their children to say the Lord’s Prayer in English rather than Latin.

Martin Luther was a German priest who questioned the practice of paying for one’s sins through indulgences.     He produced the Ninety-five Theses of 1517 AD, which he nailed into the church door at Wittenberg on Halloween.     The Theses was a list of 95 issues of heretical theology and crimes of the Roman Catholic Church at that time.

In 1519, Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531 AD) was a Leutpriester (people’s priest) of the Grossmünster in Zürich, where he began to preach ideas on the reform of the Catholic Church.     He departed from the Catholic mass and began to read the Gospel of Matthew using Erasmus New Testament and gave his interpretation during the sermon.     He continued to do this on subsequent Sundays until he reached the end.

Then he proceeded in the same manner with the Acts of the Apostles, the New Testament epistles and finally the Old Testament.     Zwingli went on to question the conditions of church’s practices of indulgence and celibacy and he was at odds with the Anabaptist about baptism.     Zwingli introduced a new communion liturgy to replace the Mass in 1525 AD.

In 1520 AD, Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples founded the “Cenacle of Meaux”, which advocated the preaching of the Scriptures in the parishes.     In 1521 AD he wrote commentaries on the Four Gospels.

Martin Luther produced his own German Bible in 1522 AD.     Luther relied heavily on the Vulgate and not on the original Greek.     It appears that Luther translated according to the Latin and overlaid his own theology onto the text.

In 1524 AD Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples produced his New Testament Bible.     He translated the New Testament from the Latin vulgate into French.     He began with the Epistles and the Gospels.     Now the French people could understand what the priests read out in Latin during the mass.     It was received enthusiastically by the people and contributed to the spread of Luther’s ideas.     About 1525 AD, the Catholic Church wanted his New Testament Bible burnt, but the King intervened.

In 1525 AD the Zürich/Zwinglibibel Bible was produced by the translations of Huldrych Zwingli with the participation of all clerics of Zürich.     It was a High Alemannic (Swiss German) rendition of the New Testament for the benefit of the congregation.     It contained biblical maps.     Zwingli translated Martin Luther’s incomplete works.     About 1529 AD, parts of the Old Testament were added.

Anabaptism appeared in January 1525 AD because of the works and preaching of Huldrych Zwingli.

In 1526 AD William Tyndale produced and printed the English New Testament Tyndale Bible.     It was written in Early Modern English by utilizing the Masoretic Text, Erasmus’ third NT edition (1522 AD) and Martin Luther’s (1522 AD) German Bible.     He translated directly from Hebrew and Greek texts.     It was revised in 1534 AD and the Pentateuch was added 1530 AD, but it is considered to be an incomplete bible.

In 1530 AD, Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples produced the French Bible by translating the whole known biblical text into French.     He was faithful to the spirit and the letter of the Scriptures.

In 1530 AD the Lutheran Church began, when the leaders of the followers of Martin Luther gave an account of their faith before the parliament at Augsburg.

John Calvin was a French theologian and pastor.     He was a Protestant Reformer living in Geneva who broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530 AD.     The preaching of Huldrych Zwingli influenced him.     Because Calvin’s ideology differed from Luther’s, in 1552 AD a Lutheran theologian referred to John Calvin’s ideology as being Calvinism.

Calvinism is a branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice set down by John Calvin and other Reformation-era theologians.     It emphasises the sovereignty of God and the authority of the Bible.

In 1530 AD the Zürich/Zwinglibibel Bible became a Froschauer Bible.     It was also referred as the Leo Jud’s Bible.     It was a complete translation in a single volume, produced by Zwingli and his friend Leo Jud (pastor at the St. Peter parish).     There was an introduction by Zwingli, woodcut illustrations and summaries of each chapter.     It was highly prized among the Swiss Anabaptist’s.     The translation of the Old Testament was revised in 1540 AD and New Testament in 1574 AD.     Verse numbering was introduced in 1589 AD.

In 1534 AD the Anglican Church originated when King Henry VIII split from the Roman Catholic Church, when the pope refused to grant the king an annulment.     The Anglican Church was also known as the Church of England.     Communion separates these two churches.

In 1535 AD Pierre Robert Olivétan produced the Olivetan Bible.     It was written in French and was an improvement of the works of French theologian Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples in 1530 AD.

In 1535 AD Myles Coverdale produced the Coverdale Bible.     It combined the Old and New Testaments including the Apocrypha.     He studied the Masoretic Text, the Greek New Testament of Erasmus, Vulgate and German and Swiss-German Bibles such as the Luther Bible, Zürich Bible and Leo Jud’s Bible in order to produce it.

In 1537 AD Tyndale, Rogers and Coverdale produced the Matthew Bible.     It was written in Early Modern English.     It combined Tynsdal’s New Testament with much of the Old Testament.     It was based on the Masoretic Text, the Greek New Testament of Erasmus, the Vulgate, the Luther Bible and a 1535 AD bible from France, possibly the Olivetan Bible.

In 1539 AD the Taverner’s Bible was produced and written in Early Modern English.     It was a minor revision of Matthew’s Bible.

Myles Coverdale was involved in the Great Bible of 1539 AD, which was authorised by King Henry the VIII.     It was written in Early Modern English and utilised Tyndale’s translation of the Bible.     It was based on Masoretic Text, Greek New Testament of Erasmus, the Vulgate and the Luther Bible.     The Roman Catholic and Anglican churches used it.

The Geneva Bible consisted of the New Testament in 1557 AD and became a complete bible in 1560 AD when the whole of Old Testament was translated direct from Hebrew texts.     It was written in First Early Modern English and was based on the Masoretic Text and Textus Receptus.     The Puritan’s used it.

The Bishops’ Bible is an English translation based on Masoretic Text and Textus Receptus and was authorised by the Church of England in 1568 AD.     Many Bishop’s of the Church compiled the Bishops’ Bible.     Tyndale’s translation of the Bible was also used.

The Codex Bezae Cantabrigensis was known to exist in 1598 AD.     It is an important codex of the New Testament dating from the fifth-century.     It is written in an uncial hand on vellum and contains, in both Greek and Latin, most of the four Gospels and Acts, with a small fragment of the Third Epistle of John.

It is written with one column per page it has 406 parchment leaves out of perhaps an original 534 and the Greek pages on the left face Latin ones on the right.     It is believed that the manuscript was repaired at Lyon in the ninth century as revealed by distinctive ink used for supplementary pages.     It was closely guarded for many centuries in the monastic library of St Irenaeus at Lyon, France.

In 1604 AD King James commissioned a Bible to be translated from the Tynsdale (1526 AD) NT and the Bishops Bible.     In 1611 AD the Kings James Bible (KJV) was published and written in Early Modern English.     It was later revised in 1769.     It was based on Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus, some Erasmus manuscripts and Bezae (1598 AD) TR.     It was widely used by the Anglican, Puritan and Evangelical Protestant churches.     The King James Bible became standard for the majority of Bibles produced today.

What’s To Come?     The New Covenant!

God (Yahuah) will sanctify his great name, which has been profaned among the nations.     God (Yahuah) will be hallowed in His people Israel (Yisra’el) before the eyes of the nations.

God (Yahuah) will take His people Israel (Yisra’el) from among the nations, gather them out of all countries and bring them into their own land.     God (Yahuah) will cleanse them from all their filthiness and idols.     He will give them a new heart and put a new spirit within them; He will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.

God (Yahuah) will put His Spirit within them and cause them to walk in His statutes and they will keep His judgements and do them.     His people Israel (Yisra’el) shall then dwell in the land that He gave to their fathers.     They shall be His people and He will be their God.

The Word Of God Saves

In the beginning the Word was with God.     Through the Word of God the realms of the heavens and the earth were created.     And through God’s Word and the love of humanity a saviour was formed so that the souls of mankind can be redeemed.     The Old Testament of the Bible is a book about God’s love and grace for mankind, whom is plagued by sin.

The Torah consists of the first five books of the Bible, such as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.     The rest of Old Testament consists of retroactive stories and prophecies that still have meaning today and into our future.     The Old Testament divulges God’s plan for mankind.

Read the Gospel… the first four books of the New Testament that record the life of the Messiah and his teachings.     The Good News is that the Kingdom of God is at hand; it gives you a positive way forward in life, something to live for.     The New Testament shows the path to salvation.     Reading and understanding both the Old and New Testaments brings you closer to God in order to be saved.

The Second Judgement

This occurs just after the Second coming.     This is when the Son of God starts to redeem mankind; He will sort out the sheep from the goats.     The sheep are the righteous children of God, those who both lived and died with the acceptance of God.     They will live under rule of the Son of God during His reign of a thousand years.     The goats being those who had problems accepting God are given a second chance of salvation.

Those goats that had died, stay where they were in Sheol.     Those who survived the Great Tribulation will live outside of the land designated for the righteous.     They will have to come to Jerusalem to pay homage to the Son of God or be punished.     During the thousand year reign of the Son of God, they will have the chance to redeem themselves and become one with God.

The Third Judgement

After the end of thousand-year reign of the Son of God, comes the White Throne Judgement.     Those who have been redeemed by God are now in the presence of God because their names are in the Book of Life.     Those who fail to accept the ways of God will face the White Throne Judgement.     Those who are considered evil will be thrown into the Lake of Fire in Sheol as their final judgement.     Those who failed to accept God, face the Books of Life and Death.     Which book they are in depends upon the life they led according to the works of their faith in life.

Those in the Book of Life are redeemed to God.     Those in the Book of Death go to the Lake of Fire in Sheol as their final judgement.     The purging of the angelic and earthly, worldly realms is now completed.

After the White Thrown Judgement comes the renewal of the Earth and the New Jerusalem.     All those who were redeemed by God will now live in the presence of God as mankind was originally created to do.

In Conclusion

God Almighty is a playwright who directs His own plays.     The play of Creation is an interactive, righteous story about love, understanding and the problems of life.     The story is based on the love and acceptance of a forgiving God.     To extrapolate the complexities of the story it is played out over 7,000 years.     The stage is set on earth in a worldly atmosphere.     Mankind are the main players and God makes various cameo appearances of importance.

Those of mankind have various roles to play, some major, some minor, some leading, many following.     There are guest roles and appearances by those of angelic and demonic realms.     The animals, birds, fish, etc, are props, which have their own roles to play.     The grasses, herbs, trees, land and water formations are part of the scenery and play their part in life.

If you want to know the truth of this story, then read the Bible (NKJV).     You can obtain further background information in the Books of Enoch, Uprights (Jasher) and Jubilees.     This is an extraordinary story that can end in either salvation or self-destruction.     Time and circumstances will tell the result.     But!     One must wait to see the outcome.

Your life is a test.     Its outcome depends upon you.     The choices that you make in your life results in the type of life that you will live.

Whilst you live, you can always change the outcomes of your life, it can happen with just one thought.     You can change the outcomes of your life for the better or worse by the thoughts that you have.     However, when you die, the last thoughts that you had regarding your life and the type of life that you were living, determines the state of your rest.     Have Godly and righteous thoughts and rest in peace.

Do you want to be with God (Yahuah) and be saved?
It isn’t that hard!     Seek Him earnestly.

Just walk in the name of the God (Yahuah), call on Him and let Him be your God.
Look for the Son (Yahusha) and believe in Him as your saviour.
Just think about them and accept them, do so and you will not be cast out.
The Messiah (Yahusha) will raise you up at the last day and through God’s grace you will have an everlasting life.

May the grace of a forgiving God fall upon you.



Are You Ready?

Many of those who acknowledge the Son of God believe in the “Rapture”, but there is disagreement amongst them as to when it occurs.     But if it does occur, would you be ready to be taken by the Son of God?

I was sceptical once about biblical understandings, but as my life changed, I read and reread the bible over many years to get a better understanding of myself and where my life was going.     However, the so called “Rapture” had me puzzled.

There is nothing definitive in the Bible about the “Rapture”, but there is a lot about redemption and being redeemed.     The “Rapture” and its understandings has been debated by the church elders since the Wycliffe Bible of 1395 AD and by the church followers since the King James Bible of 1611 AD.     Today the “Rapture” is mainly an eschatological, theological position, held by many Christians, particularly within branches of American evangelicalism.

The Rapture

The “Rapture” is primarily based on three statements in the New Testament, ie:
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-52

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18  (New King James Version – NKJV)
The Comfort of Christ’s Coming
:13  But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep (died), lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.

14  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus (Or: through Jesus sleep).

15  For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep (dead).

16  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.     And the dead in Christ will rise first.

17  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.     And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

18  Therefore comfort one another with these words.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11  (New King James Version – NKJV)
The Day of the Lord
:1  But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.

2  For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

3  For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labour pains upon a pregnant woman.     And they shall not escape.

4  But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.

5  You are all sons of light and sons of the day.     We are not of the night nor of darkness.

6  Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober (self-controlled).

7  For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.

8  But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.

9  For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,

10  who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.

11  Therefore comfort (Or: encourage) each other and edify one another (build one another up), just as you also are doing.

1 Corinthians 15:50-52  (New King James Version – NKJV)
Our Final Victory
:50  Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption.

51  Behold, I tell you a mystery (hidden truth):  We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—

52  in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.     For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

The Meaning of Rapture

The word “Rapture” comes from 1 Thessalonians 4:17, in the phrase “shall be caught up “.
It was stated as harpazō in the original Greek Manuscripts.     The KJV translates Strong’s G726 of harpazō in the following manner:  catch up, take by force, catch away, pluck, catch and pull.     In Biblical usage harpazō means:
– to seize, carry off by force.
– to seize on, claim for one’s self eagerly.
– to snatch out or away.

Now with the reading and rereading of the New Testament statements of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-52 many have concluded that the “Rapture” is a reality in the End Time Prophecies.     That is the Lord (Messiah, Son of God, Yahusha) will rapture the believers before the wrath of God (Yahuah) is experienced.

The sentences of 1 Thessalonians 5:3  “For when they say,  “Peace and safety!”  then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labour pains upon a pregnant woman.     And they shall not escape”, indicates a time around the beginning of the Tribulation.     Or could it be the Great Tribulation due to destruction and woe?     The sentence in 1 Corinthians 15:52 “at the last trumpet” indicates a time when the Kingdom is proclaimed.

It all depends upon the interpretation of the other related prophecies.

The Problems With The Rapture

When is it really?

End Time biblical prophecy can be traced back to the prophet Obadiah of a time between 873 and 841 BC.     The prophets since Obadiah have also made End Time predictions.     These predictions have been proven over time by historical accounts up until a certain point of understanding.     Yes!     Biblical Prophecy has eventuated.     It is held true to date.

The point of understanding reached in the End Time prophecies is up to the catalyst that causes Tribulation.     Is the “Rapture” this catalyst?     Or is it war and/or the threat of the annihilation of Jerusalem that results in a Seven Year Covenant of Peace.     Peace?     Well!     Many will think so at first.

The understandings of “Tribulation” are based on assumptions made on and about the End Time prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments.     These assumptions, although thought to be true, will only be proven by time.     However, the clock is still clicking and time appears to racing away.     Soon time will run out for one’s redemption.

According to one’s own assumption of Tribulation, the Rapture could be Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib or even Post-Trib.     Tribulation is a seven-year period, which is divided into two 3.5 year parts.     The first 3.5 years is referred to as “Birth Pains” as it leads up to the Great Tribulation of the last 3.5 years.     Peace has truly evaporated by the time of the Great Tribulation.

Tribulation begins with the opening of the “First Seal”.     There are seven seals of anguish, the last seal ushers in Trumpets.     There are seven trumpets that herald great trouble.     The last three trumpets bring woe upon mankind.     The seventh trumpet proclaims the Kingdom of the Lord (Yahusha), which ushers in the Seven Bowl Judgements.     I really hope that you are one with God (Yahuah) long before all this.     These judgements are horrendous.

In the case of Pre-Trib, will the “Rapture” take place either before Tribulation or when the Seven Year Covenant of (false) Peace is signed or just as the “First Seal” is broken?     No body really knows when.     But, it is only a matter of time.     Will you be ready if and when it happens?

In the case of Mid-Trib, will it take place just after the Great Tribulation commences and hopefully before the “Fourth Seal” is broken?     I for one do not want to be around when there is widespread death on earth!     A fourth of Earth’s population will perish.     I hope you seek God (Yahuah) and accept the Messiah (Yahusha) long before this.

Post-Trib is about the time of the “Fifth Trumpet” and/or the “Seventh Trumpet”.     At this point of time, the “Day of Wrath” has come and/or the Kingdom is proclaimed.     It has been hell on earth since the “Fourth Seal”.     I can understand why people are praying for a Pre-Trib Rapture.

What Are You Willing To Believe?

I have news for you.     Good news for some, bad news for others.     Tribulation is knocking on the door of time.     Biblical prophecy and history indicate this.     It is soon to come.     Very soon!

If and when does the “Rapture” actually takes place?     I honestly do not know, but I know what happens in the Seven Year Tribulation.     So!     If the “Rapture” is to be, then I hope the sooner the better.

I myself can tolerate some hardship, but the Tribulation is a time of horrendous distress.     If the “Rapture” is a gift of God (Yahuah) to get one over and/or out of the Tribulation experience, then one should prepare themself accordingly.

Redemption and redeeming is mentioned throughout the bible.     All God (Yahuah) wants one to do is accept Him as their fatherly God.     To love Him and walk in the way of His Son!

The Son of God (Yahusha) died through crucifixion for the redemption of ones sins.     The Messiah, the Son of God, is your Saviour.     So!     Accept the grace of God (Yahuah) and walk in the “Way” of the Messiah (Yahusha).     The Messiah abided by the Ten Commandments and taught the benefits of love and how to show it.

The Mixed Multitude

Well!    Are You Ready?

Don’t miss out on God’s (Yahuah’s) grace of salvation.     If the Rapture is to take place prior to Tribulation, make yourself ready to be taken.     It could happen any time now.     So!     Don’t miss out.

Redeeming and redemption occurs throughout Tribulation until the Fifth Trumpet and after that if you have not obtained the seal of God (Yahuah) you will face the three Woes and suffer the Seven Bowls of Judgement.     Do you want to chance this?     Reject God (Yahuah) at your peril.

Don’t miss out on being raptured by God.     For God’s love abounds.     Be sealed and blessed by God (Yahuah) today.     Seek the love of the Messiah (Yahusha) and prepare yourself for the Second Coming.

Don’t be foolish and loose your soul.     Tribulation is a spiritual battle about worship and the works of one’s faith.     Have faith in God (Yahuah) and the Messiah (Yahusha).     Take part in the first resurrection and don’t worry about the second death of the Great White Judgement.     Be with the Saints and the Messiah as they reign for a thousand years.

Well!     Are you ready?
If not, seek God and the Messiah today.
If you are, then I will probably see you in the near future.
Anyway be sealed and blessed by God (Yahuah) and enjoy the millennial reign.

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The Sabbath Rest In The Tomb

The Messiah Yahusha was crucified on the day of Passover for the redemption of mankind.     His rejection, alienation and atonement affected His soul greatly, so He rested in the Tomb of Joseph of Arimathea over the 15th day of the first month.     The 15th day of the month is always a Sabbath Day of Rest, as is the 8th, 22nd and 29th days of each month.    Because the Feast of Unleavened Bread began on this Sabbath day, it was regarded as being a High Sabbath Day.

All but two disciples deserted Yahusha when He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane after the Last Supper, on the day before Passover.     He was denied trice by his disciple Simon called Peter before the cock crowed the next morning, being the Day of Passover (the 14th day of the first month).

Yahusha was judged by the understandings of man from about midnight to dawn.     Dawn (about 6am) and sunrise constituted the first hour of the Israelite twelve-hour day.     Those of the Sanhedrin and the chief priests then took Yahusha to Pontius Pilate to be mocked, then judged.     This would have been during the second hour (possibly between 7am and 8am).     It was the third hour in which Yahusha was crucified (about 9am).     The cross had to be carried, the person and any signage had to be attached to the cross, then the cross anchored in place before the crucifixion took place.

When the Messiah Yahusha was crucified amongest the two thieves, He asked His Father (Yahuah) to forgive them (being all those involved in his fate), for they do not know what they do.

By the fourth hour, the Messiah Yahusha would have been in mental agony due to the enormous weight of the sins of mankind.     He was so concerned about being our saviour that He scarcely felt his physical pain.

By the fifth hour the weight of our sins and two hours of crucifixion was taking His breath away.     He worried about His Father (Yahuah) rejecting Him through the burden of sins that He carried.     At Noon, the sixth hour, darkness covered the cross until the ninth hour.     Then the darkness shifted over to Jerusalem and the Temple, whilst light shone upon the cross.

At the ninth hour (about 3pm) Yahusha cried out:  “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” (“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”).     Then the Messiah Yahusha cried out again “Father into Your hands I commit My spirit”.     With this He took his last breath and yielded up His spirit.

It was then that the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, ending the reign of the priestly order.     The Glory of God (Yahuah) had left the temple, the earth quaked, graves were opened and many bodies of the saints (righteous people) were raised.     Because the hidden holy place could now be seen, the spirit of God (Yahuah) became available to Jews, Israelites and Gentiles alike.

Jospeh of Arimathea and Nicodemus, (a Pharisee that came to Yahusha before), prepared the body of the Messiah for burial during the evening, (being the time of the Passover observation), until just before the dawn of the next day.     They had to complete the burial task before the dawn of High Sabbath Day of the 15th, which commenced the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

The Messiah Yahusha rested in the Tomb over the 15th day of the first month, until the dawn of the next morning.     He arose early, during the dawn of the next morning, being the first day of the following week, the 16th day of the third week of the first month.     Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James) and Salome came to anoint Him early in the morning when the sun had risen, but the tomb was empty.     Yahusha showed himself to Mary Magdalene after the other women had left.

He Has Risen

There are two books that determine our spiritual fate.     The Messiah Yahusha offers redemption of your impure ways so you will not be blotted out of the Book of Life.

The Book of Life is for the righteous and a Book of Death is for those that walk in the paths of impurity.     How you live your life by the works of your faith determines which book your name is written into when you die.     The living must be remorseful for the wrongs that they commit and seek their salvation.     The dead are judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.

Why don’t you take advantage of the salvation that God (Yahuah) offers?     Seek your redemption; be remorseful of your iniquities and walk in the “Way” of the Messiah (Yahusha).     Be saved from spiritual death.


Sorrowful Times

For over the past two thousand years people have heard about wars and rumours of war.     Nations have risen against nations and kingdom against kingdom.     There have been famines, pestilences and earthquakes all around the world. 

However, up to the twentieth century, not everybody was either aware or concerned about these things.     Life continued as normal for most, for the wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes did not specifically affect all the people at any given time.     However, for those whom were affected, it would have been a time of sorrows.

By the 20th century, people began to communicate worldwide.     People were better educated and became more aware of the world around them.     However times of sorrow prevailed.     Wars and rumours of war, famines, pestilences and earthquakes also prevailed.


The worst wars to date were WWW 1 and WWW 2.
World War One (WWWI) disrupted many countries around the world.     The lives lost and the hardship that followed was a time of sorrow for millions of people.     It was declared to be the war to end all wars, but it wasn’t the case.

World War Two (WWWII) was a horrendous waste of lives.     About 4% of the worlds population had shattered lives, whilst the rest had their lives changed forever.     Although many lives were changed for the better over time, peace was and still is elusive.

Major conflicts and wars of the 20th Century:
1899–1902, Boer War, about 46,000 deaths and 30,000 wounded.

1914–1918, First World War, about 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded.

1917–1922, Russian Civil War, about 259,000 deaths and over 1 million wounded.

1919, Third Afghan War, about 2,000 deaths and over 600 wounded.

1919–1921, Irish War of Independence, about 2,300 deaths, countless wounded.

1922–1923, Irish Civil War, about 1,700 deaths.

1936–1939, Spanish Civil War, between 465,000 and 500,000 deaths.

1936–1939, Arab Revolt in Palestine, about 5,874 deaths and 15,500 wounded.

1939–1945, Second World War, 70 to 85 million deaths and countless people wounded.

1944–1948, Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine, about 260 deaths and 912 wounded.

1947, Partition of India, there were about 200,000 to 2 million deaths, whilst 10 to 20 million people were displaced.

1948 onwards, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, more than 31,000 deaths and 32,000 wounded.

1948–1960, Malayan Emergency, about 8,575 deaths and 3,685 wounded.

1949, Yangtze Incident, 42 deaths and 73 wounded.

1950–1953, Korean War, just over 4 million deaths and 1.25 million wounded.

1952–1960, Kenya Emergency, about 23,000 deaths.

1955–1959, Cyprus Emergency, 547 deaths.

1955–1975, Vietnam War, about 1.450 million to 3.595 million deaths and countless wounded.

1956, Suez Crisis, about 4,000 deaths and over 5,800 wounded.

1962–1963, Brunei Revolt, 46 deaths.

1963–1966, Indonesian Confrontation, 838 deaths, 402 wounded.

1963–1967, Aden Emergency, 491 deaths, 2,282 wounded.

1968–1998, The Troubles (Northern Ireland), 3,532 deaths, over 47,500 wounded.

1982, Falklands War, 904 deaths, 2,432 wounded.

1990–1991, Gulf War, up to 54,000 deaths, over 75,000 wounded.

1991–2002, Sierra Leone Civil War, 50,000 to 70,000 causalities, 2.5 million people displaced.

1992–1995, Bosnian War, about 101,000 deaths, over 2 million people displaced.

1998–1999, Kosovo War, over 13,500 deaths, 1.2 to 1.45 million people displaced.

Major conflicts and wars of 21st Century:
2001–2014, War in Afghanistan, over 241,000 deaths.

2003–2011, Iraq War, figures are disputed, could be 268,000 to 295,000 deaths.

2011–present, Libya Conflict, figures are disputed, up to 30,000 deaths.

2011–present, Syria Conflict, figures are disputed, could be 500,000 to 600,000 deaths, about 11.5 million people displaced.

2014–present, Yemen Conflict, about 377,000 deaths.

2014–present, Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, over 11,000 deaths, about 1.2 million people displaced.


During the 20th century an estimated 70 to 120 million people died from famines across the world.     In the 21st century up till 2021 about 690 million were starving.     In 2021 it was estimated that 41 million people were at risk of starving to death.

Famines in the 20th Century:
1921-1922, Soviet Union famine, about 9 million people died.
Massive crop failures due to drought were largely ignored by Vladimir Lenin’s government, which did not respond until it was too late.

1927, North-West China famine, around 3 to 6 million people died.
The famine was triggered by drought and made worse by local warlords and harsh taxes.

1929, China (Hunan) famine, about 2 million people died because of drought and conflict.

1932–1934, Soviet Union (Ukraine) famine, between 7 to 8 million deaths.
People died as a result of Josef Stalin’s massive industrialisation programme in which the government seized grain for exports.     It needed the hard currency to buy industrial equipment.     When people in the Ukraine reported a famine, Stalin punished them by refusing to send them food aid.

1942–1943, China (Henan) famine, about 5 million deaths.
People died as a result of a combination of invasion by Japan and grain seizures by the Chinese army to feed its troops and finance the war.

1943, India (Bengal) famine, between 2.1 and 3 million deaths.
People died as a result of crop failure, the exporting of foods by India’s British administration to Allied soldiers fighting in World War Two, the end of rice imports from Burma following Japanese invasion and a lack of food price controls by the British administration.

1946–1947, Soviet Union (Ukraine and Belorussia) famine, about 2 million deaths.
People died because of drought and government policy, ie: the re-enforcement of agricultural collectivisation policies after World War Two.     This was the last famine in the Soviet Union.

1958–1961, China famine, between 10 and 30 million deaths.
People died as a result of Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward.     His plan involved modernising agriculture and increasing grain production.     Farmers were collectivised into communes of about 25,000 people and had to give the state a large percentage of their crops.     Officials often exaggerated the size of harvests and in many places the entire grain harvest was seized together with livestock, vegetables and cash crops.     China’s leaders appeared to have been unaware of the severity of the famine.     From 1958 until 1961 China doubled its grain exports and cut imports of food.

1970–1979, Cambodia famine, between 1.5 and 2 million deaths.
People died of famine following a decade of conflict.     The first during the civil war from 1970 to 1975, then during the brutal Khmer Rouge era until 1978 and finally in the aftermath of the Vietnamese invasion that ended Khmer Rouge rule in 1979.

1995–1999, North Korea famine, between 2.8 million and 3.5 million deaths.
People died because of a combination of flooding and government policy.

Famines in the 21st Century:
2005–2006, Niger famine, caused a food crisis, which impacted about 3.3 million people, including 800,000 children under age five, in 3,815 villages.

2006, Horn of Africa famine, caused a food crisis, affected about 5.9 million people.

2010, Sahel famine, well over 25 million people were affected.
The Sahel part of Africa includes from west to east parts of northern Senegal, southern Mauritania, central Mali, northern Burkina Faso, the extreme south of Algeria, Niger, the extreme north of Nigeria, the extreme north of Cameroon and Central African Republic, central Chad, central and southern Sudan, the extreme north of South Sudan, Eritrea and the extreme north of Ethiopia.

2011, East Africa famine, due to drought affected about 9.5 million people.

2016–present, Yemen famine, has affected over 24 million people to date.

2017, Somali famine, due to drought affected about 6 million people.

2017–present, South Sudan famine, has affected about 4.9 million people.

2021–present, Madagascar famine, has affected more than a million people.

2021–present, Tigray War famine, has affected about 5.5 million people.


Pestilence today refers to a fatal epidemic disease.
Epidemic is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.    Pandemic is a disease that is prevalent over a whole country or the world.

During the 20th Century there were over 50 pestilences.
However, during the 21st Century there have been about 70 pestilences and still counting.

Pestilences of the 20th Century:
1855–1960, Worldwide, Third Bubonic plague pandemic, 12–15 million deaths (mainly in India and China).

1876, Ottoman Empire, Bubonic plague epidemic, 20,000 deaths.

1894–1929, Hong Kong, Bubonic plague (part of the third plague pandemic), 20,000+ deaths.

1896–1905, Bombay, India, Bubonic plague epidemic (part of the third plague pandemic), 20,788 deaths.

1899, Porto, Portugal, Bubonic plague outbreak (part of the third plague pandemic), 132 deaths.

1899–1923, Europe, Asia, Africa, Sixth Cholera pandemic, 800,000+ deaths.

1900–1904, San Francisco, United States, Bubonic plague epidemic (part of the third plague pandemic), 119 deaths.

1900, Sydney, Australia, Bubonic plague epidemic (part of the third plague pandemic) 103 deaths.

1900–1920, Uganda, African Trypanosomiasis epidemic, 200,000–300,000 deaths.

1901–2009, Kuru, Papua New Guinea, Kuru epidemic, 2,700–3,000+ deaths.

1903, Fremantle, Western Australia ,Bubonic plague epidemic (part of the third plague pandemic), 4 deaths.

1906–1936, Ceylon, Malaria outbreak, 80,000 deaths.

1910–1911, Manchurian, China, Pneumonic and Bubonic plague epidemic (part of the third plague pandemic), 60,000 deaths.

1915–1926, Worldwide, Encephalitis lethargica pandemic, 500,000 deaths.

1916, United States, Poliomyelitis (polio) epidemic, 7,130 deaths.

1918–1920, Worldwide, Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 pandemic (Spanish flu), 17–100 million deaths.

1918–1922, Russia, Typhus epidemic, 2–3 million deaths.

1924, Los Angeles, United States, Pneumonic plague outbreak, 30 deaths.

1924–1925, Minnesota, United States, Smallpox epidemic, 500 deaths.

1927, Montreal, Canada, Typhoid fever epidemic, 538 deaths.

1929–1930, Worldwide, Psittacosis pandemic, 100+ deaths.

1937, Croydon, United Kingdom, Typhoid fever outbreak, 43 deaths.

1937, Australia, Poliomyelitis (polio) epidemic, unknown deaths.

1940, Sudan, Yellow fever epidemic, 1,627 deaths.

1942–1944, Egypt, Malaria epidemic, unknown deaths.

1946, Egypt, Relapsing fever epidemic, unknown deaths.

1947, Egypt, Cholera epidemic, 10,277 deaths.

1948–1952, United States Poliomyelitis (polio) epidemic, 9,000 deaths.

1957–1958, Worldwide, Influenza A virus subtype H2N2 pandemic (Asian flu), 1–4 million deaths.

1960–1962, Ethiopia, Yellow fever epidemic, 30,000 deaths.

1961–1975, Worldwide, Seventh Cholera (El Tor strain) pandemic, 36,000 deaths.

1968–1970, Worldwide, Influenza A virus subtype H3N2 pandemic (Hong Kong flu), 1–4 million deaths.

1971, Staphorst, Netherlands, Poliomyelitis (polio) epidemic, 5 deaths.

1972, Yugoslavia, Smallpox outbreak, 35 deaths.

1972–1973, United States, Influenza A virus subtype H3N2 epidemic (London flu), 1,027 deaths.

1973, Italy, Cholera (El Tor strain) epidemic, 24 deaths.

1974, India, Smallpox epidemic, 15,000 deaths.

1977–1979, Worldwide, Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 pandemic (Russian flu), 700,000 deaths.

1979, Sverdlovsk, Russia, Anthrax leak, 105 deaths.

1981–present, Worldwide, HIV/AIDS pandemic (Human immunodeficiency virus), 36.3 million deaths (as of 2020).

1984, Western Sahara, Bubonic plague, 64 deaths.

1986, Oju, Nigeria, Yellow Fever epidemic, 5,600+ deaths.

1987, Mali, Yellow fever epidemic, 145 deaths.

1988, Shanghai, China, Hepatitis A epidemic, 31–47 deaths.

1991, Bangladesh, Cholera epidemic, 8,410–9,432 deaths.

1991–1993, Latin America Cholera epidemic, 8,000 deaths.
Affected Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala.

1994, India, Bubonic plague and Pneumonic plague, 56 deaths.

1996–2001, United Kingdom, Bovin Spogiform Encephalopathy (BSE) [Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD)] outbreak, 178 deaths.

1996, West Africa, Meningitis epidemic, 10,000 deaths.

1998–1999, Malaysia, Nipah virus infection outbreak, 105 deaths.

1998–2000, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Marburg virus outbreak, 128 deaths.

Pestilences of the 21st Century:
2000, Central America, Dengue fever epidemic, 40+ deaths.

2001, Nigeria Cholera epidemic, 400+ deaths.

2001, South Africa, Cholera epidemic, 139 deaths.

2002–2004, Worldwide, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak, 774 deaths.

2003–2019, China, Southeast Asia and Egypt, Asia and Egypt Avian Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (Avian influenza) epidemic, 455 deaths.

2004, Indonesia, Dengue fever epidemic, 658 deaths.

2004, Sudan, Ebola outbreak, 7 deaths.

2004–2005, Angola, Marburg virus outbreak, 227 deaths.

2005, Singapore, Dengue fever outbreak, 27 deaths.

2006, Luanda, Angola, Cholera epidemic, 1,200+ deaths.

2006, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo,  Bubonic plague epidemic, 61 deaths.

2006, India,  Malaria outbreak, 17 deaths.

2006, India, Dengue fever outbreak, 50+ deaths.

2006, Pakistan, Dengue fever outbreak, 50+ deaths.

2006, Philippines, Dengue fever epidemic, 1,000 deaths.

2006–2007, East Africa, Rift Valley fever outbreak, 394 deaths.

2007, Mweka, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ebola epidemic, 187 deaths.

2007, Ethiopia Cholera epidemic, 684 deaths.

2007, Iraq, Cholera outbreak, 10 deaths.

2007, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Mexico, Dengue fever epidemic, 183 deaths.

2007, Uganda, Ebola outbreak, 37 deaths.

2007, Netherlands, Q-fever epidemic, 95 deaths.

2008, Brazil, Dengue fever epidemic, 67 deaths.

2008, Cambodia, Dengue fever epidemic, 407 deaths.

2008, Chad, Cholera epidemic, 123 deaths.

2008–2017, China, Hand, Foot and Mouth disease epidemic, 3,322+ deaths.

2008, India, Cholera epidemic, 115 deaths.

2008, Madagascar, Bubonic plague outbreak, 18+ deaths.

2008, Philippines, Dengue fever epidemic, 172 deaths.

2008–2009, Zimbabwe, Cholera outbreak, 4,293 deaths.

2009, Bolivia, Dengue fever epidemic, 18 deaths.

2009, Gujarat, India, Hepatitis B outbreak, 49 deaths.

2009, Queensland, Australia, Dengue fever outbreak, 503 cases, 1+ deaths.

2009–2010, West Africa, Meningitis outbreak, 1,100 deaths.

2009–2010, Worldwide, Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (Swine Flu) pandemic, 18,449 deaths (reported to the WHO), estimated death toll 284,000, possible range 151,700–575,400 deaths.

2010–2019, Haiti, Cholera (strain serogroup O1, serotype Ogawa) outbreak, 10,075 deaths.

2010–2014, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Measles outbreak, 4,500+ deaths.

2011, Vietnam, Hand, Foot and Mouth disease epidemic, 170 deaths.

2011, Pakistan, Dengue fever outbreak, 350+ deaths.

2012, Darfur, Sudan, Yellow fever outbreak, 171 deaths.

2012–present, Worldwide, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) outbreak, 941 deaths (as of 8 May 2021).

2013, Singapore, Dengue fever outbreak, 8 deaths.

2013–2014, Vietnam, Measles outbreak, 142 deaths.

2013–2015 Americas, Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) pandemic outbreak, 183 deaths.
It was first reported in the French region of the Caribbean island of St Martin and it spread rapidly throughout the region.     It was then identified in Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

2013–2016, Worldwide, Western African Ebola (virion) virus epidemic, 11,323+ deaths.     It was primarily concentrated in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

2013–2019, China, Influenza A virus subtype H7N9 (Avian influenza) epidemic, 616 deaths.

2014, Madagascar, Bubonic plague outbreak, 292 deaths.

2014, Odisha, India, Primarily Hepatitis E but also Hepatitis A (Jaundice) outbreak, 36 deaths.

2014–2015, Flint, Michigan, United States, Legionnaires disease (Flint water crisis), 12 deaths.

2015 India, Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (Indian swine flu) outbreak, 2,035 deaths.

2015–2016, Worldwide, Zika virus epidemic, 53 deaths.

2016, Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yellow fever outbreak, 498 deaths, (377 in Angola, 121 in Congo).

2016–2021, Yemen, Cholera outbreak, 3,981 deaths (as of December 2020).

2017, Peshawar, Pakistan, Dengue fever outbreak, 69 deaths.

2017, Gorakhpur, India, Japanese Encephalitis outbreak, 1,317 deaths.

2017, Sri Lanka, Dengue fever outbreak, 440 deaths.

2018, Kerala, India, Nipah henipavirus infection outbreak, 17 deaths.

2018–2020, Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, Ebola epidemic, 2,280 deaths.

2018–present, Italy, New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (NDM-CRE) outbreak, 31 deaths (as of September 2019).

2019, Philippines, Measles outbreak, 415 deaths.

2019, Kuala Koh, Malaysia, Measles outbreak, 15 deaths.

2019, Samoa, Measles outbreak, 83 deaths.

2019–2020, Asia-Pacific and Latin America, Dengue fever epidemic, 3,930 deaths.

2019–2020, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Measles outbreak, 7,018+ deaths.

2019–2020, New Zealand, Measles outbreak, 2 deaths.

2019–present, Nigeria, Lassa fever epidemic, 247 deaths (as of May 2021).

2019–present, Worldwide, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, 6–23 million+ (as of February 21, 2022).

2020, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ebola outbreak, 55 deaths.

2020, Nigeria, Yellow fever epidemic, 296 deaths (as of 31 December 2020).

2021–present, India, Black fungus (COVID-19 associated mucormycosis) epidemic, 4,332 deaths.


Earthquakes have a Magnitude key ie:
ML = Local magnitude (Richter)
MS = Surface wave magnitude
Mw = Moment magnitude

In the 21st century up until 2020, earthquakes have killed more than 657,000 people.     Many more have been injured and made homeless.

In 2020, there were 8 quakes of magnitude 7.0 or above, 116 quakes between 6.0 and 7.0, 1689 quakes between 5.0 and 6.0, 12,720 quakes between 4.0 and 5.0, 38,964 quakes between 3.0 and 4.0, and 85,253 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0.

2021 was a very active period for global seismicity, with 19 major earthquakes, three of which were over 8.0 in magnitude.     So far in 2022 up to February there has been 27 earthquakes between 6.0 and 6.9, 246 earthquakes between 5.0 and 5.9 and 1,723 earthquakes between 4.0 and 4.9.

Worst Earthquakes of the 20th Century:
1902, China, Qing dynasty, Turkestan earthquake, Magnitude 7.7, 10,000 deaths.

1905, India, Kangra earthquake, Magnitude 7.8 Ms, 20,000 deaths.

1906, Ecuador and Colombia, Ecuador–Colombia earthquake, Magnitude 8.8, 500-1,000 casualties.

1907, Tajikistan, Qaratog earthquake, Magnitude 7.3 Ms, 12,000 deaths.

1908, Italy, Messina earthquake, Magnitude 7.1 Ms, 82,000 deaths.

1915, Italy, Avezzano earthquake, Magnitude 6.7 Ms, 32,610 deaths.

1917,Samoa, Samoa earthquake, Magnitude 8.5, 2 deaths.

1920, China, Haiyuan earthquake, Magnitude 7.8 Ms, 273,400 deaths.

1922, Atacama, Chile, Vallenar earthquake, Magnitude 8.5, 100 deaths.

1923, Japan, Great Kantō earthquake, Magnitude 8.2, 142,800 deaths.

1927, China, Gulang earthquake, Magnitude 7.6, 40,900 deaths.

1931, China, Fuyun earthquake, Magnitude 8, 10,000 deaths.

1934, India, Nepal–India earthquake, Magnitude 8, 12,000 deaths.

1935, Pakistan, Quetta earthquake, Magnitude 7.7, 60,000 deaths.

1938, Banda Sea, Indonesia, Banda Sea earthquake, Magnitude 8.5, 17,000 deaths.

1939, Turkey, Erzincan earthquake, Magnitude 7.8, 32,700 deaths.

1939, Chile, Chillán earthquake, Magnitude 8.3 Ms, 28,000 deaths.

1944, Argentina, San Juan earthquake, Magnitude 7.8, 10,000 deaths.

1946, Aleutian Island, United States, Aleutian Islands earthquake, Magnitude 8.6, 165-173 casualties.

1948, Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR), Ashgabat earthquake, Magnitude 7.3 Ms, 110,000 deaths.

1950, India-China, Assam–Tibet earthquake, Magnitude 8.7, 1,526 deaths.

1952, Kamchatka, Russia, Severo-Kurilsk earthquake, Magnitude 9, 2,336 deaths.

1957, Alaska, United States, Andreanof Islands earthquake, Magnitude 8.6, no casualties.

1960, Morocco, Agadir earthquake, Magnitude 5.8, 12,000 deaths.

1960, Chile, Valdivia earthquake, Magnitude 9.4–9.6, 1,000-6,000 deaths.

1962, Iran, Buin Zahra earthquake, Magnitude 7.1 ML, 12,225 deaths.

1963, Kuril Islands, Russia, Kuril Islands earthquake, Magnitude 8.5, no casualties.

1964, Alaska, United States, Alaska earthquake, Magnitude 9.2, 115 deaths.

1965, Alaska, United States, Rat Islands earthquake, Magnitude 8.7, 131 deaths.

1968, Iran, Dasht-e Bayaz and Ferdows earthquakes, Magnitude 7.4, 15,000 deaths.

1970, Peru, Ancash earthquake, Magnitude 7.9, 70,000 deaths.

1970, China, Tonghai earthquake, Magnitude 7.1, 15,621 deaths.

1972, Nicaragua, Nicaragua earthquake, Magnitude 6.3, 11,000 deaths.

1976, China, Tangshan earthquake, Magnitude 7.6, 242,000 deaths.

1976, Guatemala, Guatemala earthquake, Magnitude 7.5, 23,000 deaths.

1978, Iran, Tabas earthquake, Magnitude 7.4, 15,000 deaths.

1980, Washington, United States, Mount St. Helens earthquake, Magnitude 5.1, about 57 deaths.

1985, Mexico, Mexico City earthquake, Magnitude 8, 10,000 deaths.

1988, Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR), Armenian earthquake, Magnitude 6.8 Ms, 25,000 deaths.

1990, Iran, Manjil–Rudbar earthquake, Magnitude 7.4, 50,000 deaths.

1999, Turkey, İzmit earthquake, Magnitude 7.6, 17,127 deaths.

Worst Earthquakes of the 21st Century:
2001, India, Gujarat earthquake, Magnitude 7.7, 20,085 deaths.

2001, Peru, Southern Peru earthquake, Magnitude 8.4, 145 deaths.

2002, Afghanistan, Hindu Kush earthquake, Magnitude 6.1, 1,000 deaths.

2002, United States, Denali earthquake, Magnitude 7.9, 0 deaths.

2003, Iran, Bam earthquake, Magnitude 6.6, 26,271 deaths.

2003, Japan, Tokachi earthquake, Magnitude 8.3, 0 deaths.

2004, Indonesia, Indian Ocean, Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, Magnitude 9.1, 227,898 deaths.

2005, Pakistan, Kashmir earthquake, Magnitude 7.6, 87,351 deaths.

2005, Indonesia, Nias–Simeulue earthquake, Magnitude 8.6, 1,313 deaths.

2006, Indonesia, Yogyakarta earthquake, Magnitude 6.4, 5,782 deaths.

2006, Russia, Kuril Islands earthquake, Magnitude 8.3, 0 deaths.

2007, Peru, Peru earthquake, Magnitude 8, 519 deaths.

2007, Indonesia, Sumatra earthquakes, Magnitude 8.5, 23 deaths.

2008, China, Sichuan earthquake, Magnitude 7.9, 87,587 deaths.

2009, Indonesia, Sumatra earthquakes, Magnitude 7.6, 1,115 deaths.

2009, Samoa, Samoa earthquake and tsunami, Magnitude 8.1, 192 deaths.

2010, Haiti, Haiti earthquake, Magnitude 7, 160,000 deaths.

2010, Chile, Chile earthquake, Magnitude 8.8, 525 deaths.

2011, Japan, Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Magnitude 9, 20,896 deaths.

2012, Iran, East Azerbaijan earthquakes, Magnitude 6.4, 306 deaths.

2012, Indonesia, Indian Ocean, Indian Ocean earthquakes, Magnitude 8.6, 10 deaths.

2013, Pakistan, Balochistan earthquakes, Magnitude 7.7, 825 deaths.

2013, Russia, Okhotsk Sea earthquake, Magnitude 8.3, 0 deaths.

2014, China, Ludian earthquake, Magnitude 6.1, 729 deaths.

2014, Chile, Iquique earthquake, Magnitude 8.2, 6 deaths.

2015, Nepal, Nepal earthquake, Magnitude 7.8, 8,964 deaths.

2015, Chile, Illapel earthquake, Magnitude 8.3, 14 deaths.

2016, Ecuador, Ecuador earthquake, Magnitude 7.8, 673 deaths.

2016, Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands earthquakes, Magnitude 7.9, 0 deaths.

2017, Iran and Iraq, Iran–Iraq earthquake, Magnitude 7.3, 630 deaths.

2017, Mexico, Chiapas earthquake, Magnitude 8.2, 98 deaths.

2018, Indonesia, Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami, Magnitude 7.5, 4,340 deaths.

2018, Fiji, Fiji earthquake, Magnitude 8.2, 0 deaths.

2019, Albania, Albania earthquake, Magnitude 6.4, 51 deaths.

2019, Peru, Peru earthquake, Magnitude 8, 2 deaths.

2020, Turkey and Greece, Aegean Sea earthquake, Magnitude 7, 119 deaths.

2020, United States, Alaska Peninsula earthquake, Magnitude 7.8, 0 deaths.

2021, Haiti, Haiti earthquake, Magnitude 7.2, 2,248 deaths.

2021, United States, Chignik earthquake, Magnitude 8.2, 0 deaths.

2022, Afghanistan, Afghanistan earthquake, Magnitude 5.3, 28 deaths.

Tectonic plate movements are the main causes of earthquakes and volcanic eruption.     In the 20th century there were about 76 large volcanic eruptions, which caused over 83,000 deaths.     So far in the 21st century, up till February 2022, there have been 46 large volcanic eruptions, which resulted in about 4, 700 casualties.

As Time Goes On

In respect to wars and rumours of war, nations rising against nations and kingdom against kingdom, famines, pestilences and earthquakes, these are becoming worse and worse all around the world as time goes on.     You do not hear or see about all these things due to a veil of blindness that is upon this world.

But now is the time to become aware of the Time of Sorrows.     Open your eyes and listen.
Sorrows leads into Tribulation and then travails like birth pains.
It is time to get your hands on the Bible (KJV or NKJV preferred) and start reading.

It is now February in 2022 and people are watching Russia invade Ukraine.
But!     Do people know what is really going on.

Get yourself a Bible or go to website such as this:
Read… Ezekiel 38 and 39

Gog, the prince of Rosh, is forming the land of Magog.     Meshech and Tubal will yield.     But watch Syria, Persia and Israel.     Israel will strike when provoked.     But it will come at a cost.

Be Aware of Tribulation

Tribulation is near!
Look out for the Prevailer.     The one who presents and/or proclaims the seven-year covenant of peace.     He is the deceptive Antichrist.     Do not follow him.

The seven-year covenant of peace comes at a cost… one world government, common religious belief and common economics.     It may look good on the surface, but the big reset will cause nothing but trouble.     They say that the Jews will start their daily sacrifices about 6 months into Tribulation.     Watch out for this… it is a sign of the time.

The antichrist will go out conquering and to conquer for he seeks power.
But peace will be taken from this Earth and people will start killing each other again.     Then scarcity will come upon Earth.     Prices will rise, but the oil and wine, (the people of God), will not be harmed.

Now is the time to yield to God and follow the Messiah     Repent and walk in the way of the Messiah.     Read the Bible for direction.     For what follows this is widespread death on Earth.     Over a fourth of the people of Earth will be killed by the sword, with hunger, with death (probably through fright) and by the beasts of the earth.

Do not be stupid.     Seek God now and accept the Messiah and his ways.
Seek redemption before it is too late.

May you have solace through the grace of God!